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更新时间:2023-10-09 浏览次数:16 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Best Volunteer Opportunities Abroad for 2023 & 2024

    As more people choose to travel more sustainably, International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ)'s volunteer abroad programs are booking up quickly for 2023 and 2024. You won't want to miss out on these volunteer opportunities!

    Zambia Program

    For those who want to explore the incredible area of Victoria Falls, but want to volunteer to help local people in the community, check out this program. Volunteer opportunities in Zambia include Construction & Renovation, Elderly Care, Kindergarten, Medical and Rural Teaching. Moreover, you can enjoy many thrilling activities like swimming on the ledge of a powerful waterfall and taking a walking safari (游猎).

    South Africa Program

    Set in Cape Town, this program is incredibly popular for those looking for a meaningful and social travel experience with easy access to surfing, hiking and even weekend safari tours. With volunteer projects like Surf Outreach, Teaching English and Sports Development, there's a significant focus on youth development and increasing access to education in Cape Town.

    Costa Rica Program

    Known for its relaxing culture and beautiful beaches, rainforests and volcanoes, Costa Rica is one of the best places to volunteer abroad. In Costa Rica, IVHQ has 12 diverse and responsible projects that include Turtle Conservation, Eco-Agriculture Conservation, Childcare, Teaching English, Healthcare and more, and these programs are located in a range of volunteer locations.

    Guatemala Program

    Guatemala's incredible volcanoes, green rainforest, beautiful lakes and attractive cultural cities make this country a hit with nature and city lovers alike. IVHQ's volunteer opportunities in Guatemala range from unique programs such as Mayan Cultural Immersion in the Highlands, Eco-Agriculture on a local coffee farm to Medical, Childcare and Teaching projects in Antigua.

    1. (1) Which program is the most popular with its participants?
      A . Costa Rica Program. B . South Africa Program. C . Zambia Program. D . Guatemala Program.
    2. (2) What can the participants do in the South Africa Program?
      A . Take a weekend safari. B . Train the ocean turtles. C . Make the delicious coffee. D . Swim near Victoria Falls.
    3. (3) What makes the participants love Guatemala?
      A . Its various wildlife. B . Its natural beauty and cultural cities. C . Its friendly local people. D . Its delicious food and good education.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    San Francisco Park ranger Amanda Barrows, who registered in City College of San Francisco (CCSF)'s Poetry for the People class, began to place a nightstand (床头柜) in Golden Gate Park with a note "take a poem, leave a poem" in December 2022. Since then, over 100 handwritten poems have been placed in the nightstand. "It's completely unexpected," said Barrows. "I'm really taken aback by the outpouring of support."

    Park ranger by day and poet by night, Barrows said she began writing and attending poetry workshops in 2020. The poetry course she attended was founded by Leslie Simon in 1975. The class advocates for a focus on the neighborhood, and the cultivation (培养) and public presentation of new poems. For Barrows, the idea that she could combine her job and her hobby by bringing poetry into parks was an inspiration. Barrows asked her friends to contribute their favorite poems to the nightstand as poems that could be taken.

    Armed with an old nightstand, Barrows filled the stand with pens and paper. An added drawer at the bottom holds the poems that people "donate". The concept reminded her of Little Free Libraries, which are fixtures across the city. "I was having anxiety. I had no idea what I was going to do; then it sort of just came to me," said Barrows. "I was inspired by the little free libraries you see in SF, where you ‘take a book, leave a book', and thought, ‘Maybe I could do this with poetry.'"

    One of the teachers at the CCSF poetry course, Lauren Muller, told The Washington Post that "people need poetry now", which she suggested as the reason for the success of Barrows's project.

    Past student projects included writing poetry on sidewalks in chalk and placing poems on the windshields (挡风玻璃) of cars. "It's exciting to see the work that students are doing," Muller continued. "My hope is that this will happen across city parks… elsewhere."

    1. (1) What did Amanda Barrows do for her project?
      A . She invited her friends to donate poems. B . She gave a special poetry course by herself. C . She read a lot of poems for people. D . She equipped parks with many nightstands.
    2. (2) How did the little free libraries affect Amanda Barrows?
      A . They made her interested in poetry. B . They let her quit her job for her interest. C . They gave her inspiration for her project. D . They encouraged her to write more poems.
    3. (3) What did Muller think contributed to the success of Barrows's project?
      A . The benefits of writing poetry. B . The public demand for poetry. C . The help from her neighbors. D . The large number of parks in SF.
    4. (4) What might be a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Impacts of a Park Ranger's Poem-writing B . San Francisco's Unique Poems on a Nightstand C . The Spread of Poetry Throughout the Libraries D . A Park Ranger's Powerful Poetry Project
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Do our musical preferences say something about our personality or how we view relationships? According to a new research, they just may.

    In the study, 469 participants listed 7~15 of their favorite songs about something related to relationships. Then, they filled out questionnaires that measured their attachment style in relationships. People with an anxious attachment style fear being abandoned while people with an avoidant attachment style dislike connecting with others. Those with a secure attachment style see themselves as worthy of love and enjoy being close to others.

    Research assistants read the lyrics(歌词) of the songs people chose and rated how much those lyrics reflected different attachment styles. According to the analysis, those who were more avoidant preferred songs with avoidant themes, while people who scored high in neuroticism(神经质) preferred songs expressing more anxious themes.

    According to the lead author, Ravin Alaei of the University of Toronto, this is the first study that examines how song lyrics play a role in music preferences. "One reason people turn to music is that it can validate what they think, feel, and do in relationships and lyrics matter for that," he says. "People enjoy having their feelings and thoughts spoken back to them."

    Next, the researchers pulled together 823 popular songs. After rating how much these songs' lyrics reflected different attachment themes, they compared songs from 1946~1965 to those from 1990~2015. They found more recent popular songs were likelier to have avoidant attachment themes and less secure lyrics than older popular songs.

    Alaei believes this could be because people are less connected than they used to be. "We've become more individualistic, and we feel lonelier these days than people used to several decades ago. Social media may, ironically, make people feel less connected," he says.

    1. (1) What do those with avoidant attachment style tend to do?
      A . Keep close to their friends. B . Enjoy songs full of anxiety. C . Stay away from the outside. D . Worry about their future.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "validate" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
      A . Imagine. B . Improve. C . Steal. D . Prove.
    3. (3)  What did the researchers find in the study?
      A . Older popular songs had more secure lyrics. B . Lyrics hardly affected participants' attachment. C . Songs with more anxious themes were more popular. D . People fond of recent popular songs got angry easily.
    4. (4) What can we learn about music preferences from the text?
      A . They contradict with personalities. B . They may reflect our personal lives. C . They can impact life satisfaction. D . They are reliant on social media.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    The book An Immense World, by science journalist Ed Yong, looks into the remarkable sensory capacities of non-human animals. Other popular works—from naturalist Carl Safina's Beyond Words to biologist Jonathan Balcombe's What a Fish Knozws—argue that many animals are individuals with lives that matter to them. These observations are significant, because the degree of care we give to animals seems to rely on how we picture their inner lives.

    We humans tend to judge and give consideration to other animals based on their smartness. Instead, I want to suggest that emotion, displayed by animals around us, may even provide our fellow creatures with what we could term a "spiritual" life.

    One well-documented case is of a mother elephant named Eleanor. Weakened by age, Eleanor kept collapsing, and a fellow elephant, Grace, kept trying to lift her onto her feet. There're even examples of elephants becoming depressed when they encounter the body of another species. In one instance, a young, orphaned elephant moaned(呻吟) when it discovered the remains of its rhinoceros companion, killed by hunters.

    It's suggested that non-human animals may be more aware of feelings than we are. I call this "living closer to the bone". Other creatures might well have stronger, more immediate feelings because, unlike us, they don't appear to analyze. Even if they can't tell us what they're experiencing, we'd be foolish to rule this out.

    A story appeared on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle. A female humpback whale became stuck in a pile of crab traps. The whale was badly cut. A rescue team dove underneath her, spending hours helping it. Once the huge animal realized she was free, she swam in a large circle, touching each diver in turn. One of the divers said, "It felt to me like it was thanking us, knowing it was free and that we'd helped it."

    To me, this is an instance of animals' spirituality on display. I suspect that, the more we learn about fish, birds, and even insects, we'll recognize further elemental similarities of feeling.

    1. (1) Why are the three books mentioned in paragraph 1?
      A . They offer us observations on ourselves. B . They remind us to care for animals' emotions. C . They praise us about non-human animals. D . They show human dependence on animals.
    2. (2) How do we usually make judgements about non-human animals?
      A . From their feelings. B . On the basis of their awareness. C . By their appearances. D . According to their intelligence.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe the elephants in the text?
      A . Sympathetic. B . Indifferent. C . Unconcerned. D . Cooperative.
    4. (4) What does the author suggest in the text?
      A . Analyzing animals' cleverness. B . Offering animals more freedom. C . Giving more understanding of animals. D . Avoiding killing non-human animals.
  • 5.  七选五

    Not everyone is a people person and making other people feel comfortable in your company doesn't come naturally to all of us. Still, a good atmosphere is more than desirable not only on social occasions but also at the workplace. Perfecting cross-cultural communication at the workplace is easier than you think.

    Maintain etiquette (礼节). When preparing for a business meeting with international colleagues, find out something about their business etiquette, so you could follow its rules and avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing situations. For example, if you're doing business with Italians, do your best to look presentable, since dressing well in their culture is a sign of success. This number is considered to bring bad luck.

    Speak slowly and clearly. Even if your international colleagues are fluent in the language you're using, try to express your words more carefully. In the same fashion, avoid using long sentences and give your colleagues a chance to digest what you've said by making short breaks.

    Avoid closed questions. When interacting with your international colleagues, avoid asking them the Yes/No questions. So you'll probably always get a "Yes" as an answer, even if your conversational partner doesn't mean it. In contrast, by asking open-ended questions, you're encouraging your colleagues to be more creative and offer solutions you might not have predicted.

    For intercultural communication to be effective, all team members need to feel comfortable. So, treat your colleagues with respect, communicate clearly, and encourage them when needed. Especially in a remote work environment, it's important that your team feels connected.

    A. Be supportive of your international colleagues.

    B. In this way, they won't have trouble understanding you.

    C. Also avoid number 17 when proposing Italians with anything.

    D. Similarly, if doing business with Japanese colleagues, avoid number 9.

    E. All it takes are some tips, and you'll be a master of communication soon.

    F. In some countries, such as India and Japan, saying "No" is considered rude.

    G. Still, you should be careful not to speak too slowly, for it might seem impolite.

  • 6.  完形填空

    There is no age limit to work or do something you love. 102-year-old Jean Bailey, a resident of Elk Ridge Village Senior Living in Omaha, is constantly 1  this by teaching a fitness class four times a week for almost three years now.

    Bailey mentioned that some of her 2 clients have arthritis(关节炎) that restricts their mobility, but they can 3 perform stretching exercises by following her instructions and get benefit from them. Bailey, who also uses a 4 frequently due to her leg pain, is a strict coach despite this. She explained she was 5 and called "mean" for being strict in her classes. "The girls seem to 6 what I'm going to do for them," she added. "They know it's beneficial."

    In 2020, 99-year-old Bailey started 7 classes. Despite being a senior, she wasn't 8 by the younger ages of her peers(同行). Being someone who was keen on staying active and good at motivating people, she encouraged her students to bring chairs into the hallway and performed 9 exercises. Everyone enjoyed it greatly and the classes never stopped.

    Bailey 10 30-minute exercise classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, which begin at 9:45 am. Apart from helping them stay 11 , the classes also have allowed the women attending to form beautiful 12 . Bailey said, "One of us would do something for anybody. We really keep track of each other."

    One of these women is Phyllis Black, 87, who lives down the hall from Bailey. Black was 13 by Bailey with homemade cookies when she moved into Elk Ridge about three years ago. Bailey often treats the 14 with baked goods after the exercise sessions, especially on birthdays, as she believes all birthdays are significant at this age. Black said of Bailey, "She's a very 15 neighbor, and she's also a good friend."

    A . promoting B . identifying C . proving D . qualifying
    A . wise B . regular C . warm-hearted D . skillful
    A . vividly B . stably C . awfully D . easily
    A . walker B . caretaker C . tool D . chair
    A . kept pace with B . taken care of C . made fun of D . looked up to
    A . assume B . realize C . expect D . confirm
    A . language B . driving C . exercise D . cooking
    A . appreciated B . inspired C . teased D . frightened
    A . simple B . fierce C . typical D . elegant
    A . attends B . conducts C . quits D . improves
    A . brave B . smart C . busy D . fit
    A . bonds B . shapes C . figures D . images
    A . rewarded B . supported C . welcomed D . impressed
    A . neighbors B . participants C . bosses D . couples
    A . fair B . ridiculous C . honest D . nice
  • 7. 语法填空

    China's taijiquan has become (increasing) popular as a form of mind-body exercise and stress reduction, especially among young people. Song Fei, was the former female champion of a fitness model (compete) in Beijing, has been sharing the changes in her body and mind after learning taijiquan on lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu. Song Fei told that as pain started to develop in her legs, she thought it was time (look) for some correctional treatment and taijiquan (come) up in her search result. Besides (practise) it each morning now, she also weaves(编入) elements of the Chinese martial art into her fitness courses.

    "When I first started, it was quite boring and I had to practise same set of movements for nearly two years. But it's a process of reconnecting all (part) of my body." Gradually Song started to feel a sense calmness. She explained that in the gym she would listen to music or think about other things while working out because each exercise was repetitive. Yet in taijiquan, each movement was flowing and she had to constantly stay (focus).

  • 8.  假定你是李华,你校将举办面向留学生的中国画比赛,主题为My First Impression on China。请你写一封邮件告知你的新西兰朋友Mike,内容包括:

    Dear Mike,

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    When I drove my sister Connie from Michigan to Arizona to start her junior year of college, I didn't realize it'd be the last time that I'd see her alive. Four months later, when she was traveling back to the Midwest for winter break with four of her college friends, the driver of her car fell asleep. The car went off the road and rolled over several times. My sister, unfortunately, was thrown out from the car and died within minutes.

    As a nineteen-year-old away at college myself, I was already dealing with my own confusion and uncertainty about where my life was headed. I'd thought I wanted to become an engineer, but the related courses I'd taken left me wholly uninspired. Now, with the struggle from my sister's sudden death, I knew leaving my family to return to school hours from home would only heighten my confusion. Yet, when my parents expressed their belief that Connie would've wanted me to return to college, I knew they were right.

    During the first term following her death, I felt like I was sailing through a personal fog in a rudderless(无舵的) boat. I was aimlessly drifting, fearful of what lay beyond the horizon. My grief(悲伤) consumed me as I continually questioned how the college courses I was taking would affect my life. And, more importantly, I missed my sister. Born just ten months apart, she'd always been there for me.

    When I began my junior year, I still hadn't declared my major, but I signed up for one particular class for personal reasons: Death Education and Suicide Prevention. One day, the professor had a guest speaker come to our class. At some point during the presentation, the speaker said, "Joy shared is joy increased. Grief shared is grief decreased." The speaker explained the saying by breaking it into parts, saying, "Joy shared is joy increased. If you don't believe it, go into a closet and tell yourself a joke. It isn't funny unless you share it with others. Or you can try to share your sadness with your beloved one, even in the journals." I was locked in "Joy shared is joy increased. Grief shared is grief decreased."


    I silently repeated this message to myself over and over again, trying to absorb these words into my being.

    After that day in class, I began keeping journals about my sister.

