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更新时间:2023-07-24 浏览次数:51 类型:期末考试
  • 1. (2023高二下·梅州期中) 阅读理解

    Since sugar is such a big part of the food we eat, people may wonder if some types of sugar are better for us than others. Let's look at some common sweeteners to find out.

    White Sugar

    White sugar is also called table sugar because it's often on tables at homes and restaurants. Because it goes through the most processing, it has the least nutritional value of all the sugars we consume. As it is being refined(提纯), the sugar loses its minerals along with any natural color it had. During the refining process, thick, brown liquid known as molasses(糖浆)is produced.

    Brown Sugar

    Brown sugar is essentially white sugar with some of the molasses added back in. Although the molasses contains some nutrients, the amount added is not enough to be of much benefit to people.

    Black Sugar

    Some people believe black sugar, which originated in Okinawa, Japan, is more nutritious than brown sugar. With black sugar, sugarcane is boiled until it turns into a dark sauce, which is then cooled and formed into solid chunks. Thus, black sugar keeps its molasses content.


    Honey is another common type of sweetener that people use, with many believing it is the healthiest option because it comes from bees and is therefore more natural. There is truth to that belief, but despite having more nutritional value, too much honey can still be harmful to one's health. The main point seems to be that people should control their intake of sugar as much as possible.

    1. (1) Which type of sugar contains the least nutrition?
      A . White Sugar. B . Brown Sugar. C . Black Sugar. D . Honey.
    2. (2) What makes honey a better choice?
      A . Its natural color. B . Its refining process. C . Its source. D . Its place of production.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the text?
      A . To advertise different kinds of sugars. B . To introduce the making process of sugar. C . To persuade people to control sugar intake. D . To recommend suitable sugars to people.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Leek Town Warriors was a girls' football team Which used to get routinely defeated every time they turned out, until James Henry stepped in two years ago. He took the job when the previous coach quit and transformed the team's fortunes. With the help of his assistant Andy Austin, they started training hard in April 2020.

    Some players had never kicked a football before joining the team, so training them took hours of hard work and patience. After a good few weeks, they got down to training and really started to take it in what the coach wanted. "I insist on doing the basic stuff well and letting the girls decide what they feel they need to work on." James said.

    James' first season was ruined by the pandemic, which forced him and Andy to get creative with training. They organized team-building activities with the girls to help them bond on and off the field. James then spent the sessions they could hold focusing on the basics of football like passing and shooting, bringing the girls up to a good standard.

    James watched the girls develop over the course of last year, and in September they played their first match of the new season. They won the game, and since then went on an unbeaten run of eight games. The team's star player, 15-year-old Chelsea, has also impressed the audience individually, becoming the top scorer in the league with incredible 30 goals.

    James said, "All the effort that the girls, us coaches and parents have put in to get this point has been enormous. If I hadn't had the Support of Andy helping me every week, this would have been an impossible task. So I'm incredibly grateful to have him on side. All we want is to bring more girls into the game and show that it's not all about having the best players; it's about hard work and giving everyone the chance to play."

    1. (1) Why did James Henry take over the soccer team?
      A . Because he wanted to try his fortune. B . Because he wanted to turn things around. C . Because the previous coach recommended him. D . Because he hoped to fulfill his champion dream.
    2. (2) What did James do to change the situation?
      A . Pick experienced players. B . Develop players' patience. C . Lay stress on basic skills. D . Make decisions for the girls.
    3. (3) What did the team achieve after James was in charge?
      A . They won the league championship. B . They stood out in James' first season. C . They scored 30 goals in the season. D . They won regularly and secured promotion.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the story?
      A . Talent is the key. B . Joint efforts matter. C . Every dog has his day. D . Time and tide wait for no man.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Born in 1926, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was not originally chosen for the special position. However, that changed in 1936, when her father's brother Edward Ⅷ gave up being the king and her father, George Ⅵ, took his place as the king. Suddenly, the 10-year-old was the heiress(女继承人).

    Elizabeth's royal(王室的)duties didn't stop her interest in technology. During World War II, the princess wanted her father to allow her to do something for her country. Her father finally agreed to let her volunteer for the British Army, where she became a driver and trained in auto mechanics.

    It was a pioneering move: Not only was she the first member of her family ever to serve in the military, but the sight of a woman taking apart engines and changing tires signalled a sea change in social and gender roles that would continue throughout the future queen's lifetime.

    In 1952, Elizabeth became queen of her country upon her father's death. Her rule was modern from the very start. The new queen's birth had roughly happened at the same time as the development of television, and during planning for her coronation(加冕礼)she broke with tradition and allowed the BBC to broadcast the event over live TV. It was the first coronation ever televised, and it literally created must-see TV.

    Elizabeth came to power as the atomic age kicked into full swing, and she helped introduce the nation to those nuclear advances. In 1956, she opened the world's first complete nuclear power station, Calder Hall. But the technology came with risk: The next year, a reactor at a nearby nuclear power plant, Windscale, caught fire, which was Great Britain's worst nuclear disaster.

    The queen also launched live broadcasts of royal addresses and permitted royal use of the Internet. Besides, she was one of the first people to ride through the Channel Tunnel, the undersea railway linking Britain to the rest of Europe.

    1. (1) After World War Ⅱ broke out, how did Elizabeth support her country?
      A . By encouraging women to volunteer. B . By using her influence to stop the war. C . By getting away from her royal duties. D . By joining the army to serve her country.
    2. (2) What does the author think of Elizabeth's move during World War Ⅱ?
      A . Normal. B . Significant. C . Unnecessary. D . Unreasonable.
    3. (3) What does the queen's decision about her coronation indicate?
      A . She didn't really want to be queen. B . She loved watching TV very much. C . She liked adopting new technology. D . She didn't consider her coronation modern.
    4. (4) What can we learn about Elizabeth in paragraph 5?
      A . She considered nuclear power important for her country. B . She was satisfied with her country's nuclear advances. C . She didn't show much interest in nuclear power. D . She considered nuclear power dangerous.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty (协议) to protect biodiversity on the high seas, representing a turning point for vast stretches of the planet where conservation has previously been held back by a confusing patchwork (拼凑)of laws.

    The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force in 1994, before marine biodiversity was a well-established concept. An updated framework to protect marine life in the regions outside national boundary waters, known as the high seas, had been in discussions for more than 20 years, but previous efforts to reach an agreement had repeatedly failed. The unified treaty, which applies to nearly half the planet's surface, was reached late on Saturday.

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomes the finalization of the text of the United Nations Ocean Treaty, his spokesman said on Saturday. "This breakthrough, which covers nearly two-thirds of the ocean, marks the culmination of nearly two decades of work and builds on the legacy (遗产)of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea," a statement said.

    Nichola Clark, an ocean expert at the Pew Charitable Trusts called the long-awaited treaty text "a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect the oceans-a major win for biodiversity". The treaty will create a new body to manage the conservation of ocean life and establish marine-protected are-as on the high seas. Clark said that's critical to achieving the UN Biodiversity Conference's recent promise to protect 30 percent of the planet's waters, for conservation. The treaty also establishes ground rules for conducting environmental impact assessments for commercial activities in the oceans.

    Treaty negotiations were initially anticipated to conclude on Friday, but stretched through the night into Saturday. The making of the treaty represents "a historic and overwhelming success for international marine protection," said Steffi Lemke, Germany's environment minister.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea?
      A . It is the basis of the UN Ocean Treaty. B . It leads to a lot of controversy. C . It has been discussed for over 20 years. D . It is a complete failure.
    2. (2) Which of the following could replace the underlined word "culmination" in Paragraph 3?
      A . Beginning. B . Impact. C . End. D . Break.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
      A . Commercial ocean activities will be monitored. B . Preservation of 30% of the planet will be ensured. C . Protected areas on the high seas will be expanded. D . An existing department will manage the conservation.
    4. (4) Why is the making of the UN ocean treaty recognized as a historic success?
      A . It takes tough and long negotiations. B . The high seas are stressed for the first time. C . Unity in protecting the high seas is achieved. D . The concept of marine biodiversity is established.
  • 5.  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Family meals are important and connect family members.There is no need to worry about going to school, work and more.

    Studies have shown family mealtime increases positive social skills, school engagement and decreases the frequency of negative behaviors. Trying new food or not restricting on food is encouraged. Children who engage in family mealtime are less likely to have eating disorders. In addition, those who share frequent family meals are more likely to eat a larger number of fruits and vegetables and be less picky about food.

    For example, we need to consider the budget, the time for meal preparation, the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store.Members may have various cultural or dietary preferences. In view of this, we should make sure that the eating plan offered nutritional value for different calorie and nutritional needs-for people of different ages, different activity levels and health conditions.

    Healthy eating should be a family affair, and some recommended diets will help you reach that goal by highlighting eating plans that are safe, flexible and nutritious for everyone at the table. In addition, the foods in the diets can be purchased fresh, canned or frozen.

    A. They prefer junk food like hamburgers, fried chicken.

    B. A team of health experts think family meals are difficult.

    C. They can get people to relax and make their relationship closer.

    D. It also offers an opportunity to set healthy eating habits for kids.

    E. Thus, It is convenient and easy for families to have family meals.

    F. We also considered how adaptable this diet would be for a whole family.

    G. We should have a balanced diet and pay attention to what we have every day.

  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    You've heard of Petfinder. Com—a website that helps rescue groups find loving homes for 1 . Maybe you have even found your own pet through the 2 . But do you know Petfinder started as an idea that came on the way to a New Year's dinner?

    Back in 1995 Google wasn't a verb and Facebook and QQ didn't 3 The world wide web was more of a wild world. My husband Jared was a doctor and I worked for urban forestry. But we thought that anything was 4 on the web. It wasn't used effectively.

    We wanted to create a 5 . The question was, who would 6 a lot from our website? That was what we were discussing in the car that night on the way to meet friends for 7 . We thought about many ideas. "The website would make use of technology for a 8 responsible cause," Jared finally said.

    What cause needed our help? 9 , we both thought of animal shelters. Sure, we loved animals and I'd " 10 " them when I was a kid—like the snake I found in the backyard and persuaded(说服)my parents to let me 11 it. But now my 12 was on planting trees and Jared put his heart into 13 the sick. We didn't even have a 14 . Yet I knew every year, millions of abandoned pets—healthy, loving animals who wanted only a home—were killed.

    We couldn't wait to tell our friends our 15 . They volunteered to help. After that dinner Jared and I worked on Petfinder. com—that's what we 16 it. We wanted the site to be 17 to potential adopters. That meant all expenses 18 our own pocket. However, we knew if we saved just one life a month, it would be worth it.

    Two years later our site went 19  . Today, more than 12,500 animals welfare groups 20  information about animals on Petfinder; 65 percent of animal adoptions in the US come through the site.

    A . people B . kids C . animals D . things
    A . notice B . site C . newspaper D . radio
    A . change B . work C . end D . appear
    A . great B . true C . possible D . unbelievable
    A . world B . home C . place D . website
    A . separate B . offer C . prevent D . get
    A . help B . dinner C . fun D . advice
    A . socially B . privately C . formally D . physically
    A . At first B . In the end C . At present D . At the end
    A . enjoyed B . lost C . killed D . saved
    A . kill B . eat C . keep D . play
    A . timetable B . hobby C . focus D . habit
    A . comforting B . curing C . encouraging D . supporting
    A . child B . backyard C . home D . pet
    A . difficult B . story C . idea D . situation
    A . named B . produced C . expected D . dreamed
    A . familiar B . free C . valuable D . convenient
    A . came into B . came up with C . came to D . came out of
    A . national B . abroad C . uncontrollable D . normal
    A . buy B . find C . post D . trade
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The world's biggest kite, shaped like a dragon and(stretch) over 280meters, flew high on Sunday in the skies over the Chinese city of Weifang. The city in the eastern province of Shandong is birthplace of kites and home to the Weifang International Kite Festival since 1984.

    The highlight of this year's edition was the "Chinese Giant Dragon", four meters in(high) and 3.6 meters in width. The kite has the head of a dragon and the body of a centipede(蜈蚣) and is the(wide) of its kind in the world. "It took 28 experienced workers 48 days to design and complete the kite.55 people(require) to fly it," said Zhang Huagang, general manager of Weifang Tianshun Kite Productions and one of the kite makers.

    According to Zhang, the giant dragon kite, using traditional Chinese techniques, " (refer) to our nation's wishes for prosperity and fortune". The kite festival, now in its 38th edition, opened on Fridaythe presence of hundreds of amateurs and professionals, flooded to the city from near and far to display their creations at the event.

    This year's festival features a record 1,628 kites in (vary) forms by 500 participants (divide) into 188 teams from over 31 provinces and regions from across the country.

  • 8.  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    I know a professor who's also a millionaire. A few years ago he have an important invention and made fortune. Although he was very successful, he didn't forget the village children who was suffering from poverty and hungry. He could have lived comfortably so he donated all his money to a village school so that the children would not drop out. He also equipped teachers offices with furniture. Her ultimate goal was for all children to go to school. If he couldn't do so, he would be feel guilty. The professor's kindness has been appreciated for all. It is said that the professor has became a philanthropist(慈善家).

  • 9. 假如你是某国际学校学生李华,最近你校学生会发起了"绿色地球,从我做起"的主题活动,作为学生会成员,请你为该活动写一封倡议书。内容要点如下:
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 提出建议;
    3. 发出呼吁。

    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答

    Dear students,


    The Student Union

