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更新时间:2023-06-21 浏览次数:69 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同。
    1. (1) A. sky     B. candy     C. fairy
    2. (2) A. tail     B. rain     C. paint
    3. (3) A. grow     B. throw     C. flower
    4. (4) A. pea     B. easy     C. teacher
    5. (5) A. loud     B. south     C. ground
  • 12. 从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Jesselyn is an 11-ycar-old1from the US. She loves reading and art. But her favourite thing to do is boxing. Boxing is a hard sport. Boxcars have to be 2. Some people think the sport is just for boys. But Jesselyn is 3at it. Jesselyn started to box when she was 7. She has big goals for her future. She wants to go to the 2024 Olympics. "I want to 4the gold medal, "she says. Jesselyn also wants to tell other girls to do what they love. She says girls can do5.

    A . boy B . girl C . baby
    A . weak B . thin C . strong
    A . bad B . good C . well-known
    A . win B . buy C . lose
    A . anything B . nothing C . anywhere
  • 13. 判断句子是否符合短文内容。

    Do you want to spend your holidays in hotels on the Moon? At the moment, there are no hotels on the Moon. But all this will change. If we can solve some problems, we will be able to build hotels there in the future. The Moon is very cold, so the hotels will have to be warm. They will also need a large amount of air so that people there can breathe. The hotels on the Moon will have rooms with big windows so that you can see the Earth. You will be able to swim in the hotel swimming pool and see all the stars around you. But you should not get too excited. A trip to the Moon will cost a lot of money!

    1. (1) People can spend their holidays in hotels on the Moon now.
    2. (2) The hotels will have to be warm because the moon is very cold.
    3. (3) People on the Moon need a small amount of air to breathe.
    4. (4) On the Moon we can see the Earth and all the stars around us.
    5. (5) We will spend a lot of money for the trip to the Moon.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

    1. (1) What are you reading now?
      A . Anna's blog. B . Anna's poster. C . Anna's newspaper.
    2. (2) How many people are there in Anna's family?
      A . Four. B . Five. C . Six.
    3. (3) Why does Anna like her school?
      A . She's good at her subjects. B . Her school is beautiful. C . Her teachers are nice to her.
    4. (4) What does Anna want to be in the future?
      A . To be a pilot. B . To be a cook. C . To be an engineer.
    5. (5) How can you make friends with Anna?
      A . We can email her. B . We can fly to her. C . we can give her a call.
  • 15. 阅读理解。

    When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby. I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky. It looked like black velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. How beautiful they were!

    Studying the stars was great fun for me. Once 1 learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career (职业). I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way. I am proud of my TV programme—it has lasted for more than 50 years!

    Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do!

    1. (1) When did the writer often look at the sky?
      A . On rainy days. B . On clear nights. C . On cloudy nights.
    2. (2) What do the stars look like at night?
      A . A million diamonds. B . Thousands of sheep. C . Hundreds of shapes.
    3. (3) What was the writer's lifetime hobby?
      A . Looking at the sky. B . Drawing the stars. C . Studying the stars.
    4. (4) What's the name of the writer's TV programme?
      A . Starry Night. B . The Sky at Night. C . Groups of stars.
    5. (5) How can we achieve our dreams?
      A . We can host a programme. B . We can look at the stars. C . we just enjoy what we do.
  • 16. 阅读理解。

    Two young Chinese names shone brightly at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games: skier Gu Ailing and snowboarder Su Yiming. They both won medals and made history. People call them "prodigies (天才)", but they don't quite agree on it.

    Gu was born in the US. She started to ski at 3 and began professional training at 8.

    Now she's an Olympic champion, a fashion model, and going to Stanford University this fall. How can she achieve so much?" Only 1 percent of it came from my gift (天分), "said Gu. "People don't see how I train, fall and make mistakes every day. "

    Su Yiming is a boy from Jilin. He began to learn snowboarding at the age of4. In 2015, the news came that Beijing would hold the 2022 Games. Su was in primary school then. "I promised myself that I would try to make it to my home Olympics. To many people, it sounded like an unrealistic goal," said Su. Now with a gold and a silver hung around his neck, Su is "so proud" of himself. "If you have a goal, go for it!" said Su after his Olympic win. "Hard work never cheats(欺骗)you."

    1. (1) What did Su Yiming and Gu Ailing make?
      A . They made history. B . They made money. C . They made noise.
    2. (2) Where was Gu Ailing born?
      A . In China. B . In America. C . In South Africa.
    3. (3) When did Gu Ailing begin her professional training?
      A . At 4. B . At 8. C . At 18.
    4. (4) What is Su Yiming good at?
      A . He's good at skiing. B . He's good at skating. C . He's good at snowboarding.
    5. (5) What can we learn from these two young men?
      A . Make mistakes every day! B . Don't be proud. C . Hard work never cheats you.
  • 17. — Tim, would you like to join the Football Club with us?

    —__________I want to be a football star in the future.

    A . Yes, I will. B . No, thanks. C . Yes, I'd like to.
  • 18. — Look at these two shirts. __________

    — I like the blue one. It's also the right size for me.

    A . Why do you like them? B . Which one do you like? C . What do you like?
  • 19. —_________

    — I'm making a paper boat for my little brother. He likes playing with water.

    A . What will you make? B . What are you making? C . How do you make a boat?
  • 20. — What do you want to be in the future, Mike?

    —_________ I like reading and writing. I want to write my books.

    A . I want to be a writer. B . I want to be an artist. C . I want to be a craftsman.
  • 21. — What does this sign "" mean, Mum?

    — It means

    So let's talk in a low voice.

    A . we can talk here. B . we shouldn't eat here. C . we should keep quiet here.
  • 22. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. next B. tired C. walk D. dropped E. sunglasses

    Joe: what did you do during the weekend, Leo?

    Leo: I went for a in the woods. It was quite hot.

    Joe: Did you take a cap?

    Leo: Yes, I did. I took my sunglasses too. But, I them onto the ground and broke them!

    Joe: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What did you do ?

    Leo: I felt , so I slept under a tree.

    Joe: Did you enjoy your day out?

    Leo: No, I didn't! I broke my , and I left my cap on a tree!

  • 23. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. I love shopping!

    B. How about Paris?

    C. My kids can learn a lot in the museums.

    D. I'd like to plan a trip for my family.

    E. How long does it take to get to Paris by plane?

    Man: How can I help you?


    Man: Sure. Where would you like to go?

    Jane: Mmm... Do you have any good ideas?

    Man: It's the capital of France. It's a beautiful city.

    Jane:  That sounds like a great idea.

    Man: Yes. You can visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.

    Jane: Great! .

    Man: And Paris is a wonderful place for shopping too.

    Jane: OK. We'll go to Paris then.

    Man: Great! I'll book flight tickets (机票) for you.

    Jane: Thanks.

    Man: It takes about 10 hours.

    Jane: Oh, what a long flight!

  • 24. 选出适当的词语,完成各组对话。

    A. wait for

    B. at work

    C. go ahead

    D. right away

    E. short races

    1. (1) — Hello, Miss Li. Can I ask you a question?

      — Sure. Please .

    2. (2) — What's your favourite event, Tom?

      — I like . The runners must be very fast.

    3. (3) — It's a sunny day. Would you like to go to the park with me, Mary?

      — I'm sorry. I am now. I have to finish my paper.

    4. (4) — What do you use to take photos, Billy?

      — I usually use this new digital camera. I can see the photos, .

    5. (5) — When is Christmas Eve?

      — It's on 24th December. Children presents from Father Christmas.

  • 25. 我们生活在一个美好的时代,为了让我们的生活更加美好,我们可以做些什么呢?请参考下面的思维导图,并以"Making our life better"为题表达一下你自己的想法。60个单词左右,注意书写规范。

