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更新时间:2023-09-22 浏览次数:36 类型:期末考试
  • 9. 读一读,选择恰当的句子补全对话,将句子编号写在相应的横线上。

    A Did you catch any fish?

    B. It was great fun.

    C. Why did you call me?

    D. What did you do there?

    E. Where did you go for the holiday?

    Mike: Hello, Joe!  I called you, but you weren't at home.

    Joe: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.


    Joe: We went to the Bund and visited Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. How was your holiday, Mike?

    Mike:  Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing.


    Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish!

    Joe: That's great.

    Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish.

    Joe: Where's the fish now?

    Mike: I ate it!

  • 10. 读一读,完成表格,每空一词。

    Miss Jackson: Hello, kids. Today we're going to talk about healthy habits. What should we do to keep healthy? What are your ideas?

    Ted: I don't think hamburgers, sandwiches and ice cream are healthy. We shouldn't eat them every day.

    Sara: I agree. We should eat more fruit and vegetables, and less meat and candy. To be healthy, we should also keep clean: wash our hands before eating and brush our teeth twice a day.

    Tony: We should also exercise often. We should exercise at least one hour a day. Sports are good for us.

    Shery: We shouldn't watch too much TV or play computer games for too long. We should also get enough sleep every day.

    Bill: I think we should be happy every day. That's good for keeping healthy.

    Miss Jackson: Yes, you are right, Bill. We should always be happy!

    Tips for keeping healthy

    Don't eat food every day.

    Eat more and .

    Eat less meat and .

    Keep .

    Don't watch too much .

    Don't play games for too long.

    at least one hour a day.

    Get enough and be every day.

  • 11. 读一读,完成后面的题目。

    Today, I read a book about Helen Keller.

    Helen Keller is a famous writer In 1903, she was 23 and wrote the book The Story of My Life. In the book, she talked about her life.

    Many people still like to read this book.

    When Helen was nineteen months old, she was very sick and became deaf and blind.

    Helen was very sad because she could not hear or see. Anne Sullivan then became her teacher, and helped her to talk with her hands. Later, Helen went to school and learned to read. She also learned to write, and she wrote 12 books.

    1. (1) What did Helen do?
    2. (2) What happened to Helen when she was nineteen months old?
    3. (3) How many books did Helen write?
    4. (4) The Story of My Life is about Helen Keller's life.
    5. (5) Helen could not hear or talk.
    6. (6) Anne Sullivan was Helen's teacher.
    7. (7) Helen did not go to school.
    8. (8) Helen could not read or write.

