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更新时间:2023-08-02 浏览次数:31 类型:期末考试
一、匹配题(每小题2分,共 10分)
  • 1. My busy day. 请找出和我活动一致的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) cleaned the room
    2. (2) went shopping
    3. (3) cooked meals
    4. (4) read a book
    5. (5) washed clothes
  • 2. 班会课上,孩子们就如何调整自己的不良情绪谈谈自己的做法。请根据孩子们谈论办法,找出相应的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) When I am not happy, I often listen to music.
    2. (2) When I feel sad, I often call my best friend and talk with her.
    3. (3) When I feel angry, I often take a deep breath.
    4. (4) When I am not happy, I often go shopping.
    5. (5) When I feel worried, I often eat cakes.
  • 13. 请根据I栏的问句,从Ⅱ栏中选出适当的答语。

    How was your weekend?         

    A. We went there by car.

    Where did you go?              

    B. It was great.

    How did you get there?        

    C. I went to a big nature park.

    Who did you go with?           

    D. We climbed mountains and picked peaches.

    What did you do there?         

    E. I went there with my parents and cousins.

  • 14. 根据表格信息,完成下列任务。
    My brother's last weekend


    What did he do?

    Saturday morning


    Saturday afternoon


    Saturday evening


    Sunday morning


    Sunday afternoon


    Sunday evening


    1. (1) This is my brother's last weekend.
    2. (2) My brother was busy last weekend. He did lots of things.
    3. (3) My brother was happy last weekend.
    4. (4) My brother is helpful at home. He can cook and clean the room.
    5. (5) My brother played computer games on Saturday evening. I don't think it's good to play computer games for a long time.
    6. (6) On Saturday morning, my brother         .
      A . did sports and read a book B . washed clothes and drew pictures C . washed clothes and read a book
    7. (7) On Saturday afternoon, my brother         .
      A . drew pictures and saw a film B . did sports and drew pictures C . had a drawing class and a maths class
    8. (8) My brother          on Saturday evening.
      A . read a book and listened to music B . watched TV and studied English C . did homework and played computer games
    9. (9) My brother had an art class and cleaned the room           .
      A . on Sunday morning B . on Saturday morning C . on Sunday afternoon
    10. (10) My brother didn't          last weekend.
      A . see a film B . take a trip C . play football
  • 15. 请根据实际和生活经验,选择最佳出行方式。

    l get up late. I will be late for school. And it 's raining heavily now. How can I go to school?

    My father works in a factory. The factory is about 500 meters away from my home. So he often goes to work. 

    John's home is a little far from his school. And there is no bus stop near his home. So he often goes to school. 

    If you want to go to Wuhan from Xiangyang. You will go there. 

    You are in China now. If you want to go to England. You will go there.

    A.  B.   C.   D.      E.

  • 16. 读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Last weekend, it was a fine day. Matt went to the museum with his classmates. They went there by subway. They saw many old and special things. They learnt a lot there. They all felt excited. They took many photos, too. Matt likes collecting, so he really loved those old and interesting things in the museum.

    Chen Jie went to the old house to help the old people. She was very busy. She did a lot of things. She cleaned the rooms, washed their clothes, made their beds and cooked food at noon. She was so tired but she felt happy. What a kind girl!

    1. (1) When did Matt go to the museum?
      A . They went to the museum last Saturday. B . They went to the museum last Sunday. C . They went to the museum last weekend.
    2. (2) Why did Matt and his classmates feel excited?
      A . Because the weather was fine. B . Because they learnt a lot. C . Because they took many pictures.
    3. (3) Where did Chen Jie go?
      A . She went the old house. B . She went to the museum. C . She went to the park.
    4. (4) Why was Chen Jie tired?
      A . Because she went the old house. B . Because she cleaned the rooms. C . Because she did so many things.
    5. (5) Is Chen Jie a kind girl? Why?
      A . Yes, she is. Because she is friendly. B . Yes, she is. Because she is polite. C . Yes, she is. Because she helps the old people in the old house.

