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更新时间:2023-06-12 浏览次数:17 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Summer is coming. Are you looking for a part-time job? Here are some possible options.


    Are you a strong swimmer and a good communicator? Would you like a challenge? We are looking for lifeguards for our busy summer season. No experience is necessary as you will get two weeks of training before you start the job. As well as being physically fit, you need to be available for work Mon-Fri, 7-11 a. m.

    Store assistant

    We are looking for store assistants for our busy gift store. Applicants need to be reliable, friendly, and enjoy speaking to customers. A second language is preferred as many of our customers are tourists from other countries. The positions are part-time and you need to work from Thursday to Sunday, 10 a. m. -4 p. m.

    Fashion designer

    Are you interested in the latest styles? Are you creative and good at art? If so, Dresswise is looking for a young person to create new looks for our teen department. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in the clothing industry. You will need to work four days a week and we'll pay you for each design we use. We'll also give you samples of your designs to wear.

    Game tester

    Are you into technology and creative? Would you like to play and test educational games and get paid for it? This is an exciting part-time job for somebody who loves playing games. We offer flexible hours. If this is for you, write a description of your favorite game and why you like it in no more than 150 words.

    If you are interested in any of the above jobs, please contact us at studentunion@canpus. com.

    1. (1) What is a shared requirement for lifeguard and store assistant?
      A . Communicative ability. B . A second language. C . Professional experience. D . A strong body.
    2. (2) Which job can you apply for if you can only work on weekends?
      A . Lifeguard. B . Store assistant. C . Fashion designer. D . Game tester.
    3. (3) What can you get from the job as a fashion designer?
      A . Samples of the latest styles. B . Payment for each of your designs. C . Experience in the fashion industry. D . Chances to design clothes for adults.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Della Steward got the standard well-wishes on her blog on her 53rd birthday, but she got some unusual messages too. One was about the Smith family who had just lost their four-year-old son to cancer. His older brother was in deep sorrow. Could Della help?

    That message and the 30 or so others like it were exactly what Della was looking for. To celebrate her 53rd, the long-time social service professional had put out a call on her blog. She wanted to commit 53 random acts of kindness by the end of her birth month, and she needed information on people who could use one. When she got the note about the Smith family, she sent a wind chime (风铃) with the message "Listen to the wind and know that I am near" written on it. It now hangs in the four-year-old's bedroom, where his older brother can go to listen to it whenever he wants.

    This is not the first time that Della has decided to give gifts for her birthday. For her 47th, in 2016, she founded Love in Action, an organization committed to doing something good near her home and beyond. Its aim is simple:Do Your Best, Show Your Love!

    Over the years, the organization has reached out and touched well over 100 strangers, some found via Della's blog, others with help from her grandkids. The organization also shares inexpensive and creative gift ideas for others to help people in need.

    Della pays for everything herself: gift cards, pay-it-forward purchases at drive-throughs, and care packages, as well as the gas it takes to play fairy. Her family often gives her some extra birthday cash with a serious warning against spending it on anyone else, which she naturally ignores. "I got a couple of gift cards for my birthday this year and was like 'YESSS!" It's Della's party, and she'll give if she wants to.

    1. (1) What were the unusual messages Della got on her 53rd birthday?
      A . Help requests. B . Gift ideas. C . Donation offers. D . Birthday wishes.
    2. (2) What can we learn about Della from her gift to the Smith family?
      A . She is caring and brave. B . She is loving and helpful. C . She is patient and romantic. D . She is creative and determined.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Love in Action?
      A . It involves people in acts of kindness. B . It holds the belief that kindness pays off. C . It offers aid within Della's neighborhood. D . It mainly aims to educate kids to help out.
    4. (4) Why does Della's family give her warnings?
      A . She thinks little of her family's concern. B . She treats strangers better than her family. C . She is financially dependent on her family. D . She is too ready to give away her birthday gifts.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Worry is defined as thoughts and images of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid the expected potential threats.

    If we were to keep a record of all the things we worried about during a given period of time, we would discover, in reviewing them, that the great majority of our expected problems or troubles never come to pass. This means that most of the time we devote to worrying, which pushes us to try to come up with a solution to what is troubling us, is wasted, Thus, we not only caused ourselves unnecessary mental pain, but took up valuable minutes and hours that could've been spent elsewhere.

    To avoid this, it is often necessary to stay calm and trace the sources of worry. More importantly, we should analyze the situation and see whether it is the very problem that is bothering us. Blindly feeling nervous about whether the problem can be solved is sometimes ridiculous, for the problems do not exist. Once, shortly before a major concert, a member of Arturo Toscanini's orchestra approached the great Italian conductor with an expression of fear on his face. "Maestro(大师)," the musician said, "my instrument is not working properly. I cannot reach the note of E-flat. Whatever will I do? We are to begin in a few moments." Toscanini looked at the man with amazement. Then he smiled kindly and placed an arm around his shoulders. "My friend," he replied, "Do not worry about it. The note E-flat does not appear anywhere in the music that you will be playing this evening. "

    The next time we find ourselves in the middle of worrying about some matters, we might be wise to stop and ask ourselves what the problem is and whether it will happen. Then we may be able to go on to do something more meaningful or at least avoid being disturbed by something imaginary.

    1. (1) What do we know about worry from the first two paragraphs?
      A . It requires people to record and review the trouble later. B . It drives people to try and stay safe from anticipated trouble. C . It's referred to as negative ideas about things that will never happen. D . It causes a waste of time that should be spent on solving the problem.
    2. (2) The example of the orchestra mentioned in Paragraph 3 is to argue that ________.
      A . the note E-flat does not appear in the music B . wrongly analyzing the problem is ridiculous C . it's not wise to be disturbed by something imaginary D . a man of wisdom is able to deal with1 worry effectively
    3. (3) What can be inferred from the text?
      A . Arturo Toscanini was a great Italian musician from Italy. B . Worry is defined as thoughts and images of a negative nature. C . Time wasted on worry should be spent on something meaningful. D . People feel annoyed by worry because of psychological problems.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The source of worry. B . How to deal with worry. C . The definition of worry. D . How worry affects people.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Some bacteria (纠菌)have a superpower that scientists would love to use. These bacteria gain energy from light, just as plants do. Scientists have wanted to use cyanobacteria(蓝藻菌)to make electricity. But in previous research, they didn't survive long on artificial surfaces. Researchers have now moved them to a living surface - a mushroom. Their creation is the first mushroom to make electricity.

    Applied Physicist Simon Jackson and his team turned that mushroom into a mini energy farm. This bionic(生物电子的)mushroom combines 3 D printing, conductive ink and bacteria to generate electricity. Its design could lead to new ways of combining nature with electronics. Like plants, cyanobacteria make their own food from sunlight, releasing electrons(电子). When enough electrons build up in one place, they can create an electric current.

    The researchers needed to bring a lot of these bacteria together. They decided to use 3 D printing to place them precisely onto a surface. Jackson's team chose mushrooms for that surface. After all, they realized, mushrooms naturally host communities of bacteria and other microbes. Finding test subjects for their tests was easy. Jackson simply went to the grocery store and picked up white button mushrooms.

    Printing on those mushrooms, though, turned out to be a real challenge. 3 D printers have been designed to print on flat surfaces, but mushroom caps are curved. The researchers spent months writing computer code to solve the problem. Eventually, they came up with a program to 3 D print their ink onto the curved mushroom tops.

    The researchers printed two "inks" onto their mushrooms. One was a green ink made of cyanobacteria. They used this to make a spiral pattern on the cap. They also, used a black ink made of graphene, which is great at conducting electricity. They printed this ink in a branching pattern across the mushroom top. Then it was time to shine.

    "Cyanobacteria are the real heroes here, " says Jackson. When his team shone light on the mushrooms, the bacteria gave out electrons. Those electrons flowed into the graphene and created an electric current.

    1. (1) What was the problem in previous research?
      A . Cyanobacteria didn't produce electrons. B . Cyanobacteria couldn't get enough light. C . The researchers chose the wrong bacteria. D . No suitable home was made for cyanobacteria.
    2. (2) Why were mushrooms finally chosen as test subjects?
      A . They are convenient to find. B . They can produce electric currents. C . They are where bacteria can naturally grow. D . They can be easily combined with 3 D printing.
    3. (3) What is the major function of the black ink in this test?
      A . To feed bacteria. B . To deliver electrons. C . To produce electricity. D . To reshape mushroom tops.
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Who are the real heroes? B . New application of 3 D printing C . Nature combined with electrons D . Bionic mushroom makes electricity
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Home gardens produce delicious food. But that's not their main virtue.

    Imagine a plate holding two strawberries, identical in appearance. One came out of a supermarket box, probably harvested unripe.

    The other was picked from a garden minutes before being eaten. The first one will probably taste like a slightly sour grape while the second is likely to be sweet and rich in flavour.

    Supermarket strawberries are not entirely without advantages. They are convenient and available in the northern globe even in February. But the two berries differ from each other in the same way that hearing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in a concert hall differs from listening to it on an old tape.

    Other people, however, believe gardening a waste of time. But the same could be said of cooking. There are cheap and decent restaurants around, so why bother to make your own meals? They mistake the product for the purpose.

    Actually, a garden, especially in the early years, can produce little but frustration(挫败感). New gardeners may plant the wrong crops for their soil. Rabbits have an annoying habit of taking single bites of vegetable, then leaving the rest to go bad. No matter. The real joy of single bites of vegetable, then leaving the rest to go bad gardening is the time spent doing it. The deepest pleasure - as with cooking, writing, bringing up children or almost anything worthwhile - is in the work itself. A gardener's memories revolve not around the food produced, but around long afternoons with hands in the dirt.

    A. No one can ever avoid this hard stage.

    B. So why don't we start home gardening for delicious food?

    C. This might explain why many people desire a home garden.

    D. These people misunderstand the ultimate appeal of gardening.

    E. By the time it reached the plate it may have been off the plant for days.

    F. To garden is to patiently and lovingly help life grow, in the ground and above it.

    G. And even expert gardeners can lose a season's harvest to uncooperative weather.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The most important life lesson I've learned from running is to run at my own pace. This lesson has guided me in many ways. 1, it made me challenge the fixed expectations of retirement and aging.

    Running is a metaphor for life. I realized this while 2for a marathon to celebrate my 60 m birthday. All the other runners being faster than me made me 3. But my coach shared

    some valuable advice: run at your own best pace. Setting a goal or target time could be a 4. He was right. 5, I ran more easily and faster. I also enjoyed the experience much more.

    I have 6 this principle to other areas of my life. Finding a rhythm is not about 7or how many things I can get done in a day. It has more to do with what I decide to do at this stage in my life.

    Running carries its own set of expectations, including what it meant to be a strong runner. But expectations also 8 to other areas of life, including what people at certain life stages should be doing or not doing. Expectations at my age can9how leisure time is spent, decisions about employment, and even the role of a 10.

    I used to think it was young people who bore the brunt(冲击)of11,  but older adults can experience it too. This is 12, because often later in life is a time when we are less inclined to care about the opinions of others.

    That is the message my running coach was trying to convey. 13what others are doing.

    Their pace is not14 the pace you should run at. Run in your own way. It's not better or worse -only 15.

    A . In turn B . In particular C . In advance D . In depth
    A . training B . struggling C . competing D . searching
    A . pitiful B . grateful C . impressed D . embarrassed
    A . resolution B . practice C . limitation D . motivation
    A . Against time B . Ahead of time C . Of all time D . Over time
    A . exposed B . compared C . applied D . suggested
    A . music B . business C . requirement D . efficiency
    A . subscribe B . extend C . contribute D . refer
    A . center on B . hope for C . decide on D . call for
    A . boss B . grandparent C . athlete D . citizen
    A . peer pressure B . separation anxiety C . sleeping disorder D . age discrimination
    A . natural B . unacceptable C . ironic D . significant
    A . Mind B . Expect C . Forget D . Abandon
    A . basically B . gradually C . alternatively D . necessarily
    A . different B . amazing C . common D . fair
  • 7. 语法填空

    The Grand Canal is the longest and ( old) canal in the world. It forms vast inland waterway system in China, running from the capital Beijing in the north to Zhejiang Province in the south.

    ( construct) in sections from the 5th century BC and completed and maintained by several ( dynasty), it formed the backbone of China's inland communications system, which enabled the supply of rice ( feed) the population. The Grand Canal reached a new peak in the 13th century, providing an inland shipping network consisting of more than 2, 000 km of artificial waterways, linked five of the most important river basins in China, including the Huanghe River and the Changjiang River. Still major means of internal communication today, it ( play) an important role in ensuring the prosperity(繁荣) and stability of China over the ages.

    The Grand Canal bears witness to a remarkable and early development of hydraulic engineering(水利工程). It is an essential technological achievement ( date) from before the Industrial Revolution. It is a perfect example of dealing with difficult natural conditions, as is reflected in the many constructions that are ( full)adapted to the diversity and complexity of circumstances. It best demonstrates the technical capabilities of Eastern civilizations.

五、单词拼写<b >-</b>单句(本大题共10小题,共5.0分)
  • 18. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以"My dream job"为题写一篇发言稿参赛。内容包括:
    1. 你的理想工作;
    2. 你选择的理由。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    My dream job

    Good morning, everyone,

