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更新时间:2023-09-06 浏览次数:34 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    From the Karakoram Mountain to the Indus River plain, Pakistanis home to many breathtaking landscapes.

    Kaghan Valley

    Kaghan Valley is a place of fairytales. According to one version of a local legend, a prince of Persia fell in love with a fairy princess in the valley. But a giant (巨人) was also in love with the princess. One day, she escaped with the prince, In his anger, the giant flooded the valley and created lakes with his tears. Today, visitors from around the world travel to Kaghan Valley for its beautiful lakes, mountain scenery, and clear night skies.

    Baltoro Glacier

    Baltoro Glacier is one of the world's largest glacier valleys. Though difficult to access, it is one of the most highly visited regions in Pakistan because of mountain climbing destination like K2, Broad Peak, and the Gasherbrum peaks in this area. Baltoro Glacier is not only known for its scenery, but as a life source-a large percentage of northern Pakistan's population depends on the water from the Karakoram glaciers.

    Deosai National Park

    Known as "Land of the Giants", the park is swept by wildflowers and rare butterflies each spring. This biodiversity hot spot is home to the Tibetan wolf, Himalayan ibex, Tibetan red fox and the critically endangered Himalayan brown bear. The park was granted (授予) World Heritage status in 2016.

    Hingol National Park

    Hingol National Park is the largest national park in Pakistan. While it is well-known for its diverse wildlife, it is perhaps best known for its active mud volcanoes. One of the most famous mud volcanoes is Chandragup, a sacred site for Hindus. Every spring, more than 40,000 people went there to honor the goddess Sati. Before they pay their respect to the goddess at a nearby temple, they have to clean their bodies with the mud.

    1. (1) What can tourists do in Kaghan Valley?
      A . See active mud volcanoes. B . Pay respect to the goddess Sati. C . Enjoy its beautiful scenery. D . Climb the world's highest mountain.
    2. (2) Which is the main water source for northern Pakistan?
      A . Baltoro Glacier. B . Hingol National Park. C . Kaghan Valley. D . Deosai National Park.
    3. (3) What do the last two parks have in common?
      A . They are sacred sites for Hindus. B . They are known for diverse wildlife. C . They are famous volcanic parks. D . They are granted World Heritage status.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Malavath Poorna,a 13-year-old girl from India, is the daughter of a poor farm laborer who earns barely $600 annually. Belonging to the lowest Indian social class, Poorna had determined to make a mark and be a source of inspiration to other backward people belonging to her community. Therefore, with the encouragement from her parents, Poorna participated in a training program meant for outdoor activities.

    While preparing for her Everest climb, Poorna took training in the mountains of Darjeeling and Ladakh. At the end of the strict training sessions, she and another boy of 18 called Anand were the only two selected to climb Everest because they showed "a higher degree of toughness and endurance".

    Malavath Poorna proved that the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in whether a person is strong-willed or not. On 25th of May 2014, she along with 16-year-old Anand Kumar, ascended(登上) the 29, 029-foot peak(山峰) and created history by becoming the world's youngest woman to ascend Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world.

    Three days after she arrived at the Everest base camp on 15 April, 2014, sixteen local people got killed by a deadly avalanche(雪崩) on the Nepalese side. However, this could not stop Poorna from her peak. Moreover, Poorna's accomplishment is even more extraordinary since she climbed the peak from the more difficult Tibetan side instead of taking the easier Nepalese side which most climbers chose. Her ascent has been called a rare achievement by Mingma Sherpa, a Nepalese guide who has climbed all fourteen of the world's peaks over 8, 000 meters.

    1. (1) Why did Malavath Poorna take part in a training program?
      A . Her parents forced her to survive on her own. B . She planned to earn a lot of money by herself. C . People in some rich communities motivated her. D . She wanted to be a role model in her community
    2. (2) What played the key role in Malavath Poorna's success?
      A . Luck. B . Education. C . Determination. D . Friendship
    3. (3) What makes Malavath Poorna's climb especially extraordinary?
      A . Her intention to assist her fellow climbers. B . Her good cooperation with her team member. C . Her rescuing local people in a natural disaster. D . Her reaching the peak from a more challenging side.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . A famous climber's struggle. B . A poor girl's inspirational story. C . A role model's life challenges. D . A dreamer's way to be wealthy.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Overspending can be defined as spending beyond one's means, and is not rarely seen nowadays. According to a recent report, more than one-fourth of adults surveyed in 2020 had one or more bills that they were unable to pay in full that month.

    While every individual's spending habits are unique to their circumstances, a few common potential issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

    Lifestyle creep, a financial trap, where you spend more money as you make more money, for example, often accounts for unrecognized overspending. Individuals that lack a decision-making process for making purchases can also find it difficult to control their spending.

    Media and advertisements can also lead to overspending. Marketing strategies aim to create a feeling of scarcity (稀少) for consumers with phrases like "almost sold out" or "two tickets remaining" when they are making online purchases. Emails from favorite sellers can give consumers the impression that they are saving money by taking advantage of a sale, and roadside billboards can lead individuals to make impulsive (冲动的) purchases.

    Social pressures to enjoy dinners out and vacations with family and friends may be a push for younger people, who see others enjoying these activities through social media platforms like Instagram. "People think spending makes you happy," Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia and chief science officer at Happy Money, says. "But for many people, it's these values of being true to yourself that make you happy."

    Dunn notes that, "Failures in self-control in the finance can cause dire consequences. Financial stress, for example, has been linked to physical health struggles, problems in close relationships, and stress in retirement."

    "Dealing with overspending should start in bite - size pieces. Small and manageable changes over time are more likely to stick to in the long run. Instead of relying on willpower, setting specific goals and building a foundation with a budget is an effective way." adds Dunn.

    1. (1) Why is a recent report mentioned in paragraph 1?
      A . To explain what overspending is. B . To stress the harm of overspending. C . To tell a way to stop overspending. D . To show overspending is common.
    2. (2) What do paragraphs 3~5 mainly talk about?
      A . Possible causes of overspending. B . Typical unhealthy spending habits. C . Some unavoidable financial traps D . Issues resulting from overspending.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "dire" in paragraph 6 probably mean?
      A . Pleasant. B . Controllable. C . Terrible. D . Acceptable.
    4. (4) What is Elizabeth Dunn's advice on overcoming overspending?
      A . Making a reasonable budget. B . Relying on personal willpower. C . Setting grand and general goals. D . Starting changing on the whole.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    At first glance, it seems that giant pandas (大熊猫) might not be good at hide- and-seek. With their black and white coats, they appear to have a hard time matching their backgrounds and avoiding detection by their enemies. But a new study finds that the unique markings, in fact, provide effective camouflage (伪装) and help them disappear into their surroundings. Scientists have long wondered what function the black-and-white coloring plays.

    For their study, researchers analyzed photos of giant pandas in their natural habitats. "We've found that the animals are very well camouflaged because they use habitats with dark and lighting conditions, and also snow during some time of the year," study author Tim Caro of the University of Bristol and the University of California, Davis, tells Treehugger.

    They found that the black patches (块) of fur match primarily shade and dark tree trunks. They also match the ground, rocks and leaves. The white fur patches match snow, rocks, and waxy, bright leaves. Sometimes pandas also have patches of pale brown fur and those match rocks, ground and shady background areas.

    The researchers also explored a type of environmental camouflage known as disruptive coloration. That's when highly contrasting patterns or very visible boundaries on an animal break up its body outline. They found that the black and white borders on the panda's coat make it less noticeable, particularly from farther away.

    It might seem a bit confusing because giant pandas are very easy to spot at a zoo, for instance. But the environment and the viewer make a difference.

    "We modelled their coloration through enemies' eyes as well as how humans see them so we are sure of the results." Caro says.

    "It seems that giant pandas appear easily noticeable to us because of short viewing distances and unnatural backgrounds, when we see them, either in photographs or at the zoo, it is almost always from close up, and often against a backdrop that doesn't reflect their natural habitats," says author Nick Scott-Samuel of the University of Bristol. "From a more realistic enemy's view, the giant panda is actually rather well camouflaged."

    1. (1) What is the general first impression of giant pandas?
      A . They like staying away from humans. B . They are really good at hide-and-seek. C . They match the backgrounds very well. D . They can be easily detected by enemies
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "They" in paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Tree trunks. B . Pale brown pandas. C . Black fur patches. D . Shady background areas
    3. (3) What can we learn about giant pandas from Nick Scott-Samuel's words?
      A . They are less noticeable in natural environments. B . They can be easily noticed even from farther away. C . They often disappear into backgrounds in a zoo. D . They can not camouflage from an enemy's view.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Giant Pandas Hide Themselves From Tourists B . Giant Pandas Are Actually Good at Camouflaging C . The Black-and-white Coloring Proves Appealing D . You Are More Likely to Spot Giant Pandas in Nature
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Between working, cleaning and sleeping, it can be hard to clear your schedule for fun family activities. , you may not know how to look for such activities. Luckily, you can try the following tips.

    Make sure you plan family outings that everyone will enjoy. Choose activities that all of your children are excited about, regardless of their age. If you have teenaged children that don't seem excited about group outings, renew their interest by allowing them to pick the activity.

    Check your city websites for activities. Most cities and towns have well-maintained websites listing free and cheap activities for families. You can also find coupons (优惠券) for local museums and restaurants. , look on those websites for inspiration.

    Do something outside. Between school and working, the chances are good that you and your child spend a lot of time inside. . Take a walk, play a game, or throw a football around in your yard. If you don't have a yard, find a nearby park to spend time in. If you have time, take your kids to camp somewhere to maximize their time outside.

    Take your kids to a competitive event. Competitive events are exciting to attend and might develop a lifelong passion in your kids. Find events that are based on mutual(共同的) interests. . Some other events include sports games, dance competitions and short film competitions.

    A. Consider your family's interests

    B. Raise your kids' interest in outings

    C. If you can't think of anything to do with your children

    D. Watch a football game together if you are football fans

    E. When you somehow manage to spare time for family activities

    F. Now it's time to improve your health by spending time outside together

    G. For example, if you both enjoy Bruce Lee movies, attend a martial arts competition

  • 6. 完形填空

    If there is one thing I have missed the most during the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been seeing other people smiling. When every face has a mask on it, you may feel 1 in the health of your body but you start to feel sicker in the health of your 2. Recently, I have started to notice the 3 in the eyes, and the gentle lifting of the mask when people smile at me. For me, that smile is a 4.

    I have always seen every smile as a 5. As I grew up, my mom's smile added 6 to my days. And I am so happy that it 7 today as I pass on the happiness to my children. My grandmother's smile always had a 8 "Hello!" to go along with it. My dad's smile was 9 as he was strict and serious, but I loved seeing it when he sometimes 10.

    Over the years I have learned a lot about 11. I read once that "We don't smile because we are happy. We are happy because we smile". I also read that "I have 12 seen a smiling face that isn't beautiful". And I realized that both of these things were true.

    In fact, when you smile, it doesn't matter whether you are 13 a mask, or whether your 14 are white or yellow, many or few, or missing altogether. 15 your smile because it can lift your spirits, share your love and spread your happiness.

    A . smaller B . weaker C . smarter D . safer
    A . soul B . body C . head D . eye
    A . light B . tear C . question D . regret
    A . burden B . blessing C . loss D . secret
    A . change B . recipe C . wish D . treasure
    A . wisdom B . curiosity C . joy D . understanding
    A . lives on B . slows down C . dies out D . takes off
    A . dull B . cheerful C . shocking D . hesitant
    A . normal B . strange C . rare D . unique
    A . approved B . responded C . laughed D . bargained
    A . failures B . smiles C . challenges D . stories
    A . frequently B . still C . never D . easily
    A . selling B . purchasing C . washing D . wearing
    A . teeth B . cars C . fingers D . feet
    A . Forget B . Show C . Seek D . Award
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    On February 14, 2021, Austin resident Ryan Sivley was on his way to the neighborhood store to stock up on some goods he noticed many vehicles trapped on the icy roadside. "It was like a sea of cars," he told the Washington Post. "Some people (stick) in snowbanks and ditches (沟渠)."

    (fortunate), Sivley owned a four-wheel drive, which was fully equipped with hooks, chains and recovery tow straps (拖带), and capable of pulling over 40, 000 pounds. He got down to offering help. In most (case). Sivley secured the vehicle to his truck and towed it to an area where the owner could safely drive away. However, in some instances, 40-year-old man pulled the cars all the way to the final destination. By the end of the day, the effort to help a few stuck vehicles had turned into a full-on rescue. "I went from helping one person to three people, to five people," Sivley said. "At 434 cars, I stopped (count). So many people were still trapped and they seemed (hope)."

    Actually, would have been enough for most people was just a start for Sivley. Over the week, he transported hundreds of healthcare workers to and from work. As news of his (generous) spread, other truck owners reached out, and Sivley was soon managing a network of rescuers. While some people helped pay for the gas, Sivley never asked (compensate) for all his hard work!

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你校的英语报正在校内招募"中国传统文化"专栏的编辑。请你写封电子邮件申请,内容包括。
    (2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One day, father, mother and I were on our way to Hubble's store on the Main Street to get those things needed for the upcoming Christmas. As we passed Eaton's department store, we stopped as usual to do a bit of window shopping.

    "What a silly dress!" mother suddenly pointed to a dress in the fancy window. "Who would need such a big red dress?"

    Then, totally out of character, father went to mother and started dancing on the sidewalk as if they were at a dancing party.

    "Dear, it is for dancing parties," father laughed. "I hope I could buy it for you as a Christmas gift."

    "Oh, stop that!" she ordered and her cheeks became redder than usual. Mother, of all people, was not one to spend money on things that were not practical. "There are things we need more than this."

    As we continued down the street, mother turned back many times. "My goodness! They should show something a person really needs!"

    But father liked buying something that mother might not really need, whenever the budget allowed. Of course, he'd get a scolding, but it was all done with the best intention.

    Like the time he brought home the electric stove years ago. In our old kitchen, mother was still cooking year-round on a wooden stove. In summer, the kitchen would be so hot that even the houseflies wouldn't come inside. One day, Dad surprised her with a fancy new electric stove. She protested, saying that the wooden stove cooked just fine, that the electric stove was too dear and that it would cost too much to run it. Since then she only used it on special occasions.

    On Christmas Eve, we drove past the store again and found that the big red dress was gone!

    "Who'd be fool enough to buy such a big red dress?" mother whispered in disbelief as we drove away.


    I quickly stole a look at Dad.


    I'll never forget what I saw the next morning.

