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更新时间:2023-06-27 浏览次数:15 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出不同类别的—项。
    1. (1)
      A . bike B . train C . listen
    2. (2)
      A . tiger B . kite C . elephant
    3. (3)
      A . grass B . hand C . foot
    4. (4)
      A . cold B . juice C . sweet
  • 17. 给下列句子选出合适的答语。

    A. It's orange and green.

    B. It's sweet and sour.

    C. I have some bread and juice.

    D. It's a big bad wolf.

    E. I like dogs. They're our good friends.

    1. (1) —How is it?

    2. (2) —What is it?

    3. (3) —What colour is it?

    4. (4) —What do you like?

    5. (5) —What do you have?

  • 18. 阅读短文,选出合适的选项。

    Children in the USA like K Day very much. K is for kites. March (三月)7th is the day. On that day, lots of children go out in the open air(空气), They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others (其他)are small. They are in different (不同的) colours. Every kite has a long string (线). To get the kites up, the children begin to nun. Now all of the kites are high up in the air. The one like(像……) a bird is the highest(最高的).

    1. (1) Children in the _________ like K Day very much.
      A . China B . USA C . England
    2. (2) K is for__________.
      A . kangaroos B . kites C . kisses
    3. (3) When is K Day?
      A . It's on 7th March. B . It's on 7th April. C . It's on 7th May.
    4. (4) Every kite has a long _________.
      A . string B . body C . leg
    5. (5) The kite like a _________ is the highest.
      A . dog B . rabbit C . bird

