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更新时间:2023-07-26 浏览次数:31 类型:期末考试
一、Read and write. 根据句子内容,选词填空。(7%)
  • 1. 根据句子内容,选词填空。

    keeps. . . in,  was,  bought,  unhealthy,  throwing,  into

    1. (1) I  some beautiful postcards in the tourist center.
    2. (2) Danny  cute when he was a baby.
    3. (3) The air  the kite high  the sky.
    4. (4) Don't eat too much meat. That's .
    5. (5) We should stop rubbish  the river.
二、Read and match. 读一读,连线。(5%)
  • 2. 读一读,连线。

    Shenzhen                      A. It is on 12 th March in China.

    The Palace Museum     B. There are a lot of trees there.

    Big Ben                        C. It is in Beijing. It is famous around the world.

    a forest                         D. It's a clock tower in London.

    Tree Planting Day         E. It's a modern city. It's in the south of China.

三、Read and circle, 读一读,圈出正确单词。(6%)
四、Read and write. 连词成句,注音大小写和标点符号。(3%)
五、Read, judge and write. 请判断对错,并补充⒉条你知道的安全或礼仪规则。(6%)
  • 10. 请判断对错,并补充2条你知道的安全或礼仪规则。

    You should play in the kitchen.


    You should wash your hands before meals.

    You should run to the seat first when you get on the bus.

    You may say, "Goodbye." when you leave your friends home.

    You should say, "Excuse me." when you want to ask some questions



六、Read and choose. 补全对话,将字母序号填写在对应横线上。(5%)
  • 11. 补全对话,将字母序号填写在对应横线上。

    A. Of course.

    B. It is not so far.

    C. Who did you go with?

    D. How did you go there?

    E. How long did it take to the mountain?

    Alice: Hi, Sally. Where did you go last weekend?

    Sally: I went to Wutong Mountain.


    Sally: With my family.


    Sally: By car.


    Sally: It took us fifty minutes to get there.


    Well, what did you think of Wutong Mountain?

    Sally: It is great.

    Alice: Can l join you next time?


七、Read and choose。完形填空。(5%)
  • 12. 完形填空。

    Every year we have a snow festival. It is1February, in winter. This year it was fantastic! It was very cold. I wore a2, boots, gloves, and a hat. There was a lot to do, and we3 so much fun. I went to see the beautiful snow sculptures4my brother and sister. My favorite sculptures were two big dinosaurs. They looked scary! We played on the snow slides and in a snow maze, too. In the evening, we saw colorful lights and5to music. The festival was wonderful this year!

    A . in B . on C . at
    A . snowsuits B . snowsuit C . sweaters
    A . have B . has C . had
    A . to B . between C . with
    A . listened B . listening C . listen
八、Read and answer. 阅读训练。(15%)
  • 13. Read and judge. 根据内容判断正误。

    Last week, Mr. White took his students to the Space Museum. First, the children watched a movie about space travel. They saw how the space shuttle(航天飞机)took off in space and later landed on the Earth again. It was very exciting and the children felt that they were traveling in space themselves! After the movie, Mr. White took them to see some models of rockets and the space shuttles. The children also saw some moon stones. Two Americans landed on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag there. Then they took some stones back to the earth. Before the children left, they watched a video show about people living and working in a spacelab. The space lab was very big. There were kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and a big workshop for people to work in. The people could stay in the space lab for months.

    1. (1) Mr White took the children to the cinema.
    2. (2) The movie made the children feel that they were travelling in space.
    3. (3) The children saw some moon stones in the movie.
    4. (4) Two Chinese people landed on the moon in 1969.
    5. (5) The moon stone were taken back to the earth by two Americans.
    6. (6) People can work in the space lab for months.
  • 14. 根据短文,选择正确答案。

    Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they can communicate(交流)with sounds. Dolphins travel in groups. All dolphins in a group share information with each other. They tell each other when they are happy, sad or afraid and they talk a lot when they play. They make a few sounds above water, but they make most of their sounds under water. People can't usually hear these sounds, but scientists can use special equipment to study them. Sometimes people catch dolphins to keep in large aquariums. People watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be away from their group. In the aquariums they get sad and lonely. It is better to let them live in the natural environment.

    1. (1) Dolphins can talk by .
    2. (2) Dolphins can make most of their sounds .
    3. (3) Scientists use special to study dolphins.
    4. (4) How do dolphins feel when they are away from their group?
    5. (5) What can we do to help dolphins live in a better life?
  • 15. 根据内容选择。

    A man took a pair of shoes to a shoe repair(修补) shop and said to the shoemaker, "I'd like you to repair these shoes for me, please. When will they be ready?" "I'm a bit busy, but they'll probably be ready for you on Thursday," the shoemaker said. "That's fine, "" the man said and left the shop. The next morning he received a letter, offering him a job in another country. Within 24 hours he was on an airplane to his new job.

    Twenty years passed and he returned to his hometown. He remembered his shoes. "I wonder if the shoemaker is still there and still has them. I'll go and see. "He was pleased to see that the shoemaker was still in the same shop, although he was an old man by now." Good morning," he said to him. "Twenty years ago, I brought in a pair of shoes to be repaired. Do you think you've still got them?" "Name?" the old shoemaker asked. "Smith," the man said. "I'll go and see. They may be out back. ""The shoemaker went out to the back of his shop and a few minutes later returned, carrying the pair of shoes." Here we are," he said. "One pair of brown shoes to be repaired. I'm a bit busy now but they'll probably be ready on Thursday. "

    1. (1) Why did the man go to a shoemaker?
      A . He wanted him to make him a new pair of shoes. B . He wanted him to repair a pair of shoes. C . He had a very old pair of boots to repair.
    2. (2) Why didn't the man return to the shoe repair shop on Thursday?
      A . He went overseas. B . He knew the shoes would not be ready. C . He was too busy.
    3. (3) The man stayed away from his hometown___________.
      A . until Thursday. B . for about twenty years. C . for a few days.
    4. (4) What did the man do when he returned to his hometown?
      A . He bought a new pair of shoes. B . He visited all his friends. C . He returned to the shoemaker to get his shoes.

