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更新时间:2023-10-16 浏览次数:40 类型:期末考试
一、 听对话回答问题
二、 听长对话回答问题
  • 5.  听第 5 段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the woman buy for her daughter?
      A . A hat. B . A school bag. C . A set of dishes.
    2. (2) Which floor will the woman go to first?
      A . The second floor. B . The third floor. C . The sixth floor.
  • 6.  听第 6 段材料,回答下列小题。
    1. (1) Where are the speakers?
      A . In the mountains. B . At the airport. C . On a plane.
    2. (2) How does the man feel about his trip?
      A . Sad. B . Nervous. C . Interested.
  • 7.  听第 7 段材料,回答小题。
    1. (1) What is the man?
      A . A travel agent. B . A TV host. C . A marketing manager.
    2. (2) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
      A . The woman' s volunteer experiences. B . The woman' s career plans. C . The woman' s travel stories.
  • 8.  听下面一段独白,根据题目要求在相应的横线上写下关键信息。

    How to Improve Communication with Your Parents

    Make time to haveconversations. 

    ● Talk to your parents about your everyday life. 

    ●  them to share how their day went or what they are working on. 

    ● Call them at least three times a week or video chat frequently. 

    Be open and 

    ● If an issue is important to you, bring it up. 

    ● Avoid getting trapped in the blame game. 

    ● Allow time for them to respond and share how they feel. 

    Use some techniques to 

    facilitate difficult 


    ● Take a 

    ● Listen to your parents'  needs or wants. 

    ● Express your 

三、 完形填空
  • 9.  完形填空

    The Belfast community was busy helping a deaf woman find her beloved dog "Ruthie" the past couple of days.

    Ruthie went 1 several days ago when she jumped out of the car wearing her retractable leash (伸缩皮带). Marina Delune, her 2 , posted on her community website that she needed help looking for her lost dog. She thought only a few people would 3 . So she was surprised when help started to pour in. "The response that I got was literally overwhelming," Marina said. "It was extraordinary. I couldn' t even 4 all the responses. "

    A doctor named Kimberly Mitchell headed to Marina' s house to help her out. When she pulled into the driveway, she sensed that Ruthie was just nearby. Despite the cold rain, Kimberly 5  the yard. Later on she expanded her 6  to the neighbors'  yards, but 7  came up empty-handed. 

    It was dark by the time she rounded the corner of a neighbor' s house and saw a small hole in the bottom of their deck. Kimberly used her cell phone flashlight to look around in the darkness. "Right there under the deck, I 8 her little face. She was looking right at me. "

    It turned out Ruthie' s leash was stuck. The house' s owner, Collin Brewster Cunning, crawled under the deck and 9 her. The reunion of Ruthie and Marina was nothing but emotional. Marina cried and held on to Ruthie and her two rescuers. "We were in a three-way 10 with Ruthie in the middle. It was absolutely amazing," Kimberly said.

    A .  racing B .  missing C .  crying D .  hunting
    A .  doctor B .  neighbor C .  owner D .  driver
    A .  return B .  respond C .  research D .  remember
    A .  keep up with B .  put up with C .  come up with D .  end up with
    A .  crossed B .  checked C .  cleaned D .  visited
    A .  plan B .  service C .  program D .  search
    A .  once B .  eve C .  still D .  only
    A .  saw B .  hid C .  covered D .  studied
    A .  found B .  caught C .  freed D .  located
    A .  tie B .  contest C .  deal D .  hug
四、 阅读理解
  • 10.  阅读理解

    Uses of Banana Peels (皮) You Probably Ignored

    Soothes the itchy (发痒的) insect bites

    With the good weather approaching, various bugs, insects and mosquitoes multiply. If you want to relieve the sting or bite of these insects naturally, banana peel can help you. Rub the red, inflamed bites with the inside of the banana peel. The banana polysaccharides (多糖) infiltrate the skin and reduce the swell. 


    Spring then summer is coming, and there' s one little annoying thing: the flies. To catch them, you can make a trap made of natural ingredients. All you will need is a large yogurt cup, banana peels, a hammer and a nail. Make holes at the bottom of the yogurt cup with the hammer and nail, place the banana peels inside, turn it over, and place it near the food that you are trying to protect. Flies will get into the sweet smell in the holes, but there is no way out of the yogurt cup. 

    Cheap and simple teeth whitening

    You don' t have to spend a huge amount of your salary on aesthetic dentistry to make your teeth whiter. Simply rub your freshly-brushed teeth with the inside of the banana peel every day for about 2 minutes. Salicylic acid in bananas gently bleaches teeth, effectively eliminating dirt which causes discoloration. 

    Water purification

    This effect was the most surprising for us. The Sao Paulo Research Foundation, led by Gustavo R. Castro, tested the suitability of banana peels for the treatment of wastewater from industrial plants. It turned out that the banana peel adsorbs heavy metals such as lead and copper from the water. 

    Erases the ink stain (污点)

    If ink gets on your skin, it is difficult to clean it off. Only with water and soap is it almost impossible to make your hands clean. But the good news is that the banana peel is good for that—rub the patches on the inside of the peel and see how they disappear. 

    1. (1) According to the passage, in which of the following situations can banana peels be of some help?
      A . You are disturbed by mosquitoes flying nearby. B . You are bitten by a bee in the garden. C . You are suffering from a toothache. D . Your coat is stained with oil.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the best heading for paragraph 2?
      A . Facial mask B . Pain Reliever C . Natural fly trap D . Reduces wrinkles
    3. (3) How can banana peels help purify water?
      A . By protecting the water from insects. B . By reducing some chemical elements. C . By adding some nutrition to the water. D . By removing the smell of the wastewater.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    South Africa' s viniculture industry employs around 270,000 people, producing some of the world' s most sought-after wines. But not all jobs are best left to humans. In some cases, it' s better to get your ducks in a row, and then put them to work. 

    Outside Cape Town on the banks of the Eerste river, Vergenoegd Löw, the Wine Estate, has repurposed a centuries-old practice by gathering a group of ducks to keep its vineyards free of pests. "I call our ducks the soldiers of our vineyards," says managing director Corius Visser. "They will eat aphids, they will eat snails, they will eat small worms—they keep (it) completely pest-free. "

    The species, the Indian runner duck, is flightless, with a peculiarly upright stance and highly developed sense of smell. The duck troops are employed on a 14-day circuit through the vineyards, eating and fertilizing the ground as they go. 

    The ducks' "annual leave" takes place during the harvest (they' d eat the grapes). During this time they search for food on open farm pasture, swim in a nearby lake and undergo selective breeding, says Visser.

    Duck eggs are consumed in the vineyard restaurant, but never the ducks themselves—"that would be like eating a colleague," Gavin Moyes, the estate' s tasting room manager, said in a 2020 interview.

    Inspired by ducks used to remove pests from rice paddies in Asia, the winery calls on the services of some 1,600 ducks as part of its effort to make wine production more sustainable. "The world is moving away from more conventional farming to (being) a bit more organic," Visser explains. "For Vergenoegd, it' s a big goal … to have less influence on the Earth, the soil and the environment. "

    As a pioneering winemaker with industry influence—vines have been grown on the estate since the late 17th century—Vergenoegd Löw is hoping to convince others to adopt its approach. Visser says the vineyard plans to sell 750 ducks to other vineyards and replenish numbers by breeding the birds. 

    "I think the industry itself has the potential to engage more in experimental ways," he adds. That requires money, and increasing the price point of South African wines could help fund Vergenoegd Löw and other vineyards' green initiatives.

    "If we can achieve that, we can then put back some of that (income) into our people, into our land, and become more sustainable," Visser says.

    1. (1) What' s the function of the ducks in the vineyards?
      A . To keep the vineyards free of pests. B . To guard the vineyards from thieves. C . To make the vineyards more attractive. D . To provide eggs and meat for the vineyard restaurant.
    2. (2) According to the passage, the ducks in the vineyards ____. 
      A . help harvest the grapes B . have a sharp sense of taste C . fly around the vineyard freely D . leave the vineyard at a certain time
    3. (3) Based on what Visser said, which of the following might happen?
      A . More vineyards will have duck "soldiers". B . The price point of South African wines will fall. C . The vineyards will depend more on conventional farming. D . The winery will come up with more ways to experiment on ducks.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can best describe the vineyard' s approach of using ducks?
      A . Efficient. B . Advanced. C . Challenging. D . Green.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    This week I watched an international news program and saw what looked like most of the planet—the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia—painted in bright oranges and reds. Fahrenheit (华氏温度的) temperatures in three-digit numbers seemed to burn all over on the world map. 

    Heat records have burst around the globe. This very weekend, crops are burning,

    roads are bending and seas are rising, while lakes recede, or even disappear. Ice sheets melt in rising heat, and wildfires attack forests. People are dying in this heat. Lives of all kinds are threatened, in cities, fields, seas, deserts and forests. Wildlife, farm animals, insects and human beings are in pain. 

    The UN' s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says there is more deadly heat in our future because of climate change caused by our species on this planet. Even with advances in wind, solar and other alternative energy sources, and international promises and agreements, the world still derives about 80% of its energy from fossil fuels, like oil, gas and coal, which release the carbon dioxide that' s warmed the climate to the current temperatures of this hot summer. The WMO' s chief, Petteri Taalas, said this week, "In the future these kinds of heatwaves are going to be normal. "

    The most alarming word in his forecast might be: "normal. " I' m of a generation that thought of summer as a sunny time for children. I think of long days spent outdoors without worry, playing games or just wandering. John Updike wrote in his poem, "June":

    The sun is rich

    And gladly pays

    In golden hours,

    Silver days,

    And long green weeks

    That never end.

    School' s out. The time

    Is ours to spend.

    There' s Little League,

    Hopscotch, the creek,

    And, after supper,


    The live-long light

    Is like a dream. . .

    But now that bright, "live-long light," of which Updike wrote, might look threatening in a summer like this.

    The extremely hot weeks that we see this year cause one to wonder if our failures to care for the planet given to us will make our children look forward to summer, or fear another season of heat. 

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "derive" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Get. B . Reduce. C . Waste. D . Save.
    2. (2) According to WMO, ____. 
      A . alternative energy is the solution to climate change B . the heatwaves are caused by the advanced technology C . agreements need to be signed to deal with climate change D . use of traditional energy is responsible for the heatwaves
    3. (3) Why does the author mention John Updike' s poem?
      A . To describe the beauty of summer. B . To indicate the end of happy summers. C . To compare different feelings about summer. D . To suggest ways for children to spend summer.
    4. (4) Which might be the best title for the passage?
      A . What leads to a hot summer B . Children are afraid of summer C . Burning summers are the future D . How we can survive a hot summer
  • 13.  阅读理解

    Cornell University researchers have developed a silent-speech recognition interface that uses acoustic-sensing ( 声学传感) and artificial intelligence to continuously recognize up to 31 unvocalized commands, based on lip and mouth movements. The low-power, wearable eyewear—called EchoSpeech—requires just a few minutes of user training data before it will recognize commands and can be run on a smartphone. 

    Ruidong Zhang, doctoral student of information science, is the lead author of "EchoSpeech—Continuous Silent Speech Recognition on Minimally-obtrusive Eyewear Powered by Acoustic Sensing," which will be presented at the Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) this month in Hamburg, Germany.

    "For people who cannot vocalize sound, this silent speech technology could be an excellent input for a voice synthesizer. It could give patients their voices back," Zhang said of the technology' s potential use with further development. In its present form, EchoSpeech could be used to communicate with others via smartphone in places where speech is inconvenient or inappropriate, like a noisy restaurant or quiet library. The silent speech eyewear can also be paired with a stylus (触控笔) and used with design software like CAD, all but erasing the need for a keyboard and a mouse.

    Outfitted with a pair of microphones and speakers smaller than pencil erasers, the EchoSpeech become a wearable AI-powered sonar (声呐) system, sending and receiving soundwaves across the face and sensing mouth movements. A deep learning algorithm (算法) then analyzes these echo profiles in real time, with about 95% accuracy. 

    "We' re moving sonar onto the body," said Cheng Zhang, assistant professor of information science and director of Cornell' s Smart Computer Interfaces for Future Interactions (SciFi) Lab. "We' re very excited about this system," he said, "because it really pushes the field forward on performance and privacy. It' s small, low-power and privacy-sensitive, which are all important features for using new, wearable technologies in the real world. "

    Most technology in silent-speech recognition is limited to a select set of predetermined commands and requires the user to face or wear a camera, which is neither practical nor achievable, Cheng Zhang said. There also are major privacy concerns involving wearable cameras—for both the user and those with whom the user interacts, he said. 

    Acoustic-sensing technology like EchoSpeech removes the need for wearable video cameras. And because audio data is much smaller than image or video data, it requires less bandwidth to process and can be relayed to a smartphone via Bluetooth in real time, said François Guimbretière, professor in information science. "And because the data is processed locally on your smartphone instead of uploaded to the cloud," he said, "privacy-sensitive information never leaves your control. "

    1. (1) What do we know about EchoSpeech?
      A . It recognizes different body movements. B . It has the potential to help generate voices. C . It doesn' t need to be instructed about its user. D . It needs to be used with a keyboard and a mouse.
    2. (2) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
      A . What EchoSpeech looks like. B . How the algorithm is made accurate. C . What the mechanism of EchoSpeech is. D . How the algorithm analyzes echo profiles.
    3. (3) How is EchoSpeech different from other silent-speech recognition systems?
      A . It better protects users'  privacy. B . It is fitted with a smaller video camera. C . It is based on predetermined commands. D . It sends images and videos via Bluetooth.
    4. (4) Regarding the features of EchoSpeech, François Guimbretière is ____. 
      A . doubtful B . critical C . sympathetic D . unconcerned
五、 任务型阅读
  • 14.  任务型阅读

    Want to make people laugh?  Here are a few tips to keep in mind if your goal is to tickle some funny bones. 

    Consider your audience. Your audience, whether it' s your parents in your living room or a paying crowd at an auditorium, must be able to connect with any situation you describe in your jokes. If they can' t relate to the joke, or if they don' t completely understand it, then it' s simply not funny to them.  If you have to explain a joke to someone, the person might eventually understand it, but he or she probably won' t think it' s funny. This is the reason that many jokes don' t translate well into another language. They rely on an understanding of a particular culture. You can translate the words but, without an appreciation for the background, many translated jokes aren' t very funny. 

    There' s a reason that people say, "Stop me if you' ve heard this one" before telling a joke. If your audience already knows (or can guess) the end of a joke before you tell it, then it' s not going to make them laugh. People laugh at the end of a joke because they' ve been told a story and led toward its ending, (unconsciously) thinking about what will happen next or how it will end. Surprise is part of the reason that you want to learn to tell jokes without laughing. If you laugh, then your listeners expect you to say something funny. If you tell a joke without laughing or smiling, then they' re more surprised when you get to the funny part.

    Check your timing. Another important part of humor is timing, or delivering the punch line at the best possible moment.  The reason is that this builds tension. The listener knows the end is coming and is waiting for it. When you finally tell the punch line, the listener feels a sense of relief and is more and inclined to laugh. 

    A. Use surprise. 

    B. Choose your jokes. 

    C. Then you' ve got to know what' s funny. 

    D. Make sure your jokes are often told within limited time. 

    E. It' s often useful to pause before telling the last line of a joke. 

    F. When we hear something that wasn' t what we were expecting, we find it funny. 

    G. People love jokes that, based on their experience, make them say, "That' s so true!"

六、 选词填空
  • 15.  选词填空

    adjustment, faith, capable, judge, impress, logic, comfort

    1. (1) The film' s special effects are particularly 
    2. (2) I have been a (n)  reader of your magazine for many years. 
    3. (3) The materials are soft and  to wear. 
    4. (4) It took a few seconds for her eyes to  to the darkness. 
    5. (5) Animals in the zoo have lost the  to catch food for themselves. 
    6. (6) Computer programming needs someone with a (n)  mind. 52. Don' t let your  be coloured by personal feelings. 
七、 语法填空
  • 16.  The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more . (efficient)
  • 17.  Their flight (delay) due to bad weather yesterday afternoon. 
  • 18.  (surround) by trees, the house was invisible from the road. 
  • 19.  When Anna got downstairs, she realized that she (leave) her car keys in her office. 
  • 20.  Every time the dancer (stand) on the stage, she is at her best. 
  • 21.  Considering the actual needs of the students, the school canteen is open to students weekends. 
  • 22.  Given the fast pace of the job market now, 21st century employees are faced with challenges  their parents never experienced. 
  • 23.  I (try) to qualify for the swimming team for three years, but I still can' t quite make the cut. 
  • 24.  语法填空

     My family and I went on a holiday last year to visit some distant  (relative) I had never met before. They lived in  flat in New York in the city center. It was (excite) to visit them and they were very friendly and welcoming! They took us sightseeing and we went to a lot of places. 

     The one problem I had was sleeping at night. They live on the ground floor of their building  I could hear all the sounds of the city. During the night, lorries came (collect) rubbish and they kept me awake. They (visit) us in London next year and I can' t wait to show them around. 

八、 任务型阅读(共 4 小题;第(1)、(2)题各 2 分,第(3)题 3 分,第(4)题 5 分,共 12分)
  • 25.  任务型阅读

    With the ideal time for harvesting fresh tea leaves approaching, locals celebrated the beginning of the tea-picking season with a spirited ceremony held at Jingmai Mountain in Yunnan province. 

    This annual event, which takes place towards the end of March, is a tradition among local minorities. Having been around for centuries, it is a perfect opportunity to show respect for the tea forest before harvesting the gifts of nature. Jingmai Mountain, renowned for its thick forests of ancient tea trees, has been an essential part of the locals'  lives for centuries. People there maintain an ancient method of tea cultivation featuring a unique multi-layered (层) ecosystem, which is regarded as the key to maintaining harmony between humans and nature. 

    The village has been located halfway up the mountain, close to the tea forest in the middle of the mountain, while farmland is in lower areas with abundant water sources, which can avoid disturbance to tea forests during planting. 

    The ancient tea forests are now refreshing as the younger generations are introducing new ideas aimed at better developing the tea industry in this area. Xian Gong, 39, started a farmers'  cooperative in 2010 in Jingmai village. Over time, she expanded the initiative by developing it into a company integrating the cooperative, a tea factory, a hostel and a shop under one roof. Today, the tea gardens cover an area of more than 600 hectares and generate an annual output of more than 200 tons, helping nearly 500 households increase their incomes. 

    A growing number of villagers are embracing new business opportunities by establishing cooperatives, tea factories and homestays. Many have adapted to the latest trends, such as selling tea through live streaming and sharing details of their daily lives and work on social media platforms. 

    The recent boom in the modern tea industry has motivated the residents to take better care of their ancient tea forests. In addition to their efforts to resist using chemicals and avoid planting other crops in the tea forests, the local government has applied over 20 rules and regulations for the protection of precious ancient tea forests. They hold a strong belief that the tea mountain is the most valuable gift left by their ancestors and it is their due responsibility to protect and make good use of it. 

    1. (1) Why do the locals celebrate the beginning of the tea-picking season?
    2. (2) What is the key feature of the ancient method of tea cultivation?
    3. (3) Please decide which part is false in the following statement, and then underline it and explain why. 

      It is only due to the efforts made by the local residents that the ancient tea forests have been protected. 

    4. (4) Give another example which mirrors human-nature harmony. 
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