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更新时间:2023-05-22 浏览次数:49 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 把单词序号填在相应类别的横线上。

    A. library

    B. art room

    C. English class

    D. Chinese class

    E. teacher's office

    1. (1) 功能室:
    2. (2) 课程:
  • 2. 将图画序号填入相应的横线上。

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    1. (1) It's 6 o'clock now.
    2. (2) It's time to go to bed!
    3. (3) It's time to go to school.
    4. (4) Let's go to the first floor.
    5. (5) It's sunny and warm today.
  • 3. 根据图示,用方框中正确的单词或短语完成句子,并把单词或短语序号填入相应横线上。

    A. hot

    B. dinner

    C. snowy

    D. music class

    E. second floor

    1. (1) It's time for  .

    2. (2) — Where is Classroom 3?

      —Look. It's on the  .

    3. (3) — Can I have some soup, Mum?

      —Yes, be careful. It's very  .

    4. (4) I can't go outside. It's  now.

    5. (5) Wow! It's time for   . Time to sing!

  • 9. 从B栏中找到A栏的答句,把序号填到横线上。



    Is it sunny in Hechi?

    A. No. It's cloudy.

    Is it time to go to bed?

    B. OK! Thank you, Mum.

    Amy! Dinner is ready!

    C. Of course! It's 940 p.m.

    Who's in the art room?

    D. It's good and it's on the first floor.

    How about your bedroom?

    E. She's Miss White. She's our art teacher.

