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更新时间:2023-07-07 浏览次数:21 类型:期中考试
  • 22. 听一段短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,(录音播放前有10秒的读题时间。)


    A. Harbin         B. Haikou      C. Shenyang      D. Hangzhou    E. Beijing

  • 28. 选出不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . beautiful B . long C . have
    2. (2)
      A . take B . fly C . ship
    3. (3)
      A . your B . our C . we
    4. (4)
      A . sunny B . snow C . rain
    5. (5)
      A . London B . Beijing C . China
  • 34. 给下列问句选择正确的答语。

    Who are they?                   

    A. No, I won't.

    What will you do on Thursday?   

    B. It's a robot.

    What's this?                    

    C. Yes, she is.

    Will you play football?           

    D. I will go swimming.

    Is she your mother?              

    E. They are my grandparents.

  • 45. 选择合适的句子补全对话,把序号填在横线上。

    A. I will take some pictures.

    B. Will you go to Hangzhou?

    C. Is the park close to your home?

    D. What's this?

    E. I will visit my grandparents.

    Daming: Hello, Lili.

    Lili: Hi, Daming.


    Lili: It's a book about Hangzhou.

    Daming: It's very good! Tomorrow is Sunday.

    Lili: Yes, I will.  They live there.

    Daming: 0h, you will have a good time!

    Lili: Thank you. What will you do tomorrow, Daming?

    Daming: I will go to the park with my brother.


    Daming: Yes, it is. There are many (许多) beautiful flowers there.

  • 46. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    I'm Mary. Yesterday was Friday. It was sunny. I went (去) to the supermarket with my mum for shopping. We are going to have a picnic on Sunday. The weather report (天气预报) says it will be cool on Sunday. That's great. I will take my toy train and football. My mother will take the food and my father will take some books. I think we will have a great time.

    1. (1) Yesterday was Sunday.
    2. (2) Yesterday Mary went to the supermarket with her mother.
    3. (3) It will be cold on Sunday.
    4. (4) Mary will take her toy train and football.
    5. (5) Mary's father will take the food.
  • 47. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Look at the photo of my family. In this photo, I was five then. My hair was short. But I'm ten now and my hair is long. The man on my left is my father. He was fat then, but he is thin now. The woman on my right is my mother. She is a nice teacher. She is tall and her hair is short. Who is the girl in front of me? Oh, she is my little sister, Lucy. She was only one year old. She was not naughty. She was so cute. I love my family.

    1. (1) There are      people in this photo.
      A . five B . four C . three
    2. (2) In this photo, my father wasn't      then.
      A . fat B . thin C . tall
    3. (3) My mother works in a     .
      A . school B . park C . hospital
    4. (4) In this photo, Lucy was     .
      A . tall B . naughty C . cute
    5. (5) 划线部分的意思是     .
      A . 在……左边 B . 在……前边 C . 在……后面

