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更新时间:2023-06-20 浏览次数:44 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出每小题中划线部分发音与众不同的选项。
    1. (1)
      A . public B . rubbish C . reuse
    2. (2)
      A . still B . sign C . bright
    3. (3)
      A . yard B . warm C . farm
    4. (4)
      A . dear B . learn C . near
  • 2. 选出类别与众不同的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . even B . roof C . floor D . yard
    2. (2)
      A . pea B . plant C . leaf D . pod
    3. (3)
      A . June B . March C . Thursday D . November
    4. (4)
      A . reuse B . weigh C . win D . weak
  • 18. 根据题意选择正确的词填空。

    A. vase B. drive C. lazy D. enjoy E. brush

    1. (1) I need to buy a to paint the wall.
    2. (2) How messy your room is! You're too . Let's clean it together.
    3. (3) Jill will her new car to work.
    4. (4) People themselves at the weekend.
    5. (5) I want to put the flowers into the .
  • 26. 选择方框中合适的句子补全对话。

    A. When's Halloween?

    B. We eat Tangyuan at this festival.

    C. On this day, we often make lanterns by ourselves.

    D. What do you usually do at this festival?

    E. What's your favourite festival?

    (Xiaofei is talking to his American e-friend Janet online.)

    Xiaofei: In China, we have a lot of interesting festivals.

    Janet: My favourite festival is Halloween.


    Janet: It's on 31st October.


    Janet: We usually get candy and make jack-o'-lanterns.

    Xiaofei: Sounds great! There is a festival in China about lanterms.

    Janet: Really?

    Xiaofei: Yes. It's the Lantem Festival.

    Janet: Cool! Do you eat any special food at this festival?

    Xiaofei: Sure. I love it very much.

  • 27. 完形填空。

    Once there1 a lion. One day, he saw a horse and wanted to eat her. But the horse was very 2 and he could not catch her. Then the lion had 3idea.

    He told the other animals that he was a good doctor and could do something for them. The horse was clever. She knew4the lion wanted to do. One day, when the lion was near the horse, she told him there was something wrong with one of her feet and the horse asked him to look it over. Of course the lion was happy to do so. Then the horse lifted (抬起) one of her legs from the ground. When the lion looked at her foot, she kicked (踢) him 5the foot. The lion fell down. The horse laughed and ran away quickly. How clever the horse was!

    A . is B . was C . were
    A . care B . carefully C . careful
    A . a B . an C . some
    A . what B . when C . where
    A . in B . with C . on
  • 28. 阅读短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

    On 31st May, World No-Smoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smoke. Here are the results: 3% of the students often smoke, and 7% of the students smoke sometimes. These students say that they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking.

    Smoking may bring on some diseases, such as lung cancer(肺癌) and heart disease. The World Health Organization says the number of people dying of(死于) smoking is at least two million each year. I think that smoking is a bad habit. And if our family members smoke, we should try to stop them. Students should never try it.

    1. (1) World No-Smoking Day is on 31st March.
    2. (2) 7% of the students often smoke.
    3. (3) The students say that they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking.
    4. (4) The underlined word "diseases" means "疼痛".
    5. (5) At least 2, 000, 000 people die of smoking every year.
  • 29. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。

    The Little Prince published(出版) in 1943, is French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery's most famous novel (小说). The novel includes(包括)a number of drawings by Saint-Exupery himself. It is one of the top50 best-selling books.

    The writer of the book is Lewis Carroll who came from the UK. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most loved children's books of all time, and many adults enjoy it as well. It tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a rabbit entering a magical world called wonderland. The popularity(受欢迎)of the book comes from its imagination (想象力), interesting story and art works.

    The writers of the book are two Germans. They are brothers. Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. In the story, the stepmother didn't like Snow White because Snow White was more beautiful than her. So she wanted to kill Snow White but failed. At last, A prince saved Snow White and they got married(结婚) and lived happily.

    1. (1) ___________ drew a number of drawings in The Little Prince.
      A . A famous artist B . The writer himself C . The writer's wife
    2. (2) __________ is an English writer.
      A . Lewis Carroll B . Jacob Grimm C . Saint-Exupery
    3. (3) Why do both children and adult like Alice's Acventures in Wonderland?
      A . Because the writer is famous and popular. B . Because people all like young girls and rabbits. C . Because people like its imagination, interesting story and art works.
    4. (4) Which book is written by two people?
      A . Snow White. B . Alice's Adventuares in Wonderland. C . The Little Prince.
    5. (5) Snow White's stepmother didn't like her because _________.
      A . Snow White was cleverer than her B . Snow White was more beautiful than her C . Snow White's father only loved Snow White
  • 30. 你家里有很多废旧金属罐吗?让我们一起来制作一个漂亮的笔筒吧!请你根据思维导图的提示,用儿句话来描述一下制作的过程。



