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更新时间:2023-05-19 浏览次数:73 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Some China Podcasts(播客)to Listen to

    Whether you're an old-timer or a newcomer to China, there's always more to learn about this awesome country. To help in your never-ending thirst for knowledge, we've rounded up some most entertaining China-focused podcasts that hit on everything from history to business, to dating and beyond.

    Tech Buzz China by Pandaily

    Tech Buzz China by Pandaily is a technology podcast about China's innovations. It's co-hosted by Rui Ma and Ying Lu, who are both seasoned China-watchers with years of experience working in the technology space in the country. They share and discuss the most important tech news from China every week.

    The China History Podcast

    Started in 2010, Laszlo Montgomery presents topics that cover 5, 000 years of Chinese history and culture. The show has a lot of unknown and interesting history lessons that help provide more color as to why China is the way it is. Topics like the history of Tang poetry, or the Hokkien people are analyzed and explored.

    China Untold

    The China Untold podcast is a program that aims to introduce listeners to lesser-known stories from the Middle Kingdom. From urban tales and extinct religions to China's role in the exploration of space, this podcast, hosted by Matt Bossons, is your essential guide of the unusual and wonderful aspects of the world's most highly populated nation.

    The Wasai Show

    The Wasai Show is hosted by Neto Trevino from Mexico and Alice He who is local Chinese. In each episode, stories are collected from listeners about a topic and shared in a funny way by both comedians. The first half of the show is presented in English, followed by a Chinese section.

    1. (1) Who are the podcasts intended for?
      A . Foreigners in China. B . Chinese historians. C . Technology enthusiasts. D . Podcast hosts in China.
    2. (2) Which podcast may talk about ancient poems?
      A . Tech Buzz China by Pandaily B . The China History Podcast C . China Untold D . The Wasai Show
    3. (3) What is the format of The Wasai Show?
      A . A talk show about local Chinese life. B . A single host discussing various topics. C . Two hosts sharing stories from listeners. D . Interviews with experts on Chinese culture.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Abandoned outside an orphanage(孤儿院)as a baby and adopted at the age of three by a family in the Netherlands, 16-year-old model Abbing has become known around the world, as a model who has appeared in fashion magazines-but also as an inspiring representative of the albino(白化病人) community.

    When it comes to modelling, Abbing has found her difference more of a blessing: she is represented by the Zebedee Talent agency, which aims to make people who have disabilities more visible in the world of fashion.

    "I want to help people to see that being different is good, and definitely not some curse(诅咒), as they believe in countries like Tanzania and Malawi, "said Abbing. "Some companies try to include models who are different, but sometimes for the wrong reason, because they want to say:'Hey, look at us! We are also including people with differences or people of different color'. "

    But Abbing welcomes what she sees as a shift. People now want to learn about and accept differences. "They should alsotalk with people with differences directly, ask them questions and listen to what they have to say, "she urged.

    When not in front of the camera, Abbing loves climbing and swimming, and used to love competitive sports. It's important for her to focus on what is possible, rather than what isn't. " At school, teachers tend to look at the things you cannot do. I really didn't like that, although they meant well. I would rather they had focused on the things I can do instead. "

    Abbing loves the world of travel and meeting new people, which her modelling has opened up, and particularly working with artists and on artistic projects. The teen also pours her creativity into decoration artwork. "Because I see the world from a different angle, my artwork turns out a little different as well, "she said.

    1. (1) What is one reason for Abbing's being chosen by Zebedee?
      A . Her physical disability. B . Her youthful appearance. C . Her success in the fashion world. D . Her fame in the albino community.
    2. (2) What does Abbing think of some companies hiring disabled models?
      A . A social conflict. B . A positive change. C . An act of showing off. D . A product advertisement.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Abbing?
      A . Creative and honest. B . Optimistic and patient. C . Courageous and outgoing. D . Athletic and humorous.
    4. (4) What message does Abbing's story convey?
      A . Everyone is born equal. B . Judge not by appearances. C . Love makes the world go around. D . You are beautiful the way you are.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    As a junior economics reporter, I was once given an assignment which made me panic. I was asked to write a story about an economic concept I didn't really understand. No one else from my team was around. Searching online left me more confused. Just then, Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator(评论员)in my company,walked past my desk. I took a deep breath and asked him. He explained it well in a few sentences and my problem was unexpectedly solved.

    Ever since then, I have been a big believer in asking "stupid" questions, by which I mean questions that you fear make you look stupid. But I'm worried this is a dying art. Professor Arvind Narayanan once told me that his students were always worrying their questions might be silly, which made the vast majority of his students tend to keep silent in lectures no matter how he encouraged them, even when they were still filled with confusion.

    Fear of asking "stupid" questions can lead you to pretend you know more than you do, which also makes you more likely to believe whatever others say. One study published in 2021 asked participants to rank their knowledge of a set of terms on a five-point scale from "never heard of it" to "know it well, understand the concept". Some of the terms were real;others were fake(伪造的). The study found that people who were more willing to pretend they know something well were more likely to fall for nonsense of others.

    I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a Martin Wolf wandering past their desk. But trust me, a journalist who asks questions for a living: most people really don't mind being asked something "stupid". If they do, it is probably because they don't really understand it themselves, or they have something to hide. In that sense, you learn something useful either way.

    1. (1) Why does the author mention her encounter with Martin?
      A . To describe a journalist's work pressure. B . To show the benefits of asking questions. C . To present the best way to solve problems. D . To introduce an economics reporter's routine.
    2. (2) What does the author mean by saying "this is a dying art"?
      A . Fewer people tend to raise questions. B . Few valuable questions are put forward. C . People don't know how to ask questions properly. D . People don't feel ashamed of asking silly questions.
    3. (3) What does the 2021 study suggest?
      A . People usually pretend to be knowledgeable. B . Fake and real concepts are hard to distinguish. C . People shouldn't believe others' words too quickly. D . Fear of asking questions leads to bad consequences.
    4. (4) Which section of a website is this text most likely from?
      A . Technology. B . Opinion. C . Friendship. D . Culture.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Do you remember when Nelson Mandela died? In the 1980s? In the 1990s? The answer is in 2013. The political figure was in prison from 1964 to 1990 before receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and being elected president in 1994. However, many people incorrectly remember him dying in prison in the 1980s, which is how the Mandela effect gets its name.

    The Mandela effect is a phenomenon where a large number of people believe something happened, when in reality, it did not. For example, many people misremember details such as the color of a snack packet or the name of a TV show. A 2020 memory study found that 76% of adults made at least one detectable error when asked to recall information, demonstrating that memory is not accurate.

    "The Mandela effect seems to be closely related to a number of well-known memory phenomena," said Tim Hollins, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Plymouth in the U. K. He named three similar types of memory-related phenomena: "false memory, "  which is the creation of a memory that didn't happen;" source-memory errors, "which is when someone forgets the true source of a memory;and "imagination inflation(膨胀),"which is the tendency to believe something is real when it is often or vividly imagined.

    However, Hollins believes the phenomenon that is most closely connected to the Mandela effect is that of "gist memory," which is when someone has a general idea of something but can't necessarily remember the specifics. A common example relates to the monkey called Curious George, a children's book character that first appeared in the 1940s, and his lack of a tail.

    "Remembering Curious George as having a tail just reflects the fact that most monkeys have tails, " Hollins said. "If you just remember the gist-it's a monkey-why wouldn't you remember him having a tail?"

    1. (1) What contributes to the name of the Mandela effect?
      A . Mandela passed away in the prison. B . Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize. C . Mandela's death was wrongly remembered. D . Mandela's political ideas were well-received.
    2. (2) What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
      A . Experiments related to memory phenomena. B . Psychological causes for the Mandela effect. C . Memory problems leading to the Mandela effect. D . Scientific explanation of memory-related problems.
    3. (3) What can we learn about our memory from the text?
      A . It is not as reliable as we think. B . It can be improved through efforts. C . Memories of details do not last long. D . Imagination helps strengthen memory.
    4. (4) Which is a phenomenon of "gist memory" according to the text?
      A . Imagining something that didn't exist. B . Recalling every word of a conversation. C . Just preserving the memory of pleasant things. D . Remembering only key features of something.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Wonderful views from the mountains, breath-taking places waiting to explore, fresh air, as well as all the special health benefits, are the main rewards of mountain hiking.

    You need to train your lower body muscles, anytime and anywhere. Strong legs and core muscles will improve your balance and help you hike longer. Focus on your lower body strength and on your cardiovascular(心血管的)workoutYou really can train anywhere:use your backyard,living room, or bedroom to keep your body ready for the true conditions in the mountains.

    You will need a stronger back. Who's going to carry your backpack?So we are quite sure what the true answer is.  Develop back-muscles with exercises like V-ups, deadlifts, diver push-ups, and exercise named "mountain climbers":Start in a traditional plank(平板支撑)position and then bring your knee forward under your chest. You will start to feel your abs(腹肌)for sue,too.

    Even Rome wasn't built in a day so give yourself the pleasure to enjoy discovering what your body is capable of!  All the perfect benefits will improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, helping you strengthen your core, and even help you control your weight as an additional benefit. Just don't forget to stretch after each training.

    Please remember that your training for mountain hiking should be combined with real hiking. And don't miss the other clues on what to do for mountaineering training!

    A. Give yourself and your body time to prepare.

    B. And don't rely just on gyms or other similar areas.

    C. Your balance will also get better and better over time.

    D. However, there is always hidden danger in the mountains.

    E. Try to combine muscle training with your indoor exercise.

    F. However, it is of great significance to get prepared physically.

    G. In the mountains, everyone should firstly be responsible for their own essentials.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    On August 26, 2022, Wendy Cocker, a registered nurse, sat down with her 4-year-old son Monty and taught him how to make a(n)1call.Cocker has suffered seizure(癫痫)for a long time,and she wanted to2 that Monty knew what to do if she had a sudden 3 in his presence. She took him through the 4to make the call. The next day, Cocker wasn't feeling too well, and as she tried to 5 her husband on the phone, her body went into full seizure in front of Monty.

    Monty    6    at once, using his new skill to call the medical staff. During the call, Monty told the operator briefly and 7, "Mummy fell over." He was 8and just followed all the 9that he had been told. And the medical staff10figured out that his mum may have had a seizure.

    Later, Monty was awarded a special certificate of appreciation. One of the medical staff said she was 11to teach her own children the12 skill and she thought about breaking down the learning process into specific steps for them.

    As the 4-year-old Monty's13 becomes known, it's a great 14to parents to teach their children simple actions that will save a life. They, too, might at least become a(n) 15 hero like Monty.

    A . emergency B . information C . personal D . local
    A . prove B . ensure C . pretend D . believe
    A . change B . death
    C . cry D . attack
    A . steps B . difficulties C . notes D . numbers
    A . warn
    B . convince C . reach D . consult
    A . screamed B . appeared C . searched D . responded
    A . clearly B . confidently C . frankly D . repeatedly
    A . calm B . brave C . hesitant D . proud
    A . examples B . instructions C . rules D . suggestions
    A . fortunately B . eventually C . amazingly D . suddenly
    A . advised B . ordered C . inspired D . assigned
    A . special B . same C . professional D . social
    A . progress B . courage C . condition D . story
    A . reward B . comfort C . reminder D . challenge
    A . popular B . classic C . ordinary D . national
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Despite its rapid industrialization, there are still some corners in China that have maintained its original color.

    Ancient towns and villages in China are places  traditions are well preserved in terms of architecture, lifestyle and folk customs. All of these can be found in Huangyao Ancient Town, one of the most-visited tourist (spot)in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

    (cover) an area of 3. 6 square kilometers, Huangyao has a history of nearly 1, 000 years  its origins dating back to the Song Dynasty. People (carry) on traditional festivals and customs here for hundreds of years up to now. During Chinese Lunar New Year, over 20 traditional performances(hold), including the dragon dance and suona horn show. On July 14 in the Chinese lunar calendar, residents often come to the riverbank and put lanterns into the river(celebrate) Zhongyuan Jie, the Hungry Ghost Festival.

    Black soybean is often added to its local food to create an(extreme) distinctive flavor. When you visit, Huangyao tofu is must-try local dish as it is sold only in this town.

    It usually takes a day or two to tour around the old town due to its small size, but you can always stay(long)to experience more of its local hospitality and culture.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Alex已被香港大学录取。请你写邮件祝贺 Alex,并请教如何申请入读香港大学。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Alex,


    Best regards,

    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Alice and her family went on a camping trip along the seaside. Upon arrival, Dad called for a meeting. He announced, "There are lots of jobs to be done. It's no fun on holiday if Mum and I do all the work, so I come up with this pocket money chart. In this way, everyone has to do something, and you must do your own job every day! If you do your jobs well, you get some extra pocket money!"

    Looking at the chart,which had their names on it next to a list of jobs, the kids frowned(皱眉)at the idea. Unwillingly, they began to do their jobs. Alice washed up the dishes. Mike, the youngest brother, dried the dishes. Jeff, Alice's twin brother, took their dog for a walk.

    The next day they went to the beach. After playing some time in the sea, they went to look for shells along the beach. Suddenly, Alice found a strange-looking rock. She picked it up and showed it to Dad. "You've found a fossil(化石)!It was once a shellfish and has turned into a rock after millions of years!"Dad said happily. Greatly inspired, Alice continued her search, determined to find a better one, but she failed. Darkness fell, and Alice had to head back to the campsite with her family in disappointment. On the way back they stopped at a shop, where Alice spotted some amazing fossils! But soon she found they were too expensive!

    Back at the camp, Alice was still thinking of the amazing fossils in the shop. Suddenly an idea occurred to her, "I'll do everyone's jobs and then I can get all the extra pocket money to buy a fossil!" The next morning, Alice offered to dry the dishes and walk the dog, which greatly pleased Mike and Jeff. But things didn't go as Alice planned.

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    When Dad saw Alice walking the dog, he was confused.


    Later that morning, Mike and Jeff approached Alice when they found she was unhappy.

