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更新时间:2023-05-15 浏览次数:46 类型:月考试卷
一、Listen and choose.听录音选单词。(5分)
二、Listen and choose the right answers. 听音, 选答语。(5分)
三、Listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音填空。(5分)
四、Read and write. 写出下列单词的正确形式。(5分)
五、Read and choose.读一读, 找出每组单词中不同类的一个。(5分)
  • 17. 读一读, 找出每组单词中不同类的一个。
    1. (1)
      A . yesterday B . last weekend C . slept  
    2. (2)
      A . last night B . had a cold C . read a book   
    3. (3)
      A . stayed at home B . last Monday C . saw a film
    4. (4)
      A . bigger B . heavier C . had a cold  
    5. (5)
      A . washed the clothes B . saw a film C . watch TV    
六、Read and choose.单项选择。(10分)
七、Find the answers. 对答如流。(5分)
  • 28. 对答如流。

    How heavy are you?                  

    A. I slept at home.

    What did you do last Sunday?         

    B. She watched TV.

    How was your weekend?             

    C. It was good.

    What did Amy do last Sunday?       

    D. No, he didn't.

    Did John see a film last Sunday?     

    E. I'm 47 kilograms.

八、Read and write. 根据所给的答语,填上正确的疑问词。(5分)
九、Put the words in order. 连词成句。(5分)
十、Choose and fill in the blanks选内容补全短文(10分)
  • 39. 选内容补全短文

    had      was        by       were     with

    visited   brought   cooked   younger   saw

    Last weekend, it a sunny day. My mother and I  my grandparents. We went there bus. Wemany things. My grandparents very happy when they us. Grandma  fish. After lunch, I played my cousin. He is one year than me. We a good time.

十一、Read and judge.根据短文内容,判断正误.(10分)
  • 40. 根据短文内容,判断正误

    Hi, my name is Sarah. I am in Grade 6. I have many friends in my class. John is a smart boy and he is thinner than me. Lily is heavier than me. She is very cute. Zhang Peng is stronger than me and he is very friendly. Mike and Wu Binbin's often play together. They are good at sports. Mike's feet are bigger than Wu Binbin's, but my feet are smaller than Wu Binbin's. I love my friends. What about your friends?

    1. (1) There are 5 children in the story.
    2. (2) John is heavier than Sarah.
    3. (3) Zhang Peng is stronger than John.
    4. (4) Mike's feet are bigger than Wu Binbin's.
    5. (5) Lily is very cute.
十二、Read and judge阅读判断正误(10分)
  • 41. 阅读判断正误

    My name is Mike. I am 12 years old. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday, I stayed at home and did my homework. Then, I cleaned my room. On Sunday, I watched TV. After that, I played basketball with my friends. I was very happy last weekend.

    1. (1) I was busy last weekend.
    2. (2) On Saturday, I did my homework.
    3. (3) I watched TV on Sunday.
    4. (4) I played basketball with my brother on Sunday.
    5. (5) I was not very happy last weekend.
十三、 Read and judge.阅读日记,完成下列各题。(10分)
  • 42. 阅读日记, 完成下列各题。

    Saturday, Feb.18th

    Today it was a sunny day. It was warm. In the morning, I went to a park with my parents. We went there by bike. We rode a bike for three people. Then we went camping. We took many pictures. In the afternoon, we went shopping. We bought some gifts for my grandma. Then we ate some delicious food. That was fun.

    1. (1) 根据日记给图片标出序号。

    2. (2) Where did he go last Saturday?
    3. (3) Who did he go with?
    4. (4) How did they go there?
    5. (5) What was the weather like last Saturday?
    6. (6) How was his last Saturday?
十四、I can write. 我是写作小能手。(10分)

