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更新时间:2023-09-08 浏览次数:25 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 判断画线部分发音是否相同。
    1. (1) hi   bike   ride   ice
    2. (2) take   lake   cat   make
    3. (3) fast   class   panda   banana
    4. (4) car   far   dark   park
    5. (5) ear   near   where   there
    6. (6) see   sheep   we   he
    7. (7) no so row how
    8. (8) rain train they afraid
    9. (9) I high my right
    10. (10) book football good food
  • 2. 看一看,读一读,连一连。
    1.         2.    3.    4.         5.

    turn on the light   a strong man     jump far            make dumplings    sing songs

  • 3. 选词或短语填空,每词只用一次,注意大小写形式。

    how many    live     running     very much        friends

    1. (1) They in Beijing now.
    2. (2) Tony is going to row a boat with his .
    3. (3) The boys are in the playground.
    4. (4) A: clocks can you see in the picture?  B: Ten.
    5. (5) Sam likes orange juice .
  • 14. 根据短文信息,判断下面句子的正误。

    Once upon a time(从前), there is an elephant, named Lulu, who wants some friends. One day, he sees a monkey and asks,"Hello, dear monkey! Would you like to be my friend?" "No, no, no! I like jumping up and down the trees. But you're too big and you can't do that like me! " says the monkey. Then the elephant sees a bird and says, "Hello, dear bird! Would you like to be my friend?" "Oh, no, dear elephant! I like flying high in the sky. You are too big. You can not fly high like me! " "Oh, no one wants to be my friend! " the elephant says to himself. So he is very sad. He tells his mother about it. "My dear, don't be so sad. You are very nice to others. I am sure you will have friends," says his mother.

    1. (1) The elephant's name is Lulu.
    2. (2) The elephant wants the dog to be his friend.
    3. (3) The bird can fly, but the elephant can't.
    4. (4) One day, the elephant sees a monkey and then sees a bird.
    5. (5) The word "sad"(倒数第三行黑体词) means"高兴的".

