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更新时间:2023-09-11 浏览次数:24 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . between B . behind C . bike
    2. (2)
      A . sandwiches B . does C . bananas
    3. (3)
      A . thirsty B . dance C . drink
    4. (4)
      A . Monday B . Sunday C . weekend
    5. (5)
      A . their B . him C . you
  • 2. 根据情境选择合适的选项补全对话内容,七个选项只选五个,把序号填在对应的位置上。

    A. Are they bears?

    B. Are there any bears at the zoo?

    C. What do you often do on the weekend?

    D. What about you?

    E. What can they do?

    F. Let's go to the zoo together!

    G. Can they swim?

    Mike: Hi, John, weekend is coming.

    John: My parents are busy. I often stay at home and listen to music.

    Mike: I like animals. I often go to the zoo.

    John: That sounds good.

    Mike: It will be sunny this weekend.

    John: Great!

    Mike: Yes, there are.

    John: Of course. They can swim very well

    Mike: I think we can have a good time there.

  • 13. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Hi, my name is Tom. I like Chinese very much. My favourite food is fish and rice. I'm helpful at home. I can clean my room. Today is Saturday. I often read books, play the piano and go running. My house is near a river. There is a park behind my house. I often go running in the park. There are many flowers in the park. I love my house. What about you?

    1. (1) Tom likes fish and rice.
    2. (2) Tom isn't helpful at home.
    3. (3) Tom often goes swimming in the park.
    4. (4) Tom's house is in front of the park.
    5. (5) In the park, there are many flowers.

