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更新时间:2023-06-12 浏览次数:23 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    This Genius Device Makes No Language "Foreign" Anymore

    What Is NativoPro?

    NativoPro is a Japanese high-tech invention that is taking the world by storm. It lets you communicate in more than 40 languages. The device that was previously used by governments and large corporations only is now available to you. You can use it when travelling, for business meetings or whenever you wish to say something in a different language.

    How Does It Help You?

    Choose the language in which you want to communicate before you press the "A" button and start talking.Then release the "A" button and your translator will automatically translate your speech into a selected foreign language.

    Press button "B" and let your foreign friend speak. Then release the "B" button and your device will automatically translate his speech back into your native language.

    What Makes It So Special?

    ♦Portable design fits easily in your pocket.

    ♦It supports real-time translation and text translation is also available

    ♦It provides fast and accurate two-way communication in over 40 languages.

    ♦With sound loud enough, it is comfortable to use in crowded places and hear clearly.

    How Can I Buy The NativoPro?

    Order the NativoPro translator from its official website. The regular price is $200 each. Right now, you can get a 40% discount off that.

    1. (1) What should you do at first when using the device?
      A . Select a foreign language. B . Talk in your own language C . Press and hold the "A" button. D . Record what the foreigner says
    2. (2) Which can best describe the device?
      A . It is weighty but easy to use B . It needs users to speak loudly. C . It offers instant two-way translation. D . It is suitable for reading practice.
    3. (3) How much will you pay if you buy two now?
      A . $160. B . $200. C . $240. D . $400.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Before Steve Jobs co-founded Apple, there were no iPhones or iPads. Jobs changed the way we think about many things, including telephones, computers, and books. Because of Jobs, says his biographer(传记作者)Walter Isaacson, entire industries like music and publishing have changed completely.

    I recently talked with Isaacson in New York City about his new best-seller, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution, in which he tells hundreds of stories of the people who created the computer and the Internet.

    I asked what qualities stood out in the innovators he studied. "They really care about both art and science," Isaacson said. "They really believe it's important to connect the humanities to technology and engineering."

    For kids who want to become tomorrow's innovators, he said, "If you're such a person -- very creative and love art, you should not shy away from also learning math and learning coding(编码). If you're an engineer, you should learn to read poetry."

    "Every great innovator has passion (激情), determination, and the courage to fail," Isaacson said. "Working in teams makes creative people even more effective(有效的), " he added. "Sometimes, some-one else's suggestions can help improve or perfect your design."

    When Isaacson was growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana, he decided early on that he wanted to be a writer. After reading a book by a friend's uncle, he realized that writing is a job you can have, just like being a fisherman or an engineer or a doctor.

    Of all the books Isaacson has written, he said that his favorite was a biography of Ben Franklin. "He did everything," Isaacson said. "He was friendly and nice and good to people. Reading all of his letters, I felt I really got to know him and like him."

    1. (1) What can we learn from the first paragraph?
      A . Isaacson had a great influence on Jobs. B . Jobs' biography was difficult to write. C . Isaacson likes music very much. D . Isaacson thinks highly of Jobs.
    2. (2) In Isaacson's mind, innovators are those who _______.
      A . are good at telling stories B . want everything to be perfect C . are friendly and nice to people D . love both the humanities and science
    3. (3) Paragraph 5 mainly tells us _______.
      A . how to work with a great innovator B . the importance of good teamwork C . what it takes to be an innovator D . the role of an innovator in a team
    4. (4) Isaacson decided to begin his career as a writer because _______.
      A . he failed to become an engineer B . he read a book by a friend's uncle C . he got lots of help from Steve Jobs D . he got to know more about Ben Franklin
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In the long history of pipe-assisted drinking—beginning with the gold beer-sipping tubes of the Sumerians —Starbucks's plastic straws(吸管) knew they had some advantages over the rest. Their tight white wrapping carried not only English words but a French style. They stood straight and tall as a stalk (秆) of wheat, with no ugly appearance. And their colour was beautiful. It was darker than the leaves of spring, and lighter than the Washington forests and the logo of the company. But despite all that, they were to disappear by 2020, for not being green enough.

    Of course, the straws played an important part in daily life. You could build a cottage with them, or make a hat. At best, they might compose a mat. Their nearest relatives were not delicate grasses, but single-use plastic tubes.

    Yet this did not concern them, because they had a higher calling: to refresh human beings. Rather than pumping up the customer with hot highly-effective Americanos, they cooled him with less caffeine and more play. People, especially teenagers and children, needed them to socialize, and amuse themselves. All these folk could have drunk their Frappuccino or their iced teas directly from the plastic cup, of course. Some did, ignoring the eager straws standing ready.

    Fun was why green straws had been put into use at all. They began their service not when Starbucks was founded, in 1971, but when it introduced the Frappuccino almost three decades later. Green straws marched in, along with whipped cream. They meant happiness. Yet for each of those straws, the Frappuccino and its followers faced a serious challenging. Through the flat plastic lids of iced coffees, now sharply scored with a cross, they were expected to do the same.

    However, the straws were thrown to the bin, either in-store or in the street after being used. They lay where they were thrown in woods, or fields, or among the hills. They would never be dust. They had eternal(永久的) life. That's the reason why they would disappear.

    1. (1) Why would Starbucks's plastic straws disappear?
      A . They were not environmentally friendly. B . They were not widely used in everyday life. C . They took on an ugly look in appearance. D . They were uncomfortable for followers to use.
    2. (2) What effect did straws have on people?
      A . Calming. B . Uplifting. C . Disturbing. D . Depressing.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "Some" refer to in paragraph 3?
      A . Humans. B . Straws. C . Iced teas. D . Plastic tubes.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Why Are the Green Straws So Popular? B . Protecting the Environment İs Our Duty C . Don't Drink Iced Frappuccino Any More D . Say Goodbye to Starbucks's Green Straws
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Last year, NASA sent a supply spaceship to the International Space Station (ISS). Its goods included thousands of tardigrades(缓步动物). These creatures,each small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil, can be found just about anywhere: in oceans, trees, and probably your backyard. Scientists say some tardigrades would continue to exist even if most other life-forms on Earth were wiped out.

    Tardigrades are survivors, which makes them well suited for space travel. Some can take about a thousand times the amount of radiation(辐射) that would kill a human. Unlocking how they can do that is important if we hope to send people to Mars someday. "If we can learn the tricks that tardigrades use to protect themselves," biologist Thomas Boothby says, "We could develop technologies that could protect humans.

    The tardigrades on the ISS came from Boothby's lab at the University of Wyoming. Antecedent experiments exposed tardigrades to big doses(剂量) of radiation, and scientists made many amazing discoveries in this field. This time, Boothby wants to find out how they respond to low doses of radiation over a long period. That's the kind of exposure people living in space would get.

    One way tardigrades protect themselves is by entering what's called a tun(桶)state. This adaptation lets them survive in places that dry out many times a year. Tardigrades dry up too. They curl(弯曲) up into tuns, or little balls,producing substances(物质) that protect their cells from damage. Their metabolism(新陈代谢)shuts down. They "essentially stop to live," Boothby says. "And they can stay like that for years or even decades."When water returns, tardigrades spring to life.

    With this knowledge, scientists could develop foods that boost protective chemicals in astronauts' bodies. This might keep away from the effects of radiation. There is still lots of research to be done. "Right now, we're in the learning phase(阶段)," Boothby says, adding that other scientists will build on his research. "That's just the way science works."

    1. (1) Why did scientists send tardigrades to the ISS?
      A . To test their fitness for space travel. B . To help do dangerous jobs on Mars. C . To collect more radiation in space. D . To understand their survival secrets.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "Antecedent" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Safe. B . Secret. C . Previous. D . Frequent.
    3. (3) Which of the following is tardigrades' feature of the tun state?
      A . They keep still to store more water. B . They tend to move to dry places. C . They become balls to save energy. D . They seem to have no signs of life.
    4. (4) What does Boothby think of his team's research on tardigrades?
      A . Fruitful B . Pioneering C . Dangerous D . Unnecessary
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are many occasions (时候) to write a thank-you note, such as after a job interview or to express your thanks after someone has done you a favor. . Even if you didn't ask for the gift or you said thank you when it was handed to you, it's just one of those times when you should write a thank-you note.

    Now it's time to get down to how to write a thank-you note. . But it must mention the gift and your appreciation (感激) for the sender's time and thoughtfulness.

    . Using words like "really amazing" when words like that have never come out of your mouth will come across as insincere (不真诚的). Try to use the same tone (语气) as you would to the reader in person.

    Addressing your appreciation for the sender themselves will have a powerful effect. Mention something specific you love and appreciate about that person.  

    Just like you express your excitement for an event when you reply, you can keep the excitement going after the event too. . This shows that you value your relationship, which is more important than any gift. So end by mentioning the next time you might see them.

    A. What you write should sound like you.

    B. You can write the note as soon as possible.

    C. This lets the sender know you received the gift.

    D. You tell them that you are looking forward to seeing them again.

    E. The note doesn't have to be long — three or four sentences are fine.

    F. For example, you can write "Your care for others has always touched me."

    G. But the most common occasion to send a thank-you note is after you receive a gift.

  • 6. 完形填空

    "Do you need a vase for your purple carnations (康乃馨)?"a gentle voice1me in my hospital bed. It was one of those few2moments when no one else was in the room with me and I had slipped into sleep. Usually the room was full of3and their families.

    "Yes, these are from a special friend," I4to sit up in spite of my weak body. She was a cleaner and while clearing the desk beside my bed, she5the flowers. But why would she care? And she said "purple carnations"6.

    I asked her if she likes flowers. Her eyes lit up and she spoke in excited7. She loves flowers so much that every flower in her garden each day gets a special hug and8from her before she leaves for work. My God! I can't believe it!

    I told her that I've been9a lot of flowers from my relatives and usually I had them delivered to the nurse station. And I decided to give her the purple carnations just because of her10about flowers.

    She was in great11. But being the nice person she is, she still tried to12me to have half of them and she would happily take the rest home. I asked her if she could13them with others instead. She was doubly happy.

    She left, came back and said, "I will be thinking of you whenever I see purple." I almost14. Such goodwill for something so15? I was really amazed and impressed by this cleaner!

    A . awoke B . interrupted C . bothered D . surprised
    A . important B . moving C . rare D . painful
    A . cleaners B . doctors C . nurses D . patients
    A . happened B . managed C . pretended D . refused
    A . gave out B . chanced upon C . dealt with D . held back
    A . specifically B . initially C . willingly D . bravely
    A . dances B . shouts C . whispers D . bursts
    A . shower B . feed C . bye D . greeting
    A . buying B . receiving C . requesting D . borrowing
    A . imagination B . knowledge C . craziness D . opinion
    A . delight B . panic C . shock D . need
    A . remind B . inspire C . prepare D . convince
    A . organize B . plant C . struggle D . share
    A . laughed B . slept C . choked D . hesitated
    A . small B . strange C . kind D . unbelievable
  • 7. 语法填空

    According to the current research in Canada, data centres and smart phones will be the most damaging information and communication technology (ICT)to the environment by 2040 . The researchers claim that ICT will account as much as 14% for the total (globe) footprint by 2040.Among all the devices, they predict that by 2020, the most (damage) ones to the environment are smart phones. smart phones consume little energy to operate, over 80% of their emissions impact (come) from their production. The chip and the motherboard of a smart phone are made up of precious metals which are mined at a high cost. Therefore, to produce them requires huge amount of energy. Smart phones also have a relatively shorter life, drives further production of new models and extraordinary amount of waste.

    With the (late) research, the researchers hope to help smart phone users expand (they)worldview. When (select) smart phones, many people don't consider the issue of sustainability. The researchers hope that through their work, they could help people realise what they want to do.

五、单词拼写 (请用所学单词的适当形式填空,每题1分,满分10分)
六、单句语法填空 (每题1分,满分15分)
  • 33. 你是某国际中学李华。你校正在开展"创建美丽校园"的活动,请你用英语给全校学生写一封倡议书,要点包括:

    1 创建美丽校园的重要性

    2 校园存在的不文明现象

    3 你的态度

    注意: 词数在80字左右,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯

    Dear fellow students,

    Li hua

