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更新时间:2023-05-30 浏览次数:31 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Hong Kong to Macau Transportation

    It is really convenient and swift for travelers to travel between Hong Kong and Macau, with a straight-line distance of about 60 kilometers.

    Helicopter Transport

    Helicopter transport is the most swift and convenient means for transportation between Hong Kong and Macau. The length of time for a journey is only 15 minutes.

    Service time: The helicopter departs every 30 minutes from 9:00 to 23:00. Passengers should arrive at the waiting room at least 15 minutes before the departure time.

    Tel: 2872 7288 (Macau) and 2108 9898 (Hong Kong). Passengers can book a ticket via these telephone numbers.

    Approximate ticket fares: The price of a helicopter transport is about 2,700–2,900 yuan per person.

    Ship Transport

    The length of time for a journey by ship between Hong Kong and Macau is about 50 minutes, which is much longer than that of taking a helicopter. However, the ticket fare is much cheaper than taking a helicopter.

    Service time and departure interval: The ship departs every 15 minutes from 7:00 to 24:00, and then departs at 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:30, 4:00, 4:45 and 6:00.

    Approximate ticket fares: There are different kinds of ticket fares, for day sailing and night sailing and for common seats and luxury seats. The price is from 133 to 268 yuan per seat.

    Jetfoil (水翼喷射船) Transport

    Passengers also can take a jetfoil: a five-star Premier Jetfoil with luxurious services of high quality coming and going among Macau, Hong Kong and Hong Kong International Airport, and the length of time for each route is about 55 minutes.

    Service time and departure interval: The jetfoil departs every 1 hour from 8:00 to 22:00.

    Approximate ticket fares: The common seat for day sailing is 250–320 yuan per person. The luxury seat for day sailing is 450–560 yuan per person.

    1. (1) What are the helicopter passengers required to do?
      A . Check the departure time online. B . Arrive at least a quarter earlier. C . Choose the kind of seat on the spot. D . Pay for an extra insurance fee.
    2. (2) What is the advantage of jetfoil transport over the other two?
      A . Its comfort level. B . The price of tickets. C . The length of time. D . The frequency of transportation.
    3. (3) Where is the text probably taken from?
      A . A textbook. B . A travel diary.     C . A science report. D . A travel website.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    It was December 25, 1914, only 5 months into World War Ⅰ. German, British, and French soldiers already sick and tired of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and fraternized (打得火热) with "the enemy" along two-thirds of the Western Front. German troops held Christmas trees up out of the trenches (战壕) with signs, "Merry Christmas."

    "You no shoot, we no shoot." Thousands of troops streamed across a no-man's land filled with dead bodies. They sang Christmas carols, showed photographs of loved ones back home, shared rations, played football, and even roasted some pigs. Soldiers embraced men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if the Generals (将军) forced them to fire their weapons, and to aim high.

    It shocked the high command on either side. Here was disaster in the making: soldiers declaring their brotherhood with each other and refusing to fight. Generals on both sides declared this peacemaking to be wrong. Fifteen million would be killed.

    Not many people have heard the story of the Christmas Truce (休战). On Christmas Day, 1988, a story in the Boston Globe mentioned that a local FM radio host played "Christmas in the Trenches" several times and was surprised by the effect. The song became the most requested recording during the holidays in Boston on several FM stations. "Some callers even telephone the host deeply moved, sometimes in tears, asking, "What the hell did I just hear?"

    You can probably guess why the callers were in tears. The Christmas Truce story goes against most of what we have been taught about people. It gives us a glimpse of the world as we wish it could be and says, "This really happened once." It reminds us of those thoughts we keep hidden away, out of range of the TV and newspaper stories that tell us how trivial (微不足道的) and mean human life is. It is like hearing that our deepest wishes really are true: the world really could be different.

    1. (1) What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
      A . Troops celebrated their victories.  B . Generals forced their army to fight back. C . Soldiers made peace with their enemies. D . Soldiers decided to give in to their enemies.
    2. (2) What would be the result of the soldiers' actions according to the passage?
      A . A fierce war. B . Many deaths. C . A peaceful world. D . Many heroes.
    3. (3) Why were the callers in tears?
      A . They experienced the war. B . They lost loved ones in the war. C . They valued the life in peace. D . They desired to protect their motherland.
    4. (4) What does the story probably convey?
      A . Being against wars. B . Cherishing today's happiness. C . Remembering heroes. D . Showing no respect for life.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A study from the University of Montreal and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, published in Frontiers in Medicine, found that regular virtual visits to museums could help seniors stay mentally active and come with a host of additional health benefits. That's because these digital connections can make retirees feel less lonely and isolated (孤立的).

    Social isolation has been associated with the risks for heart disease and the decline of recognition abilities in seniors and the pandemic (疫情) increased the risks due to the need for seniors to stay home and isolate, according to a press release from the university.

    The researchers investigated the potential benefits of weekly virtual visits for a three-month period. The participants were people aged 65 and older who lived in Montreal. Half of the participants took part in online visits and a discussion afterwards, while the control group did not participate in any cultural events at all. The group who participated in the virtual visits showed improvements in their quality of life. "Our study showed that art-based activities may be an effective intervention (干预)," lead author Dr. Olivier Beauchet, a professor at the University of Montreal, said in the press release. "On a global scale, this participatory art-based activity could become a model that could be offered in museums and arts institutions worldwide to promote active and healthy aging."

    The proposal reflects approaches recommended by the World Health Organization to manage certain diseases, according to Beauchet. For instance, the WHO launched the Aging and Health Program in 2015 that included using community-based organizations to promote culture as a key component (成分) of improving health. Traditionally, these sorts of preventive health activities have taken place in schools, community centers, and workplaces. "While these are suitable locations that reach a great number of people, there are additional organizations and sectors that could become partners in public health research and practice development," Beauchet said. "Museums are among such potential partners. They are aware of the needs of their communities and are consequently expanding the types of activities they offer."

    1. (1) How do seniors benefit from regular virtual visits to museums?
      A . They get survival skills. B . They raise interest in art. C . They improve quality of life. D . They connect more with family.
    2. (2) What can be inferred from Beauchet's words in Paragraph 3?
      A . Participants come from the whole world. B . The museum needs better cultural events. C . Face-to-face discussion is a useful intervention. D . Seniors should attend more art-based activities.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
      A . To advocate. B . To criticize. C . To expose. D . To warn.
    4. (4) Which may be a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Aged Form a Community to Reduce Loneliness. B . Online Museum Trips Improve Seniors' Well-being. C . Virtual Art-based Activities Bring People Together. D . Retired Individuals Pay More Visits to Museums.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Since American idol star Taryn Southern started composing music with AI in 2017, musicians all over the world have begun wondering about the implications of AI and modern technology where music production is concerned. Using AI in the creation of music is perceived by some as a helpful tool and by others as almost "the beginning of the end".

    In Taryn's case, AI software enabled her to communicate melodies and chords that she didn't know how to put together herself. The end product was therefore a collaborative effort, rather than a piece entirely produced by technology. Taryn's story has a distinctly positive feel that highlights the advantages of using AI in music production. It can serve as a source of inspiration, and as an ideal jumping-off point should a musician be hit with writer's block (文思枯竭).

    Contrary to seeing AI as a tool, some musicians consider it to be hugely detrimental to the music scene. At the moment, because such technology is still so young, the music it's producing is not necessarily what we want to hear. In short, it's not of great quality. Those who have produced their own music, or even fans of authentic, artistic music, will also argue that a computer could never imitate the work (and human touch) of a true musician.

    Music has been an integral part of the story of humans for ages; in fact, the first known piece of music is believed to be around 3,400 years old. Songs have long been used as a means of communicating messages and folk stories, covering everything from societal ethics to world history. Since many people see music as such an inherently human expression, it is often considered as too precious to impart (赋予) to technology. The thought of a computer generating a "random" piece of music that hasn't been painstakingly created by an artist is almost seen a sacrilegious (亵渎神圣的).

    Regardless of which side of the argument you fall on, it seems likely that the use of AI in music production will only become more frequent. Our modern world is occupied with technological advancements. Instead of shying away from the idea of this bleak future, the best approach to take is one of optimism and curiosity. While there are always bound to be stubborn old-school musicians who refuse to use tech, music producers should consider AI as something to be embraced. AI music software is still very much in its infancy, but with more investors interested in the development and outcomes of such technology, and considering the rapid growth rate of other tech advances in recent years, it's only a matter of time before AI-produced music is seen as the new norm.

    1. (1) What does the word "detrimental" mean in paragraph three?
      A . normal B . influential C . harmful D . beneficial 
    2. (2) Why are some musicians against the use of AI in creating music?
      A . Music produced with AI technology lacks humanness. B . Music created with AI technology is easily imitated. C . It will decrease humans' role in music composition. D . It will wear out young musicians' creative inspiration
    3. (3) Why do many people think music is too precious to impart to AI technology?
      A . It cannot be created without pains. B . It is part of human life. C . It cannot be produced at random. D . It is human specific.
    4. (4) What does the author think of the future of AI music?
      A . It will continue to arouse the interest of music investors B . It has the prospect of becoming the norm in the future. C . It will be gradually accepted by old-school musicians. D . It may eventually lose its freshness and appeal.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In today's fast-paced world, comfort and relaxation are keys to a happy daily life. People want to have their tasks finished as quickly and efficiently as possible. We all search for convenience. . Here are the top Smart Home trends to follow this year. With these all by your side, you can transform your life.

    Improved home security, safety, and privacy

    . Security firms are now offering some very next-level security systems that safeguard homes and protect privacy. Artificial Intelligence biometric authentication, robust protection against cyber-attacks, advanced cameras, and alarm systems are some examples of Smart Home solutions.

    Voice-assistant smart technology

    Voice-assistant innovative technology helps users do a lot like turning on music, computers, TVs and other devices inside their homes! . An example of such technology is Amazon Alexa, which can assist you in better everyday life!

    You can also use Smart Home technology to help you with everyday household chores! You can stay in bed in your pyjamas while your AI vacuum cleaner does all the work for you!

    Smart healthcare technology

    . These can significantly help in case of emergencies. 5G technology is also coming up, allowing devices to function without any wires or connections. All of these can help in certain situations when a quick response is necessary.

    A. Smart home cleaning

    B. Smart touchless technology

    C. We all want our homes to look nice and bright

    D. That's why more and more people are interested in Smart Home

    E. These are always the most important things for every homeowner

    F. It also helps in making a cosy atmosphere by adjusting temperature and lighting

    G. Smart devices allow fast communication with medical professionals over the Internet

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion (独奏打击乐) in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist in spite of her disability.

    "Early on I decided not to allow the 1 of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 2 piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my 3. Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the 4 and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never 5 me.

    "My 6 was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I 7 to "hear" music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can 8 the pitch of a note (音调高低) by the vibrations (振动) I feel through my body and through my imagination. My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every 9 that I have.

    "I was 10 to be assessed (评价) as a percussion soloist, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had 11 this before and some teachers were against my admission. Based on my performance, I was 12 admitted and went on to graduate with the academy's highest honors."

    "After that, I established myself as the first full-time solo percussionist. I wrote and arranged a lot of musical compositions since 13 had been written specially for solo percussionists."

    "I have been a soloist for over ten years. 14 the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn't mean that my passion couldn't be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be 15 by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go."

    A . conditions B . opinions C . actions D . opportunity
    A . enjoying B . choosing C . taking D . giving
    A . sight B . hearing C . touch D . taste
    A . trend B . result C . excuse D . cause
    A . left B . excited C . stayed D . disappointed
    A . attention B . decision C . promise D . goal
    A . turned B . learned C . used D . ought
    A . tell B . see C . hear D . smell
    A . sense B . effort C . feeling D . idea
    A . unemployed B . astonished C . determined D . discouraged
    A . done B . accepted C . advised D . admitted
    A . usually B . finally C . possibly D . hopefully
    A . enough B . some C . many D . few
    A . However B . When C . Although D . Since
    A . directed B . guided C . taught D . limited
  • 7. 原文填空

    There is so much more to learn about the interesting history and culture of the United Kingdom. Studying the history of the country will make your visit  more enjoyable. The capital city London is a great place to start,  it is an ancient port city that has a history  all the way back to Roman times. There are countless historic sites to explore, and lots of museums with ancient relics from all over the UK. The UK is a  mix of history and modern culture,  both new and old traditions. If you keep your eyes open, you will be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present.

  • 8. 原文填空

    Think of culture, not only as the way of life that  to a particular group of people but your identity as a person—the things that have found their way into your very : the meaning of family, the ties of friendship with those around you, the special festivals and the many  and beliefs that have found their way into everyday life. These things have helped to  us into the people we are. They have, little by little, found their way, and sometimes  their way, into our personalities. These are the things that we will see change when we move to another country with a different culture.

  • 39. 假如你是李华,你即将参加21世纪报全国中学生演讲比赛,演讲题目为My Favorite City。请写一篇英语演讲稿,介绍你最喜欢的城市。


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