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更新时间:2023-08-08 浏览次数:26 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose. 读句子,选出与划线部分同类的单词。(10分)
二、Look and write. 看图,完成句子。(10分)
三、Read and choose. 选择正确的单词填空。(10分)
四、Read and choose. 选词填空,补全短文。(10分)
  • 16. 选词填空,补全短文。

    Word list:   
    two    jump    Its    long    short

    I have a rabbit.  name is Lai Fu. It is a birthday gift from (来自) my mother. The rabbit is white. Its has  red eyes. Its ears are. Its tail is . It can .

    It likes to eat carrots. Do you like it?

五、Read and choose. 选择合适的选项,补全对话。(10分)
  • 17. 选择合适的选项,补全对话。

    A. How much for one donut?

    B. You are welcome.

    C. Ten yuan.

    D. I'd like a hot dog and a donut.

    E. I'll take a hot dog and a donut, please.

    Salesman (售货员): Good morning! What would you like?

    Jenny:  How much is a hot dog?



    Salesman: Three yuan.


    Salesman: Here you are.

    Jenny: Thanks.


六、Read and judge. 判断对错(10分)
  • 18. 判断对错

    Today is Sunday (星期日). Li Ming, Jenny and Danny go to the zoo in the morning. There are many animals there. Look! There are three pandas. They are fat. They are lovely. I like monkeys! Where are they? They are in the tree. They are eating bananas. They are happy. Look at the bears. How many bears are there? One, two, three... There are six bears. Oh! Tigers! What do they eat? Tigers eat meat. I like animals. Do you like animals?

    1. (1) The pandas are fat.
    2. (2) The monkeys are eating apples.
    3. (3) I don't like monkeys.
    4. (4) There are sixteen bears.
    5. (5) Tigers eat meat.

