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更新时间:2023-09-20 浏览次数:22 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据发音规则,选择并补全单词

    or      al      er      le

    1. (1) I see a little apple on the tab.
    2. (2) My sister plays computer games after dinn.
    3. (3) York draws a wld map as homework.
    4. (4) Look! A ball is on the tall wl.
  • 2. 理解单词意思,选出同类单词,将正确的选项填在横线上。

    A. breakfast   B. windy   C. socks    D. get up   E. music room   F. carrots

    1. (1) library   Classroom  
    2. (2) lunch   dinner  
    3. (3) rainy   snowy  
    4. (4) potatoes   green beans  
    5. (5) pants   sweater  
    6. (6) go to bed   go to school  
  • 13. 阅读对话,选择正确的选项,选项中有一个是多余的哦
    A. What's the weather like today?
    B. It's 7:20.
    C. Yes, you can.
    D. Can I help you?
    E. Just a minute.
    F. Are these yours?      

    Mum: Jim, time to get up.
    Jim: What time is it?
    Mum: It's late.
    Jim: OK! I'll get up.
    Mum: It's sunny and hot.
    Jim: Can I wear my shorts?
    Mum:  Breakfast is ready. Hurry up.
    Jim:  Where are my shorts?
    Mum: I see the black ones on the sofa.
    Jim: Yes, they are.
    Mum: Oh, Jim. Whose T-shirt is this? It's too big for you.
    Jim: Silly me. It's my father's.
  • 14. 暑假Li Lei和父母去悉尼旅行,阅读悉尼的旅游简介,完成以下两个任务。

    1. (1) 阅读旅行简介,帮助Li Lei完成旅行准备单。

      A.    B.     C.

      A. scarf   B. sunglasses   C. gloves

      A. water the flowers on the beach

      B. make a snowman on the beach

      C. play with balls on the beach

      A. pandas   B. giraffes   C. tigers

    2. (2) 帮助Li Lei算一算门票的花费。

      Li Lei and his parents want to go to Sydney Zoo. The tickets are        in total.

      A . $28 B . $56 C . $84
  • 15. 你知道中国生肖吗?阅读海报poster,选择正确的选项

    1. (1) The rabbit has        .
      A . a long body B . long ears C . a long tail
    2. (2) In Chinese old stories, the dragon is a        animal.
      A . cute B . quiet C . great
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "smart"mean ? It means       .
      A . 聪明的 B . 调皮的 C . 强壮的
    4. (4) Lily's dad was born(出生于) in 1977. He is a        .
      A . rabbit B . dragon C . snake
    5. (5) Which is the best title(标题) for this poster?
      A . Chinese Food B . Chinese New Year Animals C . Chinese School
  • 16. 书面表达。
    1. (1) 帮Amy写一写学校介绍,选择正确的词,抄写在四线格上。

                                                       Welcome to our school

      Our school is nice.

      This is the library.

      It's on the ① floor.

      It's next to the ② room.

      I can see many books in it.

      I can see some ③, too.

      music   second   computers

      Our school is ④.

      This is the playground.

      What ⑤ is it?

      It's two o'clock.

      It's time for ⑥.

      It's my favorite class.

      time   big   PE class

    2. (2) 参照上文加粗黑体句子,并根据图片正确书写句子。



