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更新时间:2023-06-13 浏览次数:40 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 选出每组中划线部分发音不同或意思不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . farmer B . car C . warm
    2. (2)
      A . wall B . girl C . tall
    3. (3)
      A . hamburger B . teacher C . computer
    4. (4)
      A . windy B . snowy C . library
    5. (5)
      A . playground B . breakfast C . music room
    6. (6)
      A . go home B . get up C . second floor
  • 11. 伦敦的笔友询问你北京是什么天气,你看见窗外阴雨绵绵,于是对他说:________
    A . It's rainy. B . I'm in Beijing now. C . It is windy in London.
  • 12. 上学时间到了,但是你还没收拾好,你会怎么对姐姐说稍等一会儿呢?
    A . Hurry up. B . Just a minute. C . Welcome to school.
  • 13. 下午放学回家后你告诉妈妈你饿了,只见妈妈端来晚餐对你说:________
    A . It's time for lunch. B . Breakfast is great. C . Have some dinner.
  • 14. 你们班在二楼,当新来的同桌好奇你们班的下一层是什么时,你会怎么告诉她是音乐教室呢?
    A . It's a music room. B . That's Classroom 3. C . It is on the second floor.
  • 15. 早晨出门前奶奶提醒你带上帽子,你猜想外面很冷,便问奶奶:________
    A . What time is it? B . Is it cold outside? C . Can I go home now?
  • 16. 哥哥向你展示他们学校的结构图,你看见了像图书馆一样的大楼但不确定,于是指着它问哥哥:________
    A . Is that the library? B . What's in the classroom? C . Do you have an art room?
  • 17. 请将方框中符合对话情境的句子填写在相应的横线上,使对话恢复完整。



    It's our computer room.

    Do you have a music room?

    And we have music class in it.

    A: Hello, Amy! This is our new school. Let's go and see it.

    B: Where is your classroom?

    A: It's on the first floor.


    A: Yes, we do.

    B: What is under the music room?


    B: How many computers are there in it?


  • 18. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选出能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的一个最佳答案。

    I'm Zhang Peng. I'm in Beijing now. It's windy and cool here today. It's eighteen degrees. I have a good friend. He is Li Hua. We go to school at 7:00 a. m. together. We are in the same class. I like English. But Li Hua likes PE. For lunch, we have it at twelve thirty. We like chicken and noodles for lunch. At 5:00 p. m., school is over. We fly kites outside. At 6:00 p.m., we go home together.

    1. (1) What's the weather like today?
      A . Windy and cool. B . Sunny and warm. C . Cloudy and cold.
    2. (2) It's        degrees in Beijing.
      A . 12 B . 18 C . 22
    3. (3) Zhang Peng and Li Hua go to school at        a. m.
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) Zhang Peng likes           .
      A . PE B . English C . Chinese
    5. (5) Zhang Peng and Li Hua        at 6:00 p. m.
      A . have dinner B . go home C . fly kites

