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更新时间:2023-07-11 浏览次数:17 类型:期末考试
  • 18. 小小书法家。将与图片对应的单词写在横线上。

    pear, giraffe, apple, bananas, grapes, strawberry, orange, watermelon

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
    6. (6)
    7. (7)
    8. (8)
  • 19. 读一读,给下列句子选择正确的翻译。

    A. 划船

    B. 戴帽子

    C. 看地图

    D. 开车

    E. 拍球

    1. (1) row a boat
    2. (2) bounce a ball
    3. (3) drive a car
    4. (4) put on a cap
    5. (5) read a map
  • 20. 请将下列中文释义与对应的英文单词连线。

    A. 我的     B. 父亲    C. 谁    D. 朋友

    father      friend      my      who

  • 27. 选内容补全对话/短文

    A. What's this?

    B. The mother cat is big and fat.

    C. Wow, it's so cute.

    D. Good morning, Wu Binbin.

    E. Is she the mother cat?


    Wu Binbin: Good morning, Amy.

    Amy: It's a baby cat.

    Wu Binbin:

    Amy: Yes. And it's small.

    Wu Binbin:

    Amy: Yes, she is.

    Wu Binbin: She loves the baby cat.

  • 28. 阅读选择

    Mike: Good morning, Amy.

    Amy: Good morning, Mike.

    Mike: How old are you?

    Amy: I'm ten. What about you?

    Mike: I' m ten, too.

    Amy: I'm from the UK. Where are you from?

    Mike: I'm from Canada.

    Amy: Look! That's my new friend, Chen Jie.

    Mike: Oh, she is so lovely. Where is she from?

    Amy: She is from China.

    Mike: Great! Let's play together (一起玩)!

    1. (1) Mike and Amy meet (遇见) in the ________.
      A . morning B . afternoon C . evening
    2. (2) Amy is ________ years old.
      A . eight B . ten C . seven
    3. (3) Amy's new friend is ________.
      A . Mike B . Chen Jie C . John
    4. (4) Mike is from ________.
      A . Australia B . Canada C . China
    5. (5) Chen Jie is from ________.
      A . China B . Canada C . Australia
  • 29. 读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。

    I have a dog. It's fat. It's short. It has a big nose and small ears. It has a short tail and short legs. I love my dog.

    1. (1) The dog is fat and short.
    2. (2) The dog has a small nose.
    3. (3) The dog has big ears.
    4. (4) The dog has a short tail and long legs.
    5. (5) I love my dog.

