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更新时间:2023-06-01 浏览次数:41 类型:期中考试
  • 31. 选句子补全对话。

    A. Can you row a boat?

    B. Did you go there by bus?

    C. What did you do last weekend?

    D. Did you see any geese (鹅) on the lake?

    E. Did you row a boat there?

    A: Hello, Lucy.

    B: I went to the People's Park.              


    B: No, I went by bike.                    


    B: Yes, I did. It was interesting.  

    A: No, I can't.           

    B: Yes, they're white. They're cute. I like them.

七、根据图片提示,完成对话。(10 分)
  • 37. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。

    Jack was busy last Sunday. His parents were not at home. He walked to the park in the morning. He read English books and did sports there. Then he visited his friend Tom. Tom is his best friend. He is younger and shorter than Jack. They played puzzles together. After lunch, Jack went back home. In the afternoon, Jack cleaned the room and washed the clothes. After finishing these things, his parents got home. Jack had a nice dinner with his parents. At 10 o'clock, he went to bed.

    1. (1) Jack's parents stayed at home last Sunday.
    2. (2) Jack walked to the park in the morning.
    3. (3) Tom is stronger and taller than Jack.
    4. (4) Tom and Jack played puzzles together before lunch.
    5. (5) Jack's parents went to bed at 10 o'clock.
九、以"A Happy Day"为题,根据图片内容,描述你上个星期天做了什么事情,心情怎样? 不少于60 词。(8分)

