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更新时间:2023-08-30 浏览次数:19 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The Hong Kong Palace Museum will offer a rich variety of educational programmes aimed at stimulating visitors'interest in art and culture.

    Calligraphy and Painting Experience Class   

    15 July Tickets      3:00pm-5:00pm

    Tickets            HK$280

    The programme aims at giving participants a deep understanding of the techniques used to produce many of the masterpieces on display in the Museum's galleries.

    The class is recommended for participants age 18 or above.

    Blue and White Ceramic-making Workshop

    23 July           10:30am-12:00pm

    Tickets           HK$480

    Release your creativity in this ceramics (陶瓷制品) workshop inspired by treasures from the Palace Museum. Learn techniques from master craftsmen (手艺人) and create your own ceramic piece.

    The workshop is recommended for children ages 5 to 12.

    *Participants can collect their ceramics at the Palace Academy 3 weeks after firing (烧制).

    Martial Arts (武术) & Dance

    6 August          3:00pm - 4:00pm

    Tickets            Free performance tickets will be distributed at 12:30pm at the Palace Academy to the visitors on 6 August.

    The performance combines Chinese dance and Chinese martial arts traditions. The Hong Kong Dance Company explored both traditional practices, showcasing the unique beauty of these art forms.

    HKPM Movie: Witness the Hong Kong Palace Museum

    12 August         5:00pm - 7:00pm

    Tickets           Free admission. Limited capacity on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register online from 10:00am on 5 August.

    The newly released documentary goes behind the scenes of the founding of the Museum, covering the architectural design, construction, and the artwork arrangement for its opening exhibitions. It also explores the tales about the treasures presented at the Museum.

    1. (1) What is special about the ceramic-making workshop?
      A . Participants should be at least 18 years old. B . Participants might need to revisit the HKPM. C . It focuses on a new documentary. D . It combines handiwork with painting.
    2. (2) When will the event for enthusiasts of martial arts be held?
      A . On 15 July. B . On 23 July. C . On 6 August. D . On 12 August.
    3. (3) How can you get a HKPM movie ticket?
      A . By buying one for HK$280. B . By calling the Palace Academy. C . By asking the staff for one. D . By booking one online.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Great painter Salvador Dali once said, "A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others." These words perfectly describe V Umapathy, an art teacher from Puducherry, who plants the seeds of creativity in his students'minds through arts and crafts (手工艺).

    Umapathy makes beautiful crafts out of biodegradable materials like bamboo, dried leaves, seeds, roots, branches, vegetable waste, and so on. This way, he integrates sustainability into his creations, leaving an everlasting impact on his students.

    While growing up, Umapathy was inspired by his father, a government school teacher and expert weaver (编织者). "He spent most of his evenings engaging in weaving. I would observe him and eventually developed an interest in the colours, designs and the art," recalls Umapathy.

    While working at the government school, it took Umapathy some time to excite the interest of the students. He experimented with different arts and crafts using a variety of materials. "That's when a big realisation struck me. Most of the students at my school weren't able to afford the materials or equipment to create craftwork. I decided to opt for natural materials, which are available for free," he says.

    This move made the students more interested in the craft than before. With his guidance, they were convinced that they could make wonders even out of waste materials. Now the school exhibits over 300 pieces of artwork, all created by the students over the years, on its walls. "I'm only giving wings to their imagination," says Umapathy with a smile.

    The craft has also aided several students from poor families to support their financial and educational needs. The students, with the help of Umapathy, have saved their earned income for their education. Several students have pursued their studies in fine arts with the income. One such student, Tamilselvan, completed his graduation in Arts and has followed the path of his master to become an art teacher.

    1. (1) Which word best describes Umapathy's craftwork?
      A . Abstract. B . Interactive.         C . Award-winning. D . Environment-friendly.
    2. (2) What did Umapathy use to do as a child?
      A . Collect natural waste. B . Receive weaving training. C . Watch his father weaving. D . Learn painting from his father.
    3. (3) Why are natural materials chosen by Umapathy?
      A . They are perfect for arts and crafts. B . They are easily accessible at no cost. C . They are biodegradable and recyclable. D . They can fire students' imagination.
    4. (4) What did Tamilselvan gain from Umapathy's practice?
      A . He earned money to pursue further study. B . He achieved his dream to be an art teacher. C . He got inspiration for his own exhibitions. D . He received financial aid from an art school.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Teamwork has been behind some of humanity's greatest achievements — the Beatles'biggest hits, putting a man on the moon, the smartphone. Do Zoom and other forms of video interaction, which get popular as working from home has become the norm during COVID-19, mar the creative process that led to such achievements? Yes, according to new research.

    "We initially started the project in 2016 because we heard from managers that innovation was one of the biggest challenges with video interaction. And I'll admit, I was initially doubtful," said Melanie Brucks, author of the study.

    Brucks spent four years exploring whether virtual interaction really had any impact on people's ability to generate innovative ideas. She found 602 people, including university students and staff, and divided them into pairs to work on tasks either in person or virtually. The tasks involved coming up with new uses for everyday things, such as bubble wrap (气泡垫), and each room had the same five items. The performance of each pair was determined by how many ideas they came up with and the novelty and value of their ideas as ranked by student judges. Researchers also used eye-tracking software, which found that virtual participants spent more time looking directly at their partner, as opposed to looking around the room.

    "This visual focus on the screen narrows cognition (认知). In other words, people are more focused when interacting on video, which hurts the broad, expansive idea generation process," Brucks said. Jay Olson, a postdoctoral scholar who studies ways to measure creativity, said that people often look to their surroundings to help them generate ideas. "Objects in the room can stimulate new associations easier than trying to generate them all internally," said Olson.

    Ellen Langer, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, said the new research was an important first step. However, she said it was a mistake to conclude that creativity and videoconferencing are incompatible (不相容的). "Perhaps many of us make friends faster in person than over Zoom, and creativity develops when we're relaxed. But when Zooming from home, people are probably more relaxed than when in an experiment," she added.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "mar" in paragraph 1 mean?
      A . Stimulate. B . Examine. C . Damage. D . Use.
    2. (2) What were participants asked to do in the experiment?
      A . Suggest new uses for daily items. B . Judge the novelty of different ideas. C . Distinguish five similar items. D . Make some everyday things.
    3. (3) What may play a part in generating creative ideas according to Olson?
      A . Visual focus. B . Video interactions. C . Loose associations. D . Surrounding objects.
    4. (4) How did Langer find the new research?
      A . It was well designed but poorly conducted. B . It was a good try but the conclusion was unsound. C . It was pioneering but the evidence was unreliable. D . It was a failure but the methods deserved praise.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    The Greek historian Herodotus is said to have made one of the earliest lists of the Seven Wonders of the World. These were man-made structures, including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. More recent times saw natural alternatives to these wonders of classical architecture proposed: waterfalls, mountains, canyons, reefs. Dramatic landscapes, features and wildlife, and the pleasure and excitement they offer to visitors, are staples (主要部分) of tourism.

    As environmental awareness has risen, attitudes to such sightseeing have changed. Yes, it is exciting to visit remote forests or spot rare species. But travelling to very distant destinations is carbon-intensive when flights or long road journeys are involved, and conservation can be made more difficult as well as assisted by sightseers. There is a balance to be struck, and some governments and businesses around the world try to maximise the benefits while minimising the harm. Colombia, for example, recently introduced laws aimed at promoting sustainable tourism.

    Most of us understand better than ever that there are costs as well as benefits associated with exploring. One of the six pledges (誓言) proposed by an environmental campaign launched last month, The Jump, is to "holiday local", taking short flights once every three years and long flights very rarely. Fortunately, the UK's 15 national parks, 86 areas of outstanding natural beauty (known in Scotland as national scenic areas), and countless other landscapes that are without formal status, but beloved nonetheless, mean that there is no shortage of special places for domestic nature tourists to visit — while a host of European beauty spots are accessible by rail.

    One recent survey found that Windsor Great Park and Kew have become Britain's most popular attractions, while Covid has created difficulties for indoor spaces which do not apply to outdoor ones.

    As we face an environmental emergency that grows ever more dangerous, it is essential to cultivate (培养) appreciation for nature that surrounds us. In a small way, holiday outings to watch dragonflies, kingfishers or seals, or be surrounded by trees that are coming into leaf, could help us to focus on what matters.

    1. (1) Why does the author mention the Greek historian?
      A . To compare historic and modern structures. B . To bring natural wonders into focus. C . To show the change in architectural style. D . To reveal the popularity of tourism.
    2. (2) What did Colombia recently do?
      A . It stepped up efforts to conserve rare species. B . It introduced laws aimed at stimulating the tourism industry. C . It banned sightseers from going to remote forests. D . It reduced people's negative impacts on the environment.
    3. (3) What is the author's attitude toward The Jump's goal?
      A . Optimistic. B . Concerned. C . Critical. D . Uninterested.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Nature tourism: travel lightly B . Eco-friendly tourism during Covid C . Discovery of European beauty spots D . International tourism: wait before setting out
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to get along with your roommates

    Whether you're in halls or moving into a student house for the first time, living with people other than your family can be worrying. Here are some tips for making sure you get on with your roommates.

    •Show a little respect

    Everyone is different when it comes to sharing personal items. So the number one rule for happy housing is to be respectful of people's things and always ask before borrowing. . Make sure you respect roommates' boundaries and let them enjoy having their own space.

    Being able to talk about everything (even boring rules) is important. You and your roommates should be able to openly discuss expectations about cleaning or noise. Set ground rules early on, and you'll be less likely to fall out further down the line.

    •Clean up after yourself

    When living in shared accommodation, remember that the things you do can impact others. Even if you don't mind living in a messy house, it doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same. . Don't leave your things lying around in shared areas for others to tidy up.

    •Make time to get to know each other

    If you feel like you don't know each other that well, find activities to bond over. . Go out socializing. Or take up a joint hobby. There are many ways you can build better relationships,

    •Be ready to compromise (让步)

    Don't expect things to always happen the way you want them to. . Generally, those whose personalities are a match are easy to get on with. But remember, even if you're polar opposites, there's no reason why you can't live harmoniously, as long as you are both willing to compromise!

    A. Set some ground rules

    B. Watch a series together

    C. Communicating with your roommate

    D. The same goes for people's privacy

    E. When living with others, you'll have to learn to meet in the middle

    F. If something gets to be a big problem, deal with it as soon as you can

    G. The easiest way to avoid any issues is to always clean up your own mess

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    In 2006, after graduating, I entered Cendex as a software designer, which literally matched my major in college. Nevertheless, seldom did I get 1 from my occupation. It seemed like that every limited step I took barely got me anywhere.

    Having undergone a painful internal struggle, I 2 and took up photography in pursuit of the new life I'd dreamt of.

    In 2015, I arrived in Kenya, and for some reason, I neither headed for Kilimanjaro nor 3 to visit Nairobi. Instead, I set Lake Boglia as my 4 destination — there, my red fellows5. As my car was approaching the lake, a familiar sound spread into my ears through the 6. When I got there, I was totally shocked by the  7 filling up my eyes:a big group of flamingos (火烈鸟) crowded the lakeshore. Some were proudly 8 their pretty bodies, some feeding their babies and some preparing to 9 with their wings outspread. No sooner had I taken out my camera than the most exciting grandness in my life 10 itself — my red fellows left for the sky above. In an instant, they 11 the sky a brilliant red. It was 12.

    For a very long time, I had no 13 to free myself from the cage of being exclusive (排外的) and was frightened to 14 farther. At that moment I understood that only when you stretch your wings and get ready to fly despite15 ahead can you set yourself free.

    A . criticism B . payment C . experience D . pleasure
    A . continued B . resigned C . failed D . retired
    A . longed B . hesitated C . forgot D . pretended
    A . extra B . ideal C . halfway D . popular
    A . gathered B . danced C . swam D . turned
    A . night B . sea C . air D . forest
    A . tears B . scene C . dream D . changes
    A . finding out B . looking after C . taking over D . showing off
    A . rest B . stand C . fly D . fight
    A . presented B . created C . released D . enjoyed
    A . owed B . colored C . served D . fixed
    A . precious B . natural C . influential D . splendid
    A . chance B . patience C . courage D . ability
    A . work B . travel C . study D . go
    A . storms B . damage C . rainbows D . injury
  • 7. 根据句子结构的语法性,使用括号中的适当形式填空。

    Shanghai Library East Branch Begins Test Run

    The Shanghai Library's East Branch began (it) test operation on August 16. As one of the smartest libraries in Shanghai, the new branch has the largest individual library building in China, size is 115,000 square meters. There are nearly 6,000 seats inside and it is expected (receive) 4 million visitors a year. It offers some 400,000 books as well as more than 600 kinds of magazines Chinese and foreign languages.

    With 12 mobile robot "librarians" and various intelligent systems, it is much (easy) for readers to find the book they need, and borrow or return books while (experience) the latest technologies. The special robot "librarians" can also guide visitors to different areas, answer their questions, search for or recommend books provide broadcasting service. After the books (return), a 24-hour smart sorting line will allow them to be back on the (shelf) quickly.

    The construction of the new library started in September 2017 and was completed in 2022. The new library will become a cultural center that provides diverse reading-related services and experiences. The original library on Huaihai Road will focus on serving the academic needs of professional readers and research institutions after the new one opens (official).

  • 23. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友David来信说对中国诗歌很感兴趣,请你给他回一封邮件,向他推荐国内最近很受欢迎的节目《中国诗词大会》。






    4)参考词汇:中国诗词大会Chinese Poetry Competition中央电视台 China Central Television


    Dear David,



    Li Hua

  • 24. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Be a true runner

    For me, it was normal to feel lost at the inter-camp track. Four camps of kids were ready to lead their teams to a blue ribbon and win the day. Not me. I was too little to be the leader and too skinny to be an athlete. I knew this by the time I was twelve, because my camp counselors (辅导员) and the other kids reminded me of it every chance they got. So when our camp needed a fourth runner in the two-mile race around the lake, I knew I was no one's first choice.

    I hid in the shade of a maple tree as they called the names of the runners, my body tensed as I heard a counselor call, "Fred! Where is Fred! He is in this race!" It was Barry. He spotted me under the tree. "Fred! We need a 12-year-old who hasn't been in other events to run the two-mile!"

    He gave me a push towards the starting line. Having no confidence and trying to save myself from the shame of taking the last place as four camps watched, I pleaded with him.

    "But I don't know the way around the lake!"

    "You're in. Just follow Bill!" Barry smiled.

    Bill was my friend and the fastest runner in our camp. And then Barry said, "When you make it to the last stretch (最后一程) on the field, just throw your head back and run. "

    At the starting line, I stood next to Bill and trembled.

    "On your mark… Get set…" The gun cracked and sixteen of us took off. I stayed close on Bill's heels, a little too close for Bill, I guess. He shouted at me, "Back off!"

    I did. Two guys passed me, but I kept my eyes on Bill.

    It was tiring. The distance was widening between Bill and me. We made the turn from the dusty road onto the muddy, wooded trail that would go around the lake back to the field. Through the trees, I saw Bill trip over a tree root and fall. A runner from another camp passed him.




    Para 1: In a moment, Bill was up and running.


    Para 2: I didn't realize that I had crossed the finish line.

