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更新时间:2023-06-13 浏览次数:106 类型:高考真卷
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Which of the following does the woman dislike?
      A . The bedroom. B . The sitting room. C . The kitchen.
    2. (2) What does the woman suggest they do next?
      A . Go to another agency. B . See some other flats. C . Visit the neighbours.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man doing?
      A . He's making a phone call. B . He's chairing a meeting. C . He's hosting a program.
    2. (2) What makes Mrs. Johnson worried about her daughter in Africa?
      A . Lack of medical support. B . Inconvenience of communication. C . Poor transportation system.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What position does the man apply for?
      A . A salesperson. B . An engineer. C . An accountant.
    2. (2) Which aspect of the company appeals to the man?
      A . The company culture. B . The free accommodations. C . The competitive pay.
    3. (3) What is difficult for the man to deal with?
      A . Interpersonal relationships. B . Quality-quantity balance. C . Unplanned happenings.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How does Robert sound when speaking of his being a writer?
      A . Hopeful. B . Grateful. C . Doubtful.
    2. (2) What was Robert like before he was 9 years old?
      A . He had wild imagination. B . He enjoyed sports. C . He loved science.
    3. (3) What did Robert's father do?
      A . A teacher. B . A coach. C . A librarian.
    4. (4) What helped Robert become a writer?
      A . Writing daily.   B . Listening to stories.  C . Reading extensively.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where was Open Tchaikovsky Competition held in 1986?
      A . In Moscow. B . In Chelyabinsk. C . In Berlin.
    2. (2) What does Maxim say about the competition he attended at 10?
      A . It inspired many young musicians. B . It was the music event of his dreams. C . It was a life-changing experience.
    3. (3) Which kind of music are the young players required to play?
      A . Rock music. B . Pop music. C . Classical music.
    4. (4) What does Maxim value most in young players' performance?
      A . Expressiveness. B . Smoothness. C . Completeness.

