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更新时间:2023-06-25 浏览次数:43 类型:期末考试
  • 10. 选词/短语填空

    A. ball   B. tall   C. shorts    D. teacher   E. short   F. long   G. pupil    H. She   I. He   J. map

    1. (1) is a student.
    2. (2) Miss White is an English .
    3. (3) Look at the giraffe. It's so .
    4. (4) It's a of a zoo.
    5. (5) It has a tail.
  • 11. 句图匹配

    A. This monkey is thin, but it's cute (可爱的).

    B. I like bananas too.

    C. Let's go to the zoo.

    D. The lions are big.

    E. Monkeys like bananas.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 12. 句子匹配。

    A. No, it isn't.

    B. I'm from China.

    C. No, he isn't.

    D. Wow! It's so cute!

    E. Me, neither.

    1. (1) Look at the panda.
    2. (2) Is it in your bag?
    3. (3) I don't like oranges.
    4. (4) Where are you from?
    5. (5) Is he your father?
  • 24. 选内容补全对话/短文。

    Sarah: Hi, Amy.

    Amy: Hi, Sarah.

    Sarah: Do you have any crayons?



    Amy: I have twelve.


    Amy: Look!

    Sarah: Can I have one?

    Amy: Sure.

    Sarah: Thank you.

    A. Yes, I do.

    B. Where are they?

    C. They're under my book.

    D. Here you are.

    E. How many crayons do you have?

  • 25. 阅读选择。

    This is my new friend, Xin xin.

    She's 9.

    She's from China.

    She's a pupil.

    She's cute!

    1. (1) Is Xin xin ten years old?
      A . Yes. B . No.
    2. (2) Where is Xin xin from?
      A . Canada. B . China.
    3. (3) Is Xin xin a student?
      A . Yes. B . No.
    4. (4) Is Xin xin a cute girl?
      A . Yes. B . No.
    5. (5) Is Xin xin my old friend?
      A . Yes. B . No.
  • 26. 阅读判断。

    Kitty's family are at Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park (广州长隆野生动物世界). Look! It's a tiger. It has a long tail. Look at the elephant. It's tall. And it has a long nose and big ears. The duck is yellow. It's small and it has a big mouth. That animal is black and white. And it has four long legs. What is it? Oh, it's a zebra. Kitty likes it!

    1. (1) The tiger has a long tail.
    2. (2) The elephant has big ears.
    3. (3) The duck is big and yellow.
    4. (4) The zebra is black and white.
    5. (5) Kitty likes the zebra.

