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更新时间:2023-08-18 浏览次数:47 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 仿照范例将单词归类。

    A. Vehicles(交通工具)    B. Vegetables         C. Jobs

    例: bus  A

    1. (1) tomato
    2. (2) subway
    3. (3) artist
    4. (4) potato
    5. (5) barber
    6. (6) cabbage
    7. (7) tailor  
  • 2. 读句子选单词。根据描述选择恰当单词。

    A. teach    B. different    C. root    D. enjoy    E. nephew

    1. (1) Not same.
    2. (2) The part of a plant under the ground.
    3. (3) To be happy from something or somebody.
    4. (4) Give lessons to make people know them well.
    5. (5) The son of your brother or sister.
  • 3. 根据对话内容,选择出最佳的句子,将对话补充完整

    Grace: Summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do?


    Grace: How will you get there?

    David: We'll go there by train.

    Grace: why don't you take the plane to Hangzhou?

    David: We like travelling by train.

    Grace: What is Hangzhou famous for?


    Grace: will you visit the west Lake?

    David: Certainly.

    Grace: What else will you do in Hanghou?


    Grace: Sounds interesting! Have a nice trip.

    David: Thanks a lot.

    A. It's famous for the west Lake.

    B. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road.

    C. I'm going to Hangzhou with my parents.

    D. It's faster and more comfortable.

    E. We will cat local food and buy some green tea for my grandparents.

  • 4. 阅读俱乐部活动海报,判断参与活动信息是否与海报内容相符。
    There are four clubs about Chinese culture(文化) in our school.
    They are very interesting.
    Do you want to join them?

    Chinese Calligraphy Club

    Do you want to learn to write traditional Chinese characters? Do you want to enjoy the beauty of Chinese Calligraphy? Ms Zhao is waiting for you.

    Time: Monday afternoon Room: 105

    Beijing Opera Club

    Are you interested in music, dancing, painting or beautiful clothing? You can enjoy all of these in our club. Sometimes we go to Mei Lanfang Theatre to watch Beijing Opera

    Time: Tuesday afternoon   Room: 107

    Taijiquan Club

    Choose something new, choose something fun. Taiji is an interesting and traditional kind of exercise. It's slow and quiet, but it's very good for your health.

    Time Thursday afternoon  Room: 201

    Chinese Knot Club

    Do you like art? Come to our Chinese Knot Club. Make your own knots and know something about Chinese culture. The traditional red knots bring you good luck.

    Time Friday afternoon   Room: 308

    Boys and girls, please join us to learn about Chinese culture!

    1. (1) You Can make beautiful clothing to Beijing Opera Club.
    2. (2) If you like sports, you an choose Chinese Calligraphy Club.
    3. (3) Chinese Knot Club is in Room 308.
    4. (4) These clubs are to make more friends for students.
  • 5. 阅读关于Hana的一则故事,根据内容选择最佳答案,将正确选项的字母序号涂黑。

    Hana is ten years old. She lives with her parents and brothers in Cambridge. She gets a gift—a violin, from her parents on her tenth birthday.

    "I will play the violin at the talent (才艺;天才)show." Hana says to her brothers.

    "Really? But you're still a beginner." says Kenji.

    Koji laughs. "I guess you can only play a note!"

    That's true. Hana just starts it this summer when she visits her grandfather in New York. Her grandpa is a violinist. He can play great music well, even he also can make the beautiful sounds of birds and rain with his violin.

    Hana wants to play the violin like her grandfather so she practices every day. Finally, the day of the show comes. AS Han goes onto the stage, she feels nervous and can't remember anything. She thinks."Kanji and Koji are right. I can't do this."

    "Do your best." her grandfather's words come into her ears suddenly. "Grandpa will cheer for me!" Hana says to herself and she feel much better.

    "This is the sound of min." she says to the listeners and then she plays her violin for a nice plump-plump-plump. She plays all the special sounds, she practices, bees... and cows.. and mice... After Hana finishes the last sound, she takes a great bow.

    After the dinner, Keji asks Hana to play again,"Make that funny sound of rain gain. It's really amazing"

    Then Koji says, "Make the beautiful bird sound, too." Hana happily plays all the sounds again and wishes that her grandpa can hear them.

    1. (1) Who gives Hana a violin as a gift on her birthday?
      A . Hana's parents. B . Hana's brothers. C . Hana's grandpa.
    2. (2) What dos the underlined word "nervous"mean?
      A . 自信的 B . 兴奋的 C . 紧张的
    3. (3) Which is TRUE(正确的)according to the passage?
      A . Hana's grandpa is a teacher. B . Huna is a new violin learner. C . Hana does badly all the talent show.
    4. (4) Why does Hana play the special sounds at the talent show?
      A . She can't remember anything B . She wants to make her brothers happy. C . She wants to play the violin like her grandpa
    5. (5) Which is the best title (题目) for this passage?
      A . A special birthday gift. B . Everyone can be a talent. C . Hmna's grandfather.
  • 6. 每名学生对未来职业都有着美好的向往。请参照下面提示以"My Future Job"为题。用英文介绍一下你的未来职业。包括你的姓名、准备从事的职业、从事这个职业的原因以及如何实现这一职业等。

    要求:1. 文中不要出现真实姓名。2语句通顺,结构完整,书写规范。

