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更新时间:2023-07-13 浏览次数:32 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 阅读短文,选词填空。







    over there


    look out for


    Woman: Excuse me. Where's the underground satin?

    Mark: It's . Can you see that ?

    Woman: Yes. Thank you. I just  from Shanghai. The sign for the underground tation there is .

    Mark: I see. There are different signs in  cities.

    Woman: In the UK, the sign is a big red . You can see the word "UNDERGROUND" in the .

    Mark: Are there any  signs in your country?

    Woman: Yes. We have some animal signs. Sometimes the animals use the  too. We must  them.

    Mark: That's interesting.

  • 17. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Many people liked the bee. They all praised her for her hard work. The ant was not happy about this. He thought, "The bee works hard. She goes out early in the morning and comes home late in the evening. I also work hard all day, but people never praise me. Why?" One day, the ant met the bee.

    Ant: Hello, Miss Bee. Can I ask you a question?

    Bee: Of course, Mr Ant. Please go ahead.

    Ant: You and I both work very hard. People like you, but they don't like me. Why is that?

    Bee: You work for yourself and your queen only, but my work also helps flowers and people.

    1. (1) People liked the bee and the ant, too.
    2. (2) People never praise the ant, so he was not happy.
    3. (3) Both the bee and the ant work hard all day.
    4. (4) People liked the bee because it went out early in the morning.
  • 18. 阅读短文,请用数字1—7排序。

    Mr Sun was strong. Mr Wind thought he was stronger. "Let's see," said Mr Wind.

    The man felt hot and then took off his clothes.

    The man did not take off his clothes. He even put on his scarf.

    Mr Wind went first. He blew very hard.

    "Your tum," said Mr Wind. Then Mr Sun began to shine.

    Mr Sun won. He was stronger than Mr Wind.

    So Mr Sun and Mr Wind played a game. They wanted to make a man take off his clothes.

六、写作。Write about your school. (5%)
  • 19. 写作。Write about your school.


    Our school

    Our school is fifty years old. In the past, there was / were... . Now there is / are... . In the future, there will be... .

