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更新时间:2023-05-29 浏览次数:25 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 选择框中的单词或短语完成句子。

    when  winter  go for a walk  pick apples  which

    1. (1) — do you do morning exercises?

      —At 7:15.

    2. (2) I like autumn best, because I can .
    3. (3) season do you like best?
    4. (4) is white and the year is gone.
    5. (5) Sometimes I in the park with my parents.
  • 2. 读下列小对话,选择合适的图片。

    A. —What do you do on the weekend?

    —l often clean the room.

    B. —What do you often do in summer?

    —l often go swimming in summer.

    C. —What do you often do in winter?

    —l often make a snowman.

    D. —Why do you like spring best?

    —Because there beautiful flowers everywhere.

    E. —Autumn is my favourite season. The weather is good.

    —l like autumn too. We usually have a school trip in autumn.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 3. 选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. Sometimes I pick apples.

    B. Oh, it's 8:30 am.

    C. I often go there on Sundays.

    D. What do you usually do?

    E. Thank you, John.

    John: Welcome to my home, Mike!

    Mike: Oh, what's that?

    John: It's a photo of my uncle's farm.

    Mike: It's so beautiful!

    John: I often feed the animals and take photos.

    Mike: Sounds great! Can I go with you next time?

    John: Sure. It's time to walk my dog.

    Mike: But where is it?

    John: Look! It's over there.

    Mike: Aha, she's so funny.

  • 4. 阅读短文,完成下列各题。

    Hello, I'm a girl named Jessica. I'm fourteen years old. Spring is my favourite season. Because we can fly kites and go on a picnic with our friends. I don't like winter. It's really cold. I have to get up early in the morning, it's too bad. But my brother Tim likes winter very much. He likes playing in the snow with my father. What a naughty boy! My mother likes summer best. Because her birthday is in summer. On that day, we often have a big dinner and delicious cakes. We have a lot of fun on that day!

    1. (1) Jessica likes_________ best.
      A . spring B . summer C . winter
    2. (2) Jessica doesn't like winter, because ________.
      A . it's cool B . it's too cold C . she can make a snowman
    3. (3) Jessica's mother's birthday is in ________.
      A . summer B . autumn C . winter
    4. (4) Jessica can and in spring.
    5. (5) Jessica's family often have a big dinner and .
  • 5. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Dear new friend,

    My name is Sarah. I'm eleven years old. I study at Guangming School. I usually get up at six o'clock in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:30. I go to school at 7:00. We do morning exercises at 7:30 and classes start at eight o'clock. I finish class at 4:00. I eat dinner at 6:00.

    I am very busy on the weekend. On Saturday, I take a dancing class in the morning. I usually play sports in the afternoon. Sometimes I read books. I clean my room and wash my clothes on Sundays.



    1. (1) Sarah is twelve years old.
    2. (2) Sarah does morning exercises at 7:30.
    3. (3) Sarah usually reads books on the weekend.
    4. (4) Sarah usually plays sports on Saturday morning.
    5. (5) Sarah is busy on the weekend.
  • 6. 根据图片提示写一写Sarah的周末、她最喜欢的季节以及与该季节相关信息。(不少于五句话)

    Hello, I'm Sarah. I always very busy on the weekend. I ...

