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更新时间:2023-07-12 浏览次数:21 类型:期末考试
  • 15. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . It is an important Chinese festival. B . We also call it Chinese New Year. C . We have a big dinner on Chinese New Year's Eve.
  • 16. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . You should take some medicine. B . You shouldn't eat too much candy. C . You should drink a lot of water.
  • 17. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . I have some nice clothes for you. B . I have some magic clothes for you. C . I have some magic stones for you.
  • 18. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . They show their parents some pictures. B . They sing some songs for their parents. C . They go swimming with their parents.
  • 19. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . London is in the south of England. B . Beijing is in the north of China. C . Washington is in the east of the US
  • 20. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . I'm going to fly a kite. B . He is going to ride a bicycle. C . You are going to play volleyball.
  • 21. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A . Sherry is reading a storybook. B . Sally is reading a magazine. C . Sandy is reading a newspaper.
  • 40. 听短文,判断下列句子是否正确。
    1. (1) The Spring Festival is coming soon.
    2. (2) My grandpa is tidying up the house with me.
    3. (3) My mother and my grandma are in the kitchen.
    4. (4) People mustn't set off (点燃) fireworks in the village.
    5. (5) I will light firecrackers on the night of next Monday.
  • 41. 听录音,填出所缺的单词。

    My sister Sally wants to know about her   She stands in front of a magic   and takes a photo. There are some words on the back. Sally will do very often in 10 years. She won't wear glasses. She will live on Hainan . She will be a pilot. She will work  Her life will be great.

  • 42. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同。
    1. (1) careful   wear
    2. (2) row   now
    3. (3) say   nail
    4. (4) them   thank
    5. (5) enjoy   noisy
    6. (6) mine   smile
  • 43. 选择方框里的词组补全句子。

    A. at the end of B. do a survey C. full of D. all year round E. a few

    1. (1) The big box is nails. Please don't drop.
    2. (2) Alice will make phone calls before the meeting.
    3. (3) They are going to about children's favourite sports.
    4. (4) We will have a party this month.
    5. (5) There is snow at the top of the mountain .
  • 44. 选出类别与众不同的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . hers B . yours C . us D . his
    2. (2)
      A . fever B . medicine C . toothache D . headache
    3. (3)
      A . boat B . car C . build D . train
    4. (4)
      A . spring B . jumping C . watching D . standing
    5. (5)
      A . twice B . second C . first D . third
  • 55. 完形填空。选出合适的选项将短文补充完整。

    My neighbour Mrs Smith is forty-six years old. She looks very young, 1 she plays sport every day. Mrs Smith is a 2. She works at a hospital. She is going to give a talk at our school today. She will 3 us how to take care of our teeth. Mr Green will 4 her at the school gate. Then he will show her around our school. Finally, Mrs Smith will give the talk in our classroom. She is very 5 others. I think my classmates will like her.

    A . but B . because C . then
    A . dentist B . teacher C . writer
    A . tell B . say C . talk
    A . visit B . watch C . meet
    A . good at B . weak in C . kind to
  • 56. 阅读理解

    My friend Richard is going to visit Thailand with his parents. The family will stay there for six days. They will bring some Chinese food and drinks for their friends there. They will wear T-shirts and shorts in Thailand. It's hot all year round. They will fly from Guangzhou to Bangkok on 2nd October. They will get there in the afternoon. Then they will visit the Grand Palace (大皇宫) the next day. They can see beautiful old buildings. On the third day, Richard will row a boat with his parents. There are many rivers in the city. They will also go shopping at the market on the water. The food in Thailand is nice too. They will buy some delicious food for me. At night, they will stay in a big hotel near the river. I think they will have a great time.

    1. (1) How is the weather in Thailand?
      A . It's hot in summer and cold in winter. B . It's warm all year round. C . It's hot in summer and warm in winter. D . It's always hot.
    2. (2) They will visit the Grand Palace _________.
      A . on the second of October B . on the first of October C . on the third of October D . on the fourth of October
    3. (3) There are beautiful_________ in the Grand Palace.
      A . birds B . boats C . hotels D . buildings
    4. (4) They will bring some_________ for me.
      A . Thailand food B . toys C . books D . Chinese drinks
    5. (5) Which one is not right about the trip?
      A . They will stay in Thailand for 6 days. B . They will stay in a small hotel on the water. C . There are shops on the water in Thailand. D . They will row a boat in Thailand.
  • 57. 根据海报内容回答问题,将句子补充完整。

    Kite Day

    Sunday, 10th April    10 a. m. - 4 p. m.

    Join us to celebrate National Kite Month!

    Come out and fly a kite with us at Coastal Park.

    Learn about kite safety and watch exciting kite-flying shows!

    Don't have a kite? No problem, we have free kites for you.

    Please wear your trainers.

    Bring a picnic and enjoy the day!

    1. (1) —When is the Kite Day?


    2. (2) —Where can we join it?

      —We can join it .

    3. (3) —What can we learn there?

      —We can learn about .

    4. (4) —What should we wear for the day?

      —We should wear .

    5. (5) —Do we have to bring a kite there?

  • 63. 下面的句子书写都不规范,请用正确的形式重新书写,注意大小写及标点符号。
    1. (1) The name of the storybook is stories for children.

    2. (2) Will ben stay in Suzhou for 7 days.

  • 64. 假设你是 Tom,请根据图片提示写一段话介绍你的假期计划。至少5个句子。

    Tom's holiday plan

    Shenzhen     Beijing

    ↓                ↓

    Beijing       Shenzhen

    7/25            7/30

    My holiday plan

