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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:30 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. (2021高三上·吉林期末) 阅读理解

    Top Ongoing Mega(巨大的)Projects In China

        Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Expansion

    It includes construction of nine rail projects including six subway lines and three intercity railways. The projects, begun in 2018, are estimated to total 286 km. The network is aimed at creating better connections between the financial center's two airports and two major railway stations. They are expected to be completed by 2023.
        Intercity Railway along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu

    Starting from last year,eight regional intercity railways will be built in a metropolitan groups along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, a move to shorten traffic time from Nanjing to other districts and cities within the province. Some of the lines will also connect Nanjing to cities in the neighbouring Anhui. Construction of the intercity lines is estimated to run until 2025.

    Wuhan Urban Rail Transit

    It involves construction of four subways lines and four urban express lines in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. The NDRC said that the projects will support Wuhan's urban layout and ease the city's traffic jam. A circle line with 37 stops starting from Wuchang railway station tops the investment plan, which alone will cost US $ 8. 66 billion. The construction will run from 2019 to 2024.

    South-North Water Transfer Project

    The north of China is home to almost 50% of China's population but has only about20% of the country's water resources. To change this imbalance, China has funded the construction of three huge canals, each more than 600 miles long and will carry water to the north from China's three largest rivers. The project began in 2002 with a 48-year construction schedule. When completed, it will supply 44. 8 billion cubic water.

    Beijing International Airport

    When completed, it will surpass Dubai's AI Makioum International Airport in cost, total square miles, and passenger and plane capacity. Its first stage was completed in time for the 2008 Olympics. Further expansion is scheduled for completion by 2025. Terminal 1, designed by the architect Zaha Hadid, combines a number of sustainable design concepts in a futuristic building envelope.

    1. (1) Which of the following projects lasts longest?
      A . Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Expansion. B . Intercity Railway along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu. C . Wuhan Urban Rail Transit. D . Beijing International Airport.
    2. (2) What do we know from Paragraph 4?
      A . The large population in the north causes water shortage. B . The project will relieve water shortage in the north. C . The three canals is more than 600 miles long in total. D . The construction of the project will be completed soon.
    3. (3) In which section of the newspaper do we most probably read the passage?
      A . Reform and innovation. B . Economics and business. C . Culture and custom. D . Construction and development.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    As Americans cut the cord(电线), Europeans sign up for more pay-TV. The biggest television drama of the past decade has been the story of how people watch it.

    Ten years ago nearly nine out of ten American households subscribed to cable or satellite. Today little more than half do. The collapse of pay-TV, with the advance of online streaming(流媒体), has turned over the television industry. And the pace at which consumers are "cutting the cord" from cable providers is only increasing.

    But not everywhere. On the other side of the Atlantic, cord-cutters are outnumbered by cord-knotters. As Americans tear up their contracts, Europeans are signing up for cable and satellite in greater numbers than ever. Why has American media's trend missed Europe?

    One reason is price. America's cable industry may look competitive, but it is highly regionalised, so most homes have few options. The result is an average monthly cable bill of nearly $100. British homes pay less than half as much.

    A second factor is content. American cable TV is running out of shows as studios move their best ones to their own streaming platforms. In Europe, pay-TV firms keep the rights of many of the most popular programs. Britons seeking the third season of Warner Media's "Succession", for instance, must go to Sky, a satellite firm, since Warner Media hasn't streamed outside the Americas.

    The last reason why Europe still favors cable is that American streamers have collaborated with European pay-TV firms rather than competing with them. The latter are the ones with access to consumers and the ability to handle local marketing and ad sales.

    Will cord-cutting at last cross the Atlantic? As long as film studios continue to license their programming to local players, consumers will have every reason to stick with pay-TV. In the long run, though, studios would rather bring viewers onto their own platforms, as in America. By the time the fourth season of "Succession" is out, audiences may be watching it online.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
      A . The fall of American households. B . The decline of pay-TV in America. C . The rise of TV industry in America. D . The start of online streaming in America.
    2. (2) Why is the third season of "Succession" mentioned in Paragraph 5?
      A . To indicate the life in Europe is much more colorful. B . To tell us there is no streaming platform in Europe. C . To show TV contents in Europe are more appealing. D . To introduce a very interesting TV program to us.
    3. (3) Which of the following can replace the underlined word "collaborated"?
      A . cooperated. B . contradicted. C . communicated. D . consulted.
    4. (4) What do we know from the last paragraph?
      A . The pay-TV will remain the first choice of people in Europe. B . People in Europe may turn to online streaming in the future. C . Studios will license more programs to pay-TV firms in Europe. D . Nobody in Europe will subscribe to pay-TV in the future.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A group of health experts released an early version of a new guidance recently. They say people at 60 years of age and older without heart disease should not take aspirin to prevent a heart attack, because the risk of damaging the body is greater than the protection from heart disease.

    The group's guidelines are meant for people at higher risk of heart disease. This includes people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol(胆固醇), those who are highly overweight or who have conditions that increase their chances for a heart attack.

    Anyone considering whether to start or stop the aspirin treatment should talk with a doctor first, the group advised. "Aspirin use can cause serious harms, and risk increases with age," said John Wong, a group member.

    Doctors have long advised small amounts of aspirin every day for patients with a heart attack. The group's guidance does not change that. The new guidance was announced online to let the public comment on it until November 8. The group will study the comments and then make a final decision. Wong said the guidelines are being updated because of new studies and reexamination of older research. Aspirin is best known as a medicine to reduce pain. It also thins blood, which can reduce the chances for blood clots(凝块). But aspirin also has risks, even in small amounts. These include bleeding in the stomach or intestines(肠) and ulcers(溃疡). Both conditions can be dangerous.

    Dr. Lauren Block, a researcher in New York, said the guidance is important because so many adults take aspirin although they have never had a heart attack. She recently stopped treating a 70-year-old patient with aspirin. Her patient, knowing about his heart attack risks, never has bad effects from aspirin, but he takes the new guidance seriously. 63-year-old Rita Seefeldt with high blood pressure took aspirin every day for about 10 years until her doctor told her to stop several days ago. "After all, science develops over time," she said.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the new guidance?
      A . It is specially meant for people with heart attacks. B . It advises people to stop using aspirin immediately.  C . It will take people's opinions into consideration. D . It denies the effects aspirin has on heart attacks.
    2. (2) What is the risk of aspirin use according to the group?
      A . Leading to heart disease. B . Speeding up one's aging. C . Developing blood clots. D . Bleeding in some organs.
    3. (3) What do the patients think about stopping aspirin use for them?
      A . Understandable. B . Unreasonable. C . Incredible. D . Random.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
      A . To warn people to stop aspirin use to prevent heart attacks. B . To explain the potential risks that aspirin use may bring. C . To inform the readers of a new guidance about aspirin use. D . To give advice to doctors on how to treat heart attacks.
  • 4. (2021高三上·吉林期末) 阅读理解

    The numbers are shocking: women make up less than 25%of the STEM (science-technology-engineering-mathematics) workforce in the USA. Even if recent years have seen an increase, the numbers are still not representative of wider population.

    Why does this under-representation of women matter? Research shows diverse teams perform better. Individuals from different genders, races, backgrounds and experiences bring different perspectives that can lead to creative solutions. Given the changes being brought on by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we can't afford not to have all hands involved.

    STEM fields are key to obtain the rewards of 4IR, but STEM fields are also key to dealing with the revolution's potential downsides, such as climate change, Internet-related war and the reorientation (再定位) of job sectors. So it is essential that women obtain the benefits and get involved in finding solutions.

    However, why do women and girls participate in STEM fields at lower rates? Studies show that it is not an ability issue. Marian Wright, a children's rights activist, stated clearly," You can't be what you can't see. "When asked to draw a scientist, most students draw a white man in a lab coat. The great majority of portrayals of scientists and engineers in movies and television shows have been men.

    But as awareness of the problem has grown, portrayals of women scientists and engineers in the media have begun to change. The success of movies like Hidden Figures, which tells the story of several African American women, working in engineering and mathematics, helped put the first humans into space, enables girls to not only see what women have already contributed, but to see themselves in that role.

    4IR is changing the way we receive information, how we process it, how we work and what jobs we will do. It is happening at an unprecedented (前所未有的)pace. Because of this, we simply cannot afford to have any less than our whole population engaged and contributing. The historical focus of STEM courses at university and communities on weeding out students drove away women; now we need to focus on how to include everyone.

    1. (1) What do we know from the passage?
      A . Women in STEM are good at finding solutions. B . Women are not as creative as men in STEM. C . Not enough women are working in STEM. D . Women have much lower status in STEM.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "problem" refer to?
      A . There aren't enough positive female role models. B . Students usually more worship men scientists. C . Female scientists are more exposed to the media. D . The movies about women face a lot of challenges.
    3. (3) What will probably be talked about following the last paragraph?
      A . Women's role in related careers in STEM fields. B . Practice of involving women in STEM courses. C . The categories of STEM courses in university. D . The history and development of STEM courses.
    4. (4) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . The Status of Women Scientists Is Rising B . Women's Scientific Spirit Is Strengthened C . Women Scientists Are Becoming Idols D . The Times Call for Women Scientists
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Have you ever found yourself in a moment when all eyes fall on you and your shining red face, but you can't do anything about it? Today, I will be discussing the most embarrassing moments any human can experience throughout their lifetime.

    One of the most embarrassing moments anyone can go through may consist of tripping while you are walking up the stairs. Imagine people still walking beside you and behind you then! Then you instantly stop it. Their first reaction is to laugh. In the rest of your walk to wherever you are going, you don't want anyone to speak a word to you.

    The second most embarrassing moment is waving/talking to a stranger you think you know. I have had this happen sadly more than once before. At one time I was 100% convinced I saw our family friends pull into a parking spot. Silly me decided to get out of my comfort zone and directed the car to an open parking spot.

    The next occurs when you try walking past someone, but you accidentally walk into the same direction as the other person. The worst case takes place when you both continuously move left to right and can't find a way to simply pass each other. I have learned from past experiences to walk in a straight-line showing confidence when a person coming at you. I'm sure 90% of people will slide out of your way at the last possible second to avoid creating contact. 

    The last on this list is when tracking someone's posts on social media, you accidentally like one from over a year ago. The instant your finger touches the screen, your heart drops out of your body. Think of this moment happening to your crush(暗恋对象)! Not knowing what to do at the time, you probably go ahead and like all past pictures.

    There is an unlimited list of this kind, and you might want to crawl into a hole after embarrassing yourself, but I hope you can enjoy life and might as well smile because it happens to everyone.

    A. After all, you don't want him/her to think you are spying on him/her, right?

    B. You purposely try avoiding getting in his path, but he has the same mind and acts identically.

    C. Have you ever thought about the awkward moments everyone has during a conversation?

    D. Have you ever tried to figure out how to get yourself out of the embarrassing situations?

    E. As they approached near enough, I glimpsed the driver and my face became a tomato.

    F. It's likely that your crush is tracking you and gets touched by your heartfelt likes.

    G. I am convinced that nobody thinks, "I must see if that person is okay."

  • 6. 完形填空

    Rene Compean was no stranger to Angeles National Forest. But when1a new path last April, the hiker was lost.

    As the day2into dusk, following hours of aimless wandering, his concern turned to3. With no flashlight, only a liter of water, and less than ten percent4remaining on his cellphone, Compean was5for anything more than the two-hour walk he'd planned.

    Compean climbed to a spot, where he found one bar of6. "SOS. My phone is going to7. I'm lost," he tweeted(推特), 8a photo showing where he was. All Compean could do then was9and hope. The10was dropping fast, and the winds were increasingly violent. Dressed thinly and numb with cold, he11himself into a tight ball, using his backpack to12his bare legs. And two mountain lions kept him on13the entire night.

    Sixty miles away, Ben Kuo was working in the company when he read a tweet from the Los Angeles Police Department, whose search-and-rescue teams had spent the previous night14looking for Compean, so they15the photo to the public, hoping someone might know the location.

    Kuo has an unusual hobby. He frequently tries to16where movie scenes or television shows were filmed. When he saw the photo, he naturally pulled up a satellite map on his laptop. From the tweet he learned Compean's car was parked near Buckhorn Campsite, so he17his searching range. After comparing the photo with the satellite map in detail, Kuo realized he was on the south side. The final step was cross-referencing the photo with 3-D images of the area from Google Earth. The locations18! Soon, a rescue team was in action. After 27 hours alone in the wilderness, Compean remained safe!

    Compean's story probably would have ended differently had a total stranger with strong satellite skills and a sharp eye for19not taken action. In fact, when Compean was finally pulled safely into the helicopter, one of his rescuers, commented, "You are so20."

    A . exploring B . planning C . searching D . discovering
    A . settled B . ran C . faded D . expanded
    A . worry B . desire C . excitement D . fear
    A . expense B . battery C . volume D . access
    A . unprepared B . uncertain C . unsuitable D . unqualified
    A . pencil B . signal C . space D . message
    A . sleep B . explode C . break D . die
    A . linking B . printing C . attaching D . taking
    A . wait B . sigh C . work D . reflect
    A . oxygen B . speed C . temperature D . pressure
    A . forced B . hugged C . developed D . slid
    A . survive B . prevent C . shelter D . relax
    A . guard B . track C . business D . duty
    A . in all B . in vain C . in turn D . in time
    A . announced B . served C . delivered D . released
    A . estimate B . assume C . claim D . identify
    A . started B . furthered C . continued D . narrowed
    A . matched B . confirmed C . existed D . joined
    A . wildness B . direction C . detail D . location
    A . courageous B . lucky C . risky D . cautious
  • 7. 语法填空

    The annual League of Legends World Championship, commonly referred to as "Worlds," (feature) qualifying professional teams from across the globe competing over a prize pool of $2,225,000. On Saturday, Chinese team defeated South Korean team and (eventual) won the 2021 League of Legends World Championship in Iceland. The Chinese players (award) the world champion for the first time in history. Due to the pandemic, there was no (admit) to the live competition this year, but millions of audiences tuned in online to watch the game.

    The International Olympic Committee is introducing new events (make) the games attract more young people, so why not go further and let national teams compete at video games?

    In fact, compared with most mainstream sports, electronic sports "Fortnite" are more popular. But critics may consider is that e-sports are not proper sports. Some of them even offer moral objections, too. In their opinion, they are (violence).

    Prince Harry has even called for "Fortnite" to be banned for this reason. Surely, at a time of global disharmony, it is a bad idea to make simulated (模拟的) killing Olympic sport. The Olympics aim to promote peace.

    Yet video games are highly competitive, with professional leagues (head) for packed stadiums.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


    修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


    2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Yesterday, when I complained to my mom about too little entertainment, she share the story of her youth with me. In the 1980s, neither iPads and smartphones were invented. Each time when evenings approached, the children around would crowd into the only house where had a television. We stared at the small screen until the program ended. Parent would make every effort to drag their children to bed when it was getting lately. But now, iPads and smartphones have taken place of televisions. No wonder my mom always says we are the generation grown up in a honey jar. After listening to my mom's story I felt lucky to live so a happy and comfortable life.

  • 9. 上周你所在的城市遭受了一场大雪,你们班参加了校园清雪劳动。请你以Snow Clearing为题,为班级英语角写一篇短文,记述本次劳动,内容包括:






    Snow Clearing

