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更新时间:2023-07-24 浏览次数:22 类型:期末考试
  • 13. 看图片,选出正确的句子。

    A. Big Ben is very old.

    B. I'll do my homework.

    C. I was at school yesterday.

    D. We rowed a boat on the lake last Sunday.

    E. Daming washed clothes yesterday evening.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 24. 补全对话。选出正确的句子补全对话。

    A. Is it small?

    B. What's this?

    C. But it's very beautiful.

    D. Whose house is it?

    E. Guangyuan is an old city.


    B: It's a picture about Guangyuan.


    B: Yes. It is very old!


    B: It's my house.


    B: Yes, it is.

    A: I see! Thank you.

  • 25. 根据短文内容判断正误。

    My name's Amy. I travel to many places. Last winterI travelled to Sanya. Sanya is usually sunny and warm. But when I got there, it was rainy and cold. I didn't take my coat. I only took my dresses and T-shirts. I was so cold. I didn't go out. I didn't take any pictures. I didn't have a good time.

    1. (1) Amy doesn't travel to many places.
    2. (2) Amy travelled to Chengdu last year.
    3. (3) It was rainy and cold when Amy got to Sanya.
    4. (4) Amy took her dresses and T-shirts to Sanya.
    5. (5) Amy had a good time in Sanya.
  • 26. 根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。

    Yesterday was a sunny day. My parents and I visited my uncle and aunt. Because it was my uncle's birthday. My aunt cooked fish and noodles for lunch. We also ate a birthday cake. In the afternoon, my uncle played chess with my father. I walked in the park with my mother and aunt. What about my little cousin? He did his homework at home.

    1. (1) It was ________ yesterday.
      A . cloudy B . sunny C . windy
    2. (2) Yesterday was my ________ birthday.
      A . dad's B . aunt's C . uncle's
    3. (3) We ate __________ for lunch yesterday.
      A . fish and noodles B . eggs and tomatoes C . fish and eggs
    4. (4) My uncle ___________ with my father in the afternoon.
      A . played basketball B . watched TV C . played chess
    5. (5) My little cousin ___________ at home.
      A . listened to music B . did his homework C . played games
  • 27. 选择适当的单词补全短文,有两个为多余单词。

    and  visit  with  famous  holiday  welcome  train

    Daming will go to New York by next week. He's going to his cousin Sam. New York is very big and . And it is very beautiful too. Daming will go to a pop concert Sam. They will be happy on their .

