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更新时间:2023-09-22 浏览次数:18 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据发音规则,选择正确的选项。

    A. plate     B. sing     C. three    D. grows    E. chicken

    1. (1) I often   songs for the young baby in the morning.
    2. (2) Children have  sandwiches for lunch.
    3. (3) Grace's grandpa  green grapes in the garden.
    4. (4) The thin pig with "path"on dress is months old.
    5. (5) Pluto, don't play with the , please.
  • 2. 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词。

    A. spring   B. climbing   C. first    D. February   E. usually   F. theirs

    1. (1) eating   drinking    
    2. (2) June    August    
    3. (3) winter    summer    
    4. (4) often    sometimes    
    5. (5) hers   mine    
    6. (6) fifth   third    
  • 17. 时隔20年,在美旅居的熊猫丫丫终于回归祖国, Lily正在和朋友谈论这个话题。

    Ann: Wow, what a beautiful hat!          

    Lily: No, it's Tina's.                                    

    Ann: OK. 

    Lily: She is painting a special panda in the art room.

    Ann: Cool! Is this Panda YaYa?

    Lily:   YaYa will come back to China soon. 

    Ann: When will she return home?

    Lily:   Let's watch live(直播) on that day.

    Ann: Oh, no! That's Thursday.

    Lily: Do you have any activities after school?

    Ann: Yes, I will go to my cousin's birthday party.


    A. On April 27th.

    B. Is it yours, Lily?

    C. Yes, it is.

    D. What is Tina doing now?

    E. You are so busy!

  • 18. Lily的学校举办了"迎亚运·海报展",看看海报上介绍了哪些民俗节日吧!

    1. (1) 选择的正确的选项(一个多余项)。

      A. January 5th          B. Yunnan

      C. Keep clean!          D. splash(洒) water on each other



    2. (2) Which picture is for Water Splashing Festival?
      A . B . C .
    3. (3) These passages are about         .
      A . different cities B . special festivals C . exciting shows
  • 19. 今年6月1日,电影《天空之城》在全国院线公映,一起来看一看吧!

    1. (1) This text is       .
      A . a diary B . a poster C . an invitation
    2. (2) Can we talk loudly in Dadi Cinema?
      A . No, we can't. B . Yes, we can. C . No, we don't.
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "line up" means         .
      A . 拼团 B . 排队 C . 上网
    4. (4) Lily wants to see the film with her parents. She should pay       .
      A . 40 Yuan B . 100 Yuan C . 160 Yuan
    5. (5) Which one is NOT true?
      A . We can see the film on the first day of June. B . We can sit freely(随意)in the cinema. C . We can buy tickets on Meituan.
  • 20. Lily的日记里记录了一些特别的日子,阅读日记,选择正确选项。

    Feb. 5th

    Today is Lantern Festival. We see beautiful lanterns everywhere.  Look at my photo.  I am eating sweet dumplings with my family.  The dumplings are for happiness and good luck. The more we eat, the happier we are.


    Mar. 2wd

    Today we have an English party. Some students sing

    English songs and dance. We speak English all day.

    At 6 p.m. we enjoy an English play in the

    art hall. Look! We are acting out the story.


    April. 23rd

    Today is World Reading Day. Books are our good friends. Some students read poems and make book cards. I am sharing my favourite books with my friend.  It is a kind of enjoyment!


    May. 7th

    Today I am in the Pet Carnival(嘉年华) in the park. More than 300 dogs have fun in the Frisbee(飞盘) match and other interesting games. My cousin's dog wins the sports games in the end.

    I cheer for her dog. Hooray!


    1. (1) When is Lantern Festival?
      A . On February 15th. B . On March 17th. C . On February 5th.
    2. (2) At the English party, Lily can       .
      A . play the piano B . speak Chinese C . enjoy an English play
    3. (3) Lily is        in World Reading Day.
      A . reading a poem B . sharing books C . making book cards
    4. (4) Maybe Lily feel         in the Pet Carnival.
      A . sad B . happy C . tired
    5. (5) What's the best title (标题) of Lily's diary?
      A . My special days B . A nice English party C . My lovely pet
  • 21. 书面表达。
    1. (1) 在英语派对中,同学们正在分享自己最喜欢的季节,根据图片完成。

      Different People Like Different Seasons

      There are four beautiful seasons in a year.

      Lily likes   best. The weather is sunny and warm. Lily can do many fun things. She can plant trees, fly kites and  .

      Tim likes autumn best. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. The weather is  . Tim can do many fun things. He can pick apples and have a birthday party on  .

    2. (2) 那么你最喜欢哪个季节呢?仿照上文格式完成下题,注意书写格式(完全照抄不得分。)

      I like   ▲   best.                           

      The weather is  ▲ .

      l can do many fun things.

      l can  ▲  .

      I can   ▲ .              

