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更新时间:2023-05-29 浏览次数:62 类型:期末考试
四、从方框中选出合适的短语完成句子或对话,将其序号写在横线上,每个选项只可用 <p align=left >一次(16分)</p>
  • 17. 从方框中选出合适的短语完成句子或对话,将其序号写在横线上,每个选项只可用


    A. go climbing   B. a swimming lesson   C. after school   D. every day

    E. ten to ten   F. try these   G. go and see   H. all right

    1. (1) —I have a headache.

      —Well, Doctor Chen.

    2. (2) —Do you have this Monday?

      —Yes, I do.

    3. (3) —Are you now?

      —Yes, I am. Thank you.

    4. (4) We meet Miss Li at .
    5. (5) —It's cool today. Let's.


    6. (6) —Would you like to play table tennis with us ?


    7. (7) We have breakfast at seven .
    8. (8) Your trousers are too long. You can .
  • 21. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,填序号

    A.I have an art lesson at five.

    B. Oh, what a pity!

    C. He doesn't have any lessons.

    D. But he can't go either.

    E. Let's go and play table tennis.

    Tom: Hi, Bill.

    Bill: What day is it today?

    Tom: It's Wednesday.

    Bill: Sorry, I can't.

    Tom: What about Liu Tao?


    Tom: That's great.


    Tom: Why?

    Bill: Because he has a fever. He's at home.


    I can't play table tennis today.

  • 22. 阅读短文并选择正确答案

    Here's a poster (海报) from Sunshine Primary School.

    Welcome to Our School Clubs(社团)

    Sports Club

    If (如果) you like playing ball games, skating, swimming or running, you can come to Sports Club. It opens on Tuesdays.

    English Club

    If you like English, you can come to English Club. We sing English songs, read English stories and watch English cartoons. Hope (希望) to see you on Wednesdays.

    Art Club

    If you like singing songs, drawing pictures or playing the piano (钢琴), you can come to Art Club on Fridays.

    1. (1) We can see this poster ________.
      A . in the park B . at school C . in the zoo
    2. (2) We can go to English Club on ________.
      A . Fridays B . Tuesdays C . Wednesdays
    3. (3) Billy has time on Fridays. He can go to__________.
      A . English Club B . Sports Club C . Art Club
    4. (4) If you like playing basketball, you can go to ________.
      A . English Club B . Sports Club C . Art Club
  • 23. 读一读,根据左侧提供的单词将下面小诗补充完成,将序号填写在横线上。

    A. ill               It's six in the .

    B. evening     My nose is .

    C. pill             I tell Mum I'm .

    D. running     Mum says" take the ".

