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更新时间:2023-08-02 浏览次数:21 类型:期末考试
一、Look and write. (看图写单词,将字母重新组合。)
  • 2. 匹配题

     ⒉  ⒊  ⒋  ⒌

    1. (1) A: Where is my ball, Mike?      B: Look, it's under the chair.
    2. (2) A: Look at the giraffe!          B: Wow! It's so tall!
    3. (3) A: Here you are.                B: Thank you.
    4. (4) A: Have some fruit.             B. Thank you.
    5. (5) A: Who's this girl?              B: She's Sarah.
三、Read and finish the dialogue. (选择合适的句子补全对话。)
  • 3. 选择合适的句子补全对话

    A. She's my mother.

    B. Look at my family.

    C. She's my baby sister.

    D. He's my father.

    E. Thank you.

    Mike: Hi, Amy!

    Amy: Who's that man?


    Amy: Who's that woman?


    Amy: She's so beautiful!


    Amy: And. who's that little girl?


四、Read and tick or cross. (读短文,判断正误。)
  • 4. 读短文,判断正误。

    My name is Kate. I'm from Canada. Welcome to my home (家). Look! I have a new big desk. The books are on the desk. Where is my cat? It's on the bed. It's white. It has a long tail. This is my father. He is an art teacher. He likes watermelons very much. My mother is tall and thin. She likes orange juice. Who's that little boy? He's my brother. He is so cute. This is my happy family.

    1. (1) Kate is from China.
    2. (2) The books are on the desk.
    3. (3) The cat has a long tail.
    4. (4) Kate's mother likes grape juice.
    5. (5) There are five people (人) in Kate's family.

