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更新时间:2023-06-01 浏览次数:56 类型:期中考试
  • 16. 判断下列每组单词中画线部分读音是否相同。
    1. (1) play      eggplant      clean
    2. (2) clock      class        people
    3. (3) library    umbrella      brown
    4. (4) Chinese    China        children
    5. (5) sheep      fish        chicken
  • 27. 选词填空。

    in  on  at  take  Where  When

    1. (1) I often a dancing class on the weekend.
    2. (2) — do you go to school?

      —I go to school at 8 o'clock.

    3. (3) — is your photo?

      —It's on the wall.

    4. (4) We will have an English party February.
    5. (5) What do you do Tuesdays?
    6. (6) China's National Day is October.
    7. (7) Let's have dinner 6:30 p.m.
    8. (8) I often clean my room the weekend.
    9. (9) I go swimming winter.
    10. (10) We go to school Mondays.
  • 33. 读一读,选一选,将对话补充完整。
    A. You need a robot to help you!
    B. Why are you shopping today?
    C. I usually wash clothes.
    D. So what do you do on the weekend?
    E. That sounds like a lot of fun.


    Sarah: My mum worked last night. So I'm shopping today.

    Shopkeeper: Good girl!

    Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.


    Sarah: Yes, but I'm also hard-working. Sometimes I cook dinner.

    Shopkeeper: You're so busy!

  • 34. 阅读理解。

    My name is Amy. I'm from Canada. I usually have Chinese classes on Tuesdays. I often go for a walk on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. I can go on a picnic with my family. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play in the snow. My mother's birthday is in February. My father's birthday is in April.

    1. (1) Amy usually has ________ classes on Tuesdays.
      A . English B . Chinese
    2. (2) Which is Amy's favourite season?
      A . Spring. B . Winter.
    3. (3) Amy likes winter because her birthday is in December and she can ________.
      A . play in the snow B . go on a picnic
    4. (4) Is Amy's mother's birthday in August?
      A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't.
    5. (5) When is Amy's father's birthday?
      A . It's in April. B . It's in December.
  • 35. 请你写一封信给外国的小朋友Mike,介绍一下你的日常生活,信得格式已经写好,请根据上下文的提示将内容补充完整。

    Dear Mike,

    I a student. My birthday is in. I like. I live in. I often and.

    In the afternoon, I with. I sometimes and on the weekend.


