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更新时间:2023-07-22 浏览次数:20 类型:期末考试
  • 43. 看一看,选一选。根据图片内容,从方框内选择正确的答案。

    A. rode horses B. rode bikes C. went fishing D. went swimming E. went camping

    We had a good holiday in summer. We in Fuxian Lake(抚仙湖). We in the morning. And we together. In the afternoon, we also , and my friend . What a nice holiday it was!

  • 44. 看图,读句子,为下列句子选择对应的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) John took pictures in the park last weekend.
    2. (2) I ate fresh food yesterday.
    3. (3) Mr Smart went camping last night.
    4. (4) My father read books under the tree yesterday.
    5. (5) I washed my clothes at home yesterday.
  • 45. 读一读林英的故事,找出下面各小题的答案。

    I'm Lin Ying. I'm eleven years old. I'm from Yunnan. My hobby is travelling. I want to go to Nanjing this summer holiday.

    I'm going with my friends. Nanjing is famous in China. We want to visit some places and have some traditional(传统的)food in Nanjing. We want to take lots of photos. We'll stay there for two weeks(周). I think we will have a good time there.

    1. (1) Lin Ying is _________ years old.
      A . 10 B . 11 C . 12
    2. (2) Lin Ying likes _________.
      A . singing B . swimming C . travelling
    3. (3) Lin Ying wants to go to Nanjing in __________.
      A . summer B . autumn C . winter
    4. (4) Lin Ying wants to stay in Nanjing for _________ days.
      A . five B . six C . fourteen
    5. (5) Lin Ying will _________ in Nanjing.
      A . visit her grandpa B . visit some places C . visit her friends
  • 46. 请读一下Tony的故事。读完后,判断正误。

    Tony is 14 years old. He lives in America. Tony can speak English and Chinese. He likes toy cars. And he often plays with toy cars. He has a pen friend. His name is Li Bing. Li Bing lives in China. They often write emails to each other. Tony wants to visit the Great Wall. And he will go to the Great Wall this summer.

    1. (1) Tony can speak Chinese and English.
    2. (2) Tony often plays with dogs.
    3. (3) Li Bing is Tony's pen friend.
    4. (4) Tony lives in Sydney.
    5. (5) Tony will go to the Great Wall this summer.

