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外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 9综合素质评价练习

更新时间:2023-09-13 浏览次数:15 类型:同步测试
  • 13.  选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . member B . around C . state
    2. (2)
      A . inside B . building C . flag
    3. (3)
      A . countries B . presents C . should
    4. (4)
      A . show B . visit C . beautiful
    5. (5)
      A . photo B . give C . take
  • 29.  补全对话。

    A. It's the UN building.

    B. There are many member states in the UN.

    C. Do you want to see my photos? 

    D. It's one of the presents from China.

    E. It's in New York.


    Lingling:Yes, I'd love to.

    Daming: Look at this photo. 

    Lingling:Wow! The building is big and tall. What is it?


    Lingling:Where is it?


    Lingling:Can you tell me more about the UN?

    Daming: Yes.  China is one of the 193 member states in the UN. 

    Lingling:Did you go inside the building?

    Daming: Yes, I did. 

    Lingling:What is it?

    Daming: It's the Zun of Peace(和平尊).

    Lingling:How beautiful it is!

十、寒假快要到了, 请你为同学们选择合适的旅行目的地。
  • 30.  寒假快要到了, 请你为同学们选择合适的旅行目的地。

    1. Name: Peter

    Hobbies: climbing the mountains, taking photos of nature (大自然)

    2. Name: Jack

    Hobbies: reading history books, taking photos of old buildings

    3. Name: Mike

    Hobbies: drawing pictures of animals, eating delicious food

    4. Name: Lily

    Hobbies: swimming in the sea, travelling by ship

    5. Name: Emily

    Hobbies: playing with snow, skating

    A. Harbin is a world of ice and snow. You can make lots of things with snow. You can have a good time with your family and friends there. 

    B. It's sunny and warm in winter in Sanya. You can walk by the sea, swim in the sea and go on a trip by ship.

    C. Do you like climbing the mountains? The Huangshan Mountain is famous. There are beautiful clouds, trees and other interesting things. We are waiting for you. 

    D. There are some beautiful parks and old buildings with a long history in Beijing. You can visit the Palace Museum. 

    E. You can try many kinds of delicious food in Chengdu. And you can see pandas in the zoo. They are very cute. 

十一、洛阳市阳光小学六年级将进行“追寻红色印记, 传承革命精神” 的研学旅行。根据他们的研学计划, 完成下列任务。
  • 31. 洛阳市阳光小学六年级将进行"追寻红色印记, 传承革命精神" 的研学旅行。根据他们的研学计划, 完成下列任务。

    We're going on a Red Travel this summer. There are many places to go. We want to go to Anyang first. We'll go there by bus. We'll walk along the Red Flag Canal (红旗渠)for two hours. It's 1, 500 kilometres long. Then we are going to Yan'an by train. It's an important place for Chinese people. We can know more about our history. We'll live in caves (窑洞). And we'll eat Zichang Pancakes (子长煎饼). We're going to climb Pagoda Hill(宝塔山). After that we are flying to Jinggangshan. There is lots of bamboo on the Jinggang Mountains. We want to visit the Jinggangshan Revolution Museum(井冈山革命博物馆)there. We'll have a good time!

    1. (1) 根据短文内容, 完成这次红色旅行的路线图。


    2. (2) We'll walk along the Red Flag Canal for two hours.
    3. (3) We'll live in caves and we'll eat Zichang Pancakes in Yan'an.
    4. (4) We can see lots of bamboo on the Jinggang Mountains. 
    5. (5) 南昌也是红色旅行的重要教育基地, 请根据下面的提示, 简要介绍一下南昌。

