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更新时间:2023-07-11 浏览次数:26 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 句图匹配

    A. That's my new car.

    B. It is behind the hills.

    C.  The earth is our mother.

    D. Look at the bright moon.

    E. There are two ducks in the river.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 18. 连线题

    reading a newspaper                           a. (进行时)接电话

    answering the phone                           b. (进行时)爬山

    watering the flowers                           c. (进行时)拍照

    climbing the hill                              d. (进行时)浇花

    taking pictures                                e. (进行时)看报纸

  • 25. 选内容补全对话/短文

    A. Do you play the piano?

    B. Do you play sports?

    C. We do a lot of things.

    D. Yes, I do. But not much.

    Girl: What do you usually do after school?


    Girl: A lot of things? Do you do homework?



    Boy: Yes, we do. We usually play football and baseball.


    Boy: No, I can't play the piano. I usually stay outside and play games.

    Girl: I think we are the same.

  • 26. 阅读选择

    Hello! I'm Joe. I had a happy winter holiday. I really enjoy it. In the winter holiday, the special (特别的) day is the Spring Festival. I can't forget that day. On that day, I got up at 6:30. It was very noisy. I went out, and set off firecrackers. Soon, my aunt came, we said "Happy New Year" to each other. Then at noon, we ate a big meal, it's so delicious. In the afternoon, my cousin and I played the computer games. At 8:00 in the evening, we watched TV and ate dumplings. We slept late that night. And it was fun! I really had a wonderful winter holiday.

    1. (1) How was Joe's winter holiday?
      A . It was wonderful. B . It was so bad.
    2. (2) Which day was a special day?
      A . It was the Mid-Autumn Day. B . It was the Spring Festival.
    3. (3) Who came to Joe's home?
      A . His aunt came. B . His grandparents.
    4. (4) What did Joe do in the afternoon?
      A . He played ball games with his cousin. B . He played the computer games with his cousin.
    5. (5) What did Joe's family do in the evening?
      A . They watched TV and ate dumplings. B . They watched TV and ate noodles.
  • 27.

    Hello, I'm a worker.

    I always work hard.

    I get up at 5 o'clock.

    I eat breakfast at 5:15.

    I go to work at 5:30.

    I go home at 5 pm.

    Hi, I'm a teacher.

