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更新时间:2023-07-14 浏览次数:19 类型:月考试卷
  • 16. 听录音,完成短文,每空一词。

    Tim has many good . He always puts his things . He usually his homework dinner. But he TV in the evening. He goes to bed , so he late in the morning.

  • 43. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏中句子的答语。

    Ⅰ                                             Ⅱ

    Did your mother watch TV last night?     A. They bought some flowers.

    What was in the forest?                   B. At seven ten.

    You shouldn't go to school late.           C. I'm sorry.

    When does your brother go to school?   D. No, she didn't.

    What did they do in the shop?            E. There was a lion and a mouse.

  • 50. 根据上下文补全对话。

    A: Hi, Jim. We have a lesson later. Let's play basketball together.

    B: Sorry, Mike. I go with you.

    A: Why?

    B: I hungry. Because I didn't have in the morning.

    A: Oh, that's a habit.

    B: I know. But I up late and had no time breakfast.

    A: You should go to bed and get up at seven. Have 9 or 10 hours' sleep every night.

    B: Oh, I see.

  • 51. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time.

    But today he is late. His mother asks him, "Why are you late today?" "I was in the teachers' office. '' "Why did you go to the teachers' office?" "Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could answer it, but me. "

    "It's good to answer the teacher's questions." "But the question was 'Who put the ink (墨水)on my chair?'"

    1. (1) Tom's school is __________ his home.
      A . far from B . near C . behind
    2. (2) How does Tom go to school every day?
      A . Go to school by car B . Walk to school C . Go to school by bike
    3. (3) How did the teacher feel?
      A . happy B . sad C . angry
    4. (4) Tom goes home _________ today.
      A . early B . on time C . late
    5. (5) Who puts the ink on the teacher's chair?
      A . Tom B . I don't know C . His classmates
  • 52. 写一写自己在学习或生活上有哪些好习惯。(不少于五句话)


    提示词:get up  go to bed   brush teeth  do homework    do well

    I have some good habits.   ▲   

