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更新时间:2023-09-22 浏览次数:29 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose (选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同或不同类的一项) (16分)
  • 1. 选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同或不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . nurse B . world C . warm
    2. (2)
      A . little B . clean C . battle
    3. (3)
      A . art B . library C . PE
    4. (4)
      A . first B . thirty C . fifteen
    5. (5)
      A . cow B . goat C . sock
  • 2. 选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同或不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . under B . near C . eat
    2. (2)
      A . size B . glove C . scarf
    3. (3)
      A . sunny B . eighty C . windy
二、Read and choose. (选择正确的选项,填入序号。) (10分)
三、Read and choose (从右栏中选出与左栏相匹配的答句,填入序号。) (8分)
  • 13. 从右栏中选出与左栏相匹配的答句,填入序号。



    Do you have a music room?        

    A. Yes, you can.

    What's for lunch?      

    B. They're green beans.

    Where is the teacher' office?     

    C. They're Jack's.

    Can I have some soup?            

    D. Yes, we do.

    Whose gloves are these?            

    E. It's 50 dollars.

    How many cows do you have?    

    F. Chicken.

    How much is the dress?            

    G. It's next to Classroom 1.

    What are these?          

    H. I have thirteen.

四、Read and choose (从方框中选择合适的选项,补全对话)(6分)
  • 14. 从方框中选择合适的选项,补全对话

    A. It's time to get up.

    B. Can I wear my new shirt?

    C. It's very hot today.

    D. Whose is it?

    E. It's 7:00.

    F. I think it's in Tim's bedroom.

    Tom: Mum, what time is it?

    Mum: . Hurry up!

    Tom: OK!

    Mum: No, you can't. You can wear your new T-shirt.

    Tom: OK. Oh no! The T-shirt is too big.

    It's not mine.

    Mum: Ha-ha. I's Tim's!

    Tom: But where is my new T-shirt?


    Tom: Oops!

    Tim: Mum! My new T-shirt is too small!

    Tom&Mum: Ha-ha.

五、Read, choose and write. (读一读,根据图片仿照例句选择合适的词汇替换斜体词汇造句,并在四线格上规范书该写句子) (10分)
  • 15. 读一读,根据图片仿照例句选择合适的词汇替换斜体词汇造句,并在四线格上规范书该写句子

    these,  jacket,  music class,  playground,  cloudy,  warm,  tomatoes,  that,  yours

    1. (1) It's rainy and cold.


    2. (2) This is the library.


    3. (3) Those are sheep. They're cute.

        They're red.

    4. (4) Is the coat Mike's?


    5. (5) It's time for dinner. Let's eat some rice.

        Let's sing.

六、Read and judge. (读短文,完成任务)(5分)
  • 16. 读短文,完成任务

    Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. We will go outside and have a picnic Now, it's 6:10 p.m. I'm in a supermarket. I want to buy some vegetables and fruits to make salad. I want to buy some milk and juice, too. They're on the first floor. I need a pair of new shoes. They're on the second floor. I like the pink ones. They're pretty and cheap.

    It's six fifty now. It's time to go home. Oh, no! It's rainy. I have to (得) buy an umbrella!

    1. (1)  is my receipt (收条).




      6:10 pm

      ltem          Qty

      7:10 pm

      ltem          Qty

      7:10 pm

      ltem    Qty

      tomato      2

      carrot        1

      apple         2

      milk           3

      umbrella    1

      shoes         1

      tomato      2

      apple         2

      milk           3

      juice           5

      shoes         1

      umbrella    1

      carrot    1

      apple    2

      milk      3

      juice      5

      water    1

      shoes    1

    2. (2) The word of "supermarket" means     .
      A . 商场 B . 农场 C . 超市
    3. (3) Today is warm and sunny.
    4. (4) Vegetables are on the second floor.
    5. (5) The pink shoes are pretty and cheap.

