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更新时间:2023-08-02 浏览次数:28 类型:期末考试
一、听句子,选出句子提到的词语。(10 分)
二、听句子,判断句子与图意是否相符。(10 分)
  • 21. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . Yongxian's hobby is listening to music. B . Yongxian's hobby is playing music. C . Yongxian's hobby is taking photos.
  • 22. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . The dog can jump very high. B . The cat is good at running. C . The dog is running after the cat.
  • 23. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . Mr Li wants to talk with Jack and Mike. B . Mike is in the classroom. C . Jack is in the library.
  • 24. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . Tom watches TV on Sunday morning. B . Tom plays football on Sunday afternoon. C . Tom does his homework on Sunday evening.
  • 25. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . Sally never goes to a singing class. B . Sally often goes to a science class. C . Sometimes Sally goes to an art class.
  • 26. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . Ms Li usually drinks tea in the morning. B . Ms Li usually drinks coffee in the afternoon. C . Ms Li likes drinking coffee and tea.
  • 27. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . A large hamburger and a can of coke will be 18 yuan together. B . The man wants a large coke and a small hamburger. C . The man wants a large hamburger and a can of juice.
  • 28. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . For starter, they have potato soup. B . For dessert, they have cakes and ice cream. C . For the main course, they have chicken, fish, meat, vegetables and eggs.
  • 29. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . It will be windy and cool tomorrow. B . It will be cloudy and warm tomorrow. C . It will be snowy and cold tomorrow.
  • 30. 听录音,选出符合对话内容的句子(   )
    A . In England, the weather changes quickly. B . In England, there are only two seasons. C . In England, the weather never changes in a day.
四、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。(5 分)
五、听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容。 (5分)
  • 36. 听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容。
    1. (1) Jane gets up early on Saturday.
    2. (2) Jane and her mother go shopping on Saturday morning.
    3. (3) Jane's father gets up early, too.
    4. (4) On Saturday Jane's brother goes to the Children's Palace to have a swimming lesson.
    5. (5) Jane and her brother often visit their grandpa and grandma on Saturday afternoon.
六、把问句和和答句配对。(5 分)
  • 37. 把问句和和答句配对。

    What's your brother's hobby?    

    What can the robot do?    

    What do you usually do on Sunday?    

    What do you want to drink for lunch?    

    What do you think of the food?    

    A. It can do much housework.

    B. I usually stay at home and watch TV.

    C. I want something cold.

    D. I think it's too salty.

    E. He loves playing tennis.

七、根据图意写出单词所缺的字母。(10 分)
  • 57. 根据上下文,选择正确的答案。

    A. enjoy    B. gets    C. plays    D. growing    E. grows

    David is a farmer. He is good at flowers. He always up at 6:30 in the morning and works in the fields (田地) all day. He beautiful roses and sunflowers. Sometimes he music in the fields. He thinks his flowers can the music.

  • 58. 根据上下文,选择正确的答案。

    A. Good idea.    B. Can you swim?    C. Of course.

    D. What about yours?

    E. What are you doing?

    Boy: Good morning, Xiaoling.

    Girl: I am reading a book about birds. Do you like birds?

    Boy: Keeping birds is my hobby.

    Girl: My hobby is swimming.

    Boy: Yes, I can. But I can't swim very fast.

    Girl: It is very hot today. Shall we go swimming together?

    Boy: Let's go!

  • 59. 读短文,根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案。

    We have different tastes

    My name is Janet. I am a student from Guangzhou. My teachers are from different cities (城市) and we like different food. Li Pin, the Chinese teacher, is from Shanghai. She likes sweet food. Wang Hai, the maths teacher, comes from Sichuan. Like many people in Sichuan, he loves spicy food very much. I was born in Guangzhou. Seafood is my favourite food. I like spicy food and sweet food too. My English teacher Mr White was born in London (伦敦,英国首都) and he has lived there for twenty years. So he had lots of fish and chips before. Now he is in Guangzhou. He likes dimsum because it looks nice and tastes good.

    1. (1) Where is Janet from?
      A . She's from Guangzhou. B . She's from Sichuan. C . She's from Shanghai.
    2. (2) What does the word' spicy' mean (意思是) ?
      A . It means "sweet". B . It means "hot". C . It means "good".
    3. (3) What's Janet's favourite food?
      A . Fish and chips. B . Fruit salad. C . Seafood.
    4. (4) Where was Mr White born?
      A . In London. B . In Guangzhou. C . In Shanghai.
    5. (5) What does Mr White think of the dimsum in Guangzhou?
      A . It's terrible. B . It looks nice and tastes good. C . It looks nice but tastes not.
十一、读短文,按短文内容选择正确的答案 (5分)
  • 60. 读短文,按短文内容选择正确的答案

    My name is Jack. I am from England. Now I live in China with my family. My favourite subject is Chinese. And I like Chinese kung fu very much. I often play kung fu after school. I love reading books like Journey to the West (西游记) . I want to be a kungfu star when I grow up. I have a Chinese friend, Jiamin. His favourite subject is English. He loves reading books, too. He likes reading JK. Rowling's books. He wants to fly in the sky like Harry Potter (哈利波特) some day. He wants to be a writer like J. K. Rowling when he grows up.

    1. (1) Jack is from_____.
      A . the USA B . England C . China
    2. (2) Jack's favourite subject is_____.
      A . English B . kung. fu C . Chinese
    3. (3) Jack often_____ after school.
      A . plays kung fu B . does housework C . reads books
    4. (4) Jack wants to be a_____ when he grows up.
      A . writer B . kung fu star C . teacher
    5. (5) Jack likes reading_____.
      A . Journey to the West B . Harry Potter C . J.K. Rowling's books
  • 61. 读短文,按短文内容回答问题。

    The weather in New Zealand is very different from China's weather. It's very hot from November to February but quite cold between June and August. December is hot. And June is cool. Summer is from November to February. This is the best time to visit New Zealand. It's usually from 22℃ to 30℃. People like to swim in the sea to keep cool. People also play sport like volleyball on the beach. During the day, the sun usually shines brightly. It's very dry but very cool at night. And it doesn't rain much.

    Winter lasts from May to September. It usually rains and it's windy. The temperature is usually from 11℃ to 14℃.

    1. (1) Is the weather in New Zealand very different from the weather in China?
    2. (2) When is the best time to visit New Zealand?
    3. (3) What's the weather like in New Zealand in winter?
    4. (4) What's the temperature in New Zealand from November to February?
十三、在答题卡上写一段话,介绍广州夏季和冬季的天气、人们在这两个季节的日常活动及你对季节的喜好。(5 分)
  • 62.

