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更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:30 类型:期中考试
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why doesn't the man want to fly?
      A . He likes taking the bus. B . He thinks it's dangerous. C . He wants to enjoy the scenery.
    2. (2) Which means of transport does the woman prefer?
      A . The car. B . The train. C . The bus.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the man doing now?
      A . Looking for a job. B . Studying in a university. C . Teaching at a high school.
    2. (2) What kind of movie does the man like best?
      A . Adventure. B . Comedy. C . Drama.
    3. (3) Where are the speakers going first?
      A . The supermarket. B . The cinema. C . The cafe.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who will take the guitar lessons?
      A . The woman. B . The woman's son. C . The woman's friend.
    2. (2) How long has the woman played the piano?
      A . For two years. B . For three years. C . For five years.
    3. (3) How much do the Tuesday lessons cost per hour?
      A . $4. B . $8. C . $12.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Michelle Ray come from?
      A . A middle-sized city. B . A small town. C . A big city.
    2. (2) Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?
      A . The Zen Garden. B . The Highlands. C . The Red River area.
    3. (3) What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?
      A . Go camping. B . Study in a library. C . Read at home.
    4. (4) What are the speakers talking about in general?
      A . Late-night shopping. B . Asian food. C . Louisville.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What rule should you follow if you want to enter sports complex?
      A . Wear appropriate shoes.                           B . Register at the notice board.                  C . Make an appointment with a coach.
    2. (2) How much is the buffet?
      A . £4. B . £8. C . £10.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the announcement?
      A . To introduce a playing field.                B . To introduce a holiday camp.                C . To introduce a fruit market
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Discover-It-Yourself(DIY) Visits are self-guided field trips to the Bay Area Discovery Museum for students. DIY Visits are a great option for preschools and early primary classrooms looking for a shared educational experience. DIY Visits provide timed exit at a lower price for groups of 10-80 children plus chaperones(在场监护人).This option provides up to

    2.5 hours at the museum and visitors can explore at a speed that is comfortable for them.

    Group Visits

    Not a school but visiting the museum with more than 10 kids? Make a group reservation(预定) and save!

    Reservations must be made in advance to receive the lower price. We have the right to turn away groups who do not have reservations in order to maintain a proper number for safety reasons. Museum member cards, passes, or other special tickets are not effective payment for group visits.


    Open Time: Wednesday—Friday


    2.5-hour periods starting at 9:15 am, 9:45 am or 10 pm

    Grade Levels: Preschool—3rd grade

    Group Size: 10-80 students; 1 adult required for every 5 students

    Price:$9.95 per person

    Preferred Vehicle Provider

    Book a bus for your museum visit with Michael' Transportation Services at 707 643 2099

    1. (1) Who are DIY Visits mainly intended for?                  
      A . Guides. B . Students. C . Parents. D . Teachers.
    2. (2) How many adults are required for a group of 80 students?  
      A . 10. B . 12. C . 16. D . 20.
    3. (3) Where is the text probably from?
      A . A guide book. B . A news report. C . A story book. D . A book review.  
  • 12. 阅读理解

    In English it's common to say, "I know this town like the back of my hand!" While we may know our towns really well, how well do we actually know our hands? Maybe not quite as well as we think, said a scientific study.
        Matthew Longo and his team from University College London studied the left hands of 100 people. With their hands placed palms(手掌)down under a board, Longo's team gave the instruction to point to their knuckles(指关节) and fingertips with a marker. How did they do? Not that well.
        "People think their hand is wider than it actually is," said Longo. He said they also seemed to think their fingers were shorter than their true lengths. People were most accurate when finding their thumbs, but became less accurate with each finger, up to their pinkies.
        "It is connected to our sense of position," explained Longo. Humans know where different parts of our bodies are, even if we can't see them. "It tells us whether a joint(关节)is straight or not," said Longo. "We also need to know the distances between our joints," he went on. Our brains know the sizes and shapes of our bodies from the maps they make for themselves. "This experiment tried to find those maps," he said.
        Maybe maps don't need to be perfect. But why aren't our brains more accurate? Longo said our brains "see" areas based on our sense of touch, with the stronger the sense of touch in a specific body part, the bigger that body part seems. An example is our lips. As they have more nerves than our noses, our brain's map shows our lips are bigger. The same thing can happen with body parts that have a lot of nerves. If you've ever had something stuck in your teeth, it probably felt huge! That's because our tongues also have lots of nerves.
        If you want to have some fun, try this test with your classmates. Get some boards and some markers and have them mark the spots where they think their knuckles and fingertips are. Compare their hands to the marker spots and see how well they have performed.

    1. (1) The underlined sentence "I know this town like the back of my hand!" in Paragraph 1 is used to _____.
      A . tell the readers how well the author knows his town B . introduce the topic of the passage C . make the readers know more about their hands D . show the readers a map of one's body
    2. (2) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
      A . People know their hands much better than the researchers think. B . One's lips are much bigger than one's nose. C . Our sense of touch helps us to know about our body parts. D . The experiment by Matthew Longo proved useless.
    3. (3) The underlined word thumbs in Paragraph 3 probably is _____.
      A . a part of one's hand B . the name of one of the researchers C . a tool for the experiment D . a way to finish the research
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the passage?
      A . How to know about our hands B . Our Brain's Magic "Map" C . A Study by Matthew Longo D . Our Hands and Our Town
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere acquaintance(认识的人). I have forgotten the name of the old lady to whom I delivered newspapers but I can't forget the lesson she taught me in forgiveness .

    On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the  roof of the old lady's house . I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and threw it out. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight not for the roof but for a small window of the house. 

    At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in trouble. We turned and ran away fast.  I was too scared about getting caught that first night by the old lady with the broken window. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. 

    She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her presence. I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I thought would cover the cost of her window.

    I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the cost for repairing it. I waited until dark,  and put the letter I didn't sign in her letter box. 

    The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to return the warm smile that I was receiving from her. 

    She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself. I thanked her and ate the cookies happily.

    After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was stunned. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, "I'm proud of you."  

    1. (1) What happened when the author broke the old lady's window?
      A . He was caught red-handed. B . He thought he was not discovered. C . He left seven dollars right now. D . He reported to the police at once.
    2. (2) What is true according to the passage?
      A . The author borrowed seven dollars to give to the old lady. B . The author felt quite all right after the accident . C . The old lady had already discovered who broke her window. D . The old lady kept the money given by the boy.
    3. (3) We may know from the passage that the old lady was_____.
      A . critical B . suspicious C . generous D . gentle
    4. (4) The author wrote the passage to_____.
      A . tell the readers the life story of a nice old lady B . tell the readers a lesson he remembered for 43 years C . talk about his paper-delivery adventure D . talk about a young boy's interesting story
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Nowadays, plastic waste is a challenging problem all over the world. Scientist world-wide are working hard to find ways to recycle the plastic wastes to save the earth from the white disaster.

    Australian scientists have found a species of worm that can eat polystyrene(聚苯乙烯) could be the key to plastic recycling. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia discovered the common Zophobas morio ‘superworm' can eat through polystyrene, thanks to a bacterial enzyme(酶) in their gut(肠道).

    Dr Chris Rinke and his team from UQ's School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences fed superworms different diets over a three-week period, with some given polystyrene, some grain and others had nothing to eat. "We found the superworms fed a diet of just polystyrene not only survived, but even had slight weight gains, " Dr. Rinke said. "This suggests the worms can get energy from the polystyrene, most likely with the help of the microbes(微生物) in their guts. " "Superworms are like mini recycling plants, tearing the polystyrene into pieces with their mouths and then feeding it to the bacteria in their gut, " Dr. Rinke said.

    It's hoped this bio-upcycling will increase plastic waste recycling and reduce landfill. The long-term goal is to engineer enzymes to degrade(分解) plastic waste in recycling plants through mechanical shredding, when plastic waste is torn into pieces , bacterial enzyme from the superworms can finish the enzymatic biodegradation process.

    Co-author of the research, Jiarui Sun, said they aim to grow the gut bacteria in the lab and further test its ability to degrade polystyrene. "We can then look into how we can improve this process to a level required for an entire recycling plant, " Ms. Sun said.

    1. (1) What do we know about the "super worms"?
      A . They are on a strict diet. B . They are very large . C . They can digest polystyrene. D . They can eat microbes.
    2. (2) How can people use the "super worms" to degrade plastic waste?
      A . By putting lots of super worms in the recycling plants. B . By putting large amount of enzyme on the plastic waste. C . By building more recycling plants to degrade plastic waste. D . By tearing plastic waste into pieces and degrading it by enzyme .
    3. (3) What is the author's attitude towards the research mentioned in the passage?
      A . doubtful B . concerned C . positive D . negative
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
      A . The superworms are now being widely used to recycle plastic waste. B . Plastic waste is not really a serious problem people are facing now. C . All superworms in the experiment were given polystyrene to study their ability to degrade it. D . Scientists are trying to grow the gut bacteria in the lab to test its ability to degrade polystyrene.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Sometimes you may be faced with homework stress and doing homework every day even becomes a heavy burden(负担). However, it can be a satisfying experience if well organized.

    Pick a proper time and workplace. Each student is different. Some students are used to doing their homework right after school, while others prefer to start later after a short rest. Different students work best at different time.  A good learning environment will also help you concentrate well, so too comfortable or uncomfortable chairs, strong smell or extreme temperature should be avoided.

     Figure out how much homework you have to do every day. And list all your homework you have to do in a note book or a day planner. Focus on once task at a time. It's not a good idea to do several tasks at a time as you can't concentrate on several things at the same time. Always do the most important thing first, or you will get stressed if you leave it until the last minute.

    Set reminders. As you have got a lot of things going on, it's easy to forget about some tasks.  In this way, you can never miss deadlines(最后期限).

    Balance your study and life.  You need enough time for sleep, well-balanced meals and regular exercise to develop your body and improve your brainpower. Only when you keep a healthy life style can you be more active in your school work.

    A.    Make a schedule.

    B.    You are not a machine.

    C.    Here are some tips to help you.

    D.    Join a study group.

    E.    You'd better turn the Wi-Fi off while doing homework.

    F.     You just find a period of time when you can concentrate well.

    G.    An alarm clock or a mobile phone to set daily reminder is necessary.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A very special teacher in a high school had a husband who died suddenly of a heart attack.

    About a week after his death, she 1 some of her thoughts with a classroom of students. With a 2 look on her face, she paused and said, "Before class is 3, I would like to share with all of you a thought which I feel is very important. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves...and none of us knows 4 this fantastic experience will end. It can be 5 at any moment. Perhaps this is a 6 that we must make the most out of every single day." 

    Her eyes 7 to water, she went on, "So I would like you all to make me a promise...from now on,8 your way to school, or on your way home, find something 9 to notice. Those can be very little things, although it may sound silly to some people, these things are the stuff of life. We must make 10 important to notice them, for at any time...it can all be taken away. " The class was completely quiet. We all 11 our books and filed out of the room 12.

    That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school 13 I had that whole semester.

    Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an 14 she made on all us, and I try to appreciate all of those things 15 sometimes we all overlook.

    A . taught B . shared C . learned D . explained
    A . gentle B . sad C . excited D . surprised
    A . on B . over C . off D . away
    A . that B . which C . when D . while
    A . driven in B . taken away C . sent off D . threw away
    A . lesson B . lecture C . sign D . regret
    A . begin B . to begin C . beginning D . begun
    A . in B . on C . off D . by
    A . strange B . beautiful C . normal D . little
    A . it B . this C . that D . them
    A . picked up B . laid down C . looked into D . passed on
    A . amusedly B . silently C . willingly D . carefully
    A . that B . so C . until D . than
    A . impression B . expression C . concern D . attitude
    A . that B . which C . why D . where
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Worldwatch Institute says that deforestation(采伐森林) has been speeding over the last 30 years. But, Lomborg, researcher from New York University, says that is simply not true. Since the beginning of agriculture the world has lost about 20% of its forest cover,  in recent decades the forest area's reducing has come to a stop. According to UN reports, the area of forests takes up about 30% of total land area ,  (remain)almost steady since 1940s. Forests in countries such as the US, UK and Canada have (actual) been increasing over the past 40 years. Despite all the warnings the Amazon rainforest has only decreased  about 15%.

    Nor are all our species  (die)out. Some researchers say that 50% of all species will have died out within 50 years. But other studies show only 0.08% of species are dying out each year. Efforts  have been made in the past years have been successful. Whales are no longer threatened and the bald eagle (秃鹰)is off the  (endanger)list.

    Environmental groups state that many of the  (improve)are the results of their campaigns. Stephen Tindale, director of Greenpeace UK, said, " is a relief to see that things weren't as bad as predicted, and that's because our behavior changed."

  • 18. 假如你叫李华,你所在学校要举办英语演讲比赛,你的演讲内容为中学生如何在学校和生活中保证自己的安全(道路安全、饮食安全、网络安全等)。请你写一篇演讲稿。


    How to keep safe?

    As teenagers we should always keep safety in mind.

  • 19. 读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Andrew and Tina was a happily-married couple who lived in New York. Andrew worked hard every day to support their family and Tina stayed at home to look after their children. Andrew felt lucky to have such a kind and understanding wife as Tina and he was determined to try all out to earn more to make their life better and better.

    While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. Tina smiled at him without a word but her warm smile gave Andrew a lot of courage. However, all day Andrew felt nervous and anxious as he thought about the upcoming showdown. What if Mr. Larchmont refused to accept his request? Andrew had worked so hard in the last 18 months and landed some great accounts for Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency. Of course, he deserved a wage increase.

    The thought of walking into Larchmont's office left Andrew weak in the knees. Late in the afternoon he was finally courageous enough to approach his boss. To his delight and surprise, the ever-frugal(一向节俭的)Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a raise!

    Andrew arrived home that evening—despite breaking all city and state speed limits—to a beautiful table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal including his favorite dishes. Immediately he figured someone from the office had told her the news!

    Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered note. It was from his wife. It read: "Congratulations, my love! I knew you'd get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I am so proud of your accomplishments!" He read it and stopped to reflect on how sensitive and caring Tina was. He felt warm and proud to have such a good wife, and thanked God for that again. He was eager to show his love and gratitude to his wife and he hurried to the kitchen to find her.


    Paragraph 1:

    On his way to the kitchen, he observed a second card had fallen out of Tina's pocket onto the floor.

    Paragraph 2:

    Suddenly tears filled Andrew's eyes.

