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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:48 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Top Learning Websites for Children in 2023


    GoNoodle is an online resource designed to encourage physical activity among children. The website offers a wide selection of videos, games, and activities to get children moving inside or outside the classroom. The videos have a duration of anywhere between five to ten minutes. This is just about the right duration most students need before a lesson. The most outstanding aspect of the software is the variety of activities that children can participate in.

    Young Ocean Explorers

    Young Ocean Explorers is an online resource that focuses on environmental education and marine conservation. The website provides a wide variety of high-quality videos that teach children about marine life's beauty and diversity. The website also tackles serious environmental issues like marine life endangerment, water pollution, overfishing, and other marine-related issues head-on. There's also plenty of documentation on environmentalists doing what they can to save the environment.


    DeltaMath is an online math program designed to help teachers create math problems for exams and practice tests. The website features over 1, 200 different topics. Each topic consists of hundreds of randomly generated problems that are classified further into varying levels of difficulty. Most of the questions generated are multiple-choice or short answer, and the site automatically grades responses. Some questions allow students to move numbers and variables around to solve equations (方程式).


    Spatulatta is a cooking website designed to introduce children to the culinary arts. The website aims to teach children basic cooking skills using easy-to-follow recipes with simple ingredients. You can find recipes for every meal of the day. And of course, there's a section on children's all-time favorite desserts and drinks.

    1. (1) What is the striking feature of Go Noodle?
      A . The variety of physical activities. B . The wide selection of short videos. C . The unique teaching methods of teachers. D . The creative games on different subjects.
    2. (2) Which website is helpful to teachers as well as students?
      A . DeltaMath. B . Spatulatta. C . GoNoodle. D . Young Ocean Explorers.
    3. (3) Who is eager to learn from Spatulatta?
      A . A little sports fan. B . A young food lover. C . A little book worm. D . A crazy ocean explorer.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Kala has deep ties to her Hawaiian roots. Her ancestors navigated (航行) the oceans for centuries using their knowledge of the stars, the sun, the currents and the wind. It's not that she does it in a canoe without technology, but rather uses the natural technology around her. It's called Way finding, and was taught to her by her father.

    "My father was my foundation, my rock. "she says of her first voyage with him from Oahu to Lahaina in a traditional canoe. He taught her how to read the stars, the ocean swells and how to use them to hold the course. "Over 200 stars have specific names and purposes when you are Way finding. You have to look at each and determine if they are rising or setting. You know this star and the direction it represents. If you can do that, you can use it as a tool to orient (确定方向). "Kala added.

    Kala Tanaka sailed the canoe in the ocean for up to three weeks. During the day, Kala used the sun until it hit a certain height. When she got closer to land, she looked for certain species of land birds and clouds that indicated there was land below. When Kala sailed she felt" I feel very connected to the crew and the canoe. We're a family. "The longer voyage required Kala to spend hours studying the day and the night skies. It was demanding physical work. But it also had its moments of awe. For Kala, the beauty was in tying together the past and the present to enjoy the moment. So when she was not sailing, she was teaching Way finding skills to school-aged children in hopes of preserving the skills her ancestors relied on.

    It's easy to be lost in the immediacy of the technology of our day, to be consumed by screens and miss the nature that unfolds around us. But if we will take the time to look up, to see the stars and the sun, the way the clouds move, the miracle of life beneath and above us, we will discover something deep inside us, something that will always lead to happiness.

    1. (1) How does Kala navigate the ocean in a canoe?
      A . By observing the natural elements around. B . By following the course of ocean currents. C . By using hi-technology navigation devices. D . By recalling the first voyage with her father.
    2. (2) What did Kala think of the three-week canoe voyage?
      A . It was a heroic adventure. B . It brought great joy to her life. C . It was school children's favorite. D . It represented a kind of innovation.
    3. (3) What does the author suggest we do?
      A . Enjoy the screens. B . Explore the universe. C . Get close to nature. D . Keep the earth clean.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the text?
      A . Finding Our Way B . Navigating the Ocean C . The Wisdom from Ancestors D . An Unforgettable Journey
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Dr. Ofri's new book, "Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue, "recounts her experiences as a doctor at New York's Bellevue Hospital. NPR's Melissa Block, host of All Things Considered, recently spent a day at the hospital to get a sense of her world, through her relationships with her patients.

    Dr. Danielle Ofri is an attending physician in internal medicine at Bellevue. For her, poetry and literature are as much a part of the job as X-raysand pills. She's written about her experiences there in the book, Singular Intimacies:Becoming a Doctor at Bellewe. It's a collection of essays about learning to listen to the narrative of her patients.

    Dr. Ofri tries to keep an ear tuned to the stories behind her patients' medical complaints. Answers to questions about family or jobs may not help with medical diagnosis, but conversations like these can help gain a patient's trust, and they help' the doctor、too. "At night、I recall our conversations, and wonder what else I could do for them. It makes me curious about them, "Dr. Ofri says, "so when I go back the next day, I'm more connected with them. And I think a connection has healing powers. Most of the patients. brighten. when they talk about themselves and I think they actually feel better."

    A good part of Dr. Ofri's day is also spent overseeing the work of new doctors. The days are filled with jargon(行业术语)and medical shorthand、But Dr. Ofri also tries to inject another kind of language into the training;poetry. She carves out five minutes or so each day to gather with her interns and read a poem. She calls it her "literary rounds". Through these brief pauses in the day, she says she's giving her students" a chance to let the other part of their brain flower a little bit". "I'm just hoping the experience of doing that is helpful, and also trains my students to listen more carefully to patients." she said.

    1. (1) Why did Melissa Block recently go to Bellevue Hospital?
      A . To make friends with Dr. Ofri. B . To receive medical treatment. C . To know about Dr. Ofri's experiences. D . To collect essays on treatment.
    2. (2) What does the third paragraph mainly focus on?
      A . The stories behind illnesses. B . The effect of family and jobs. C . The benefits of listening to patients. D . The healing powers of conversations.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "inject" in paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Cut. B . Change. C . Accept. D . Add.
    4. (4) Why does Dr. Ofri hold "literary rounds" for new doctors?
      A . To encourage them to write books. B . To improve their humanistic quality. C . To prepare an entire career for them. D . To make their brain grow and flower.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Childhood obesity (肥胖) isn't only caused by over eating. A lot of environmental and lifestyle variables—such as skipping breakfast, irregular sleeping patterns and less sleep time—also contribute towards this disturbing trend, says a new study.

    According to the study conducted by University College London's researchers, children who skip breakfast and sleep less are more likely to have bigger appetites and tend to consume more energy-rich foods throughout the day, leading to excessive weight gain. The team also found that smoking habit of mothers during pregnancy (怀孕)is also one of the contributory factors for a child being overweight.

    Interestingly, these results challenge the conventional belief that over-eating is main cause of increasing obesity rates among children. In addition, factors like watching too much television, consuming sugary drinks, eating fruits and introducing solid food sooner don't certainly lead to childhood obesity.

    The researchers used data from a multi-disciplinary research project that tracks the lives:of children from 19, 244 families across the UK, born from September 2020 to January. 2021. After analyzing the data, they found that in UK, 83. 3%of new babies had non-overweight and stable. BMI (身体质量指数). Only 1% had a mildly increasing BMI, while another 2. 5% tended to have a sharply increasing BMI. However, due to poor lifestyle choices and environmental factors, 6% of the children were already overweight when they were three years old.

    The study authors concluded that modifying(更改) a child's environment early in life can go a long way in reducing their chances of gaining abnormal weight, which can also affect their health in later years.

    The researchers recommended that dealing with the childhood obesity calls for a mixture of preventive actions, for example, creating awareness among the families around the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and also instructing and supporting parents throughout the pregnancy, and even before and after it.

    1. (1) What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . The effect of childhood obesity. B . The irregular lifestyle of children. C . The new trend of social development. D . The causes of children being overweight.
    2. (2) What do people usually think leads to childhood obesity?
      A . Sleeping less and skipping breakfast. B . Watching too much TV and playing games. C . Smoking and introducing solid food sooner. D . Consuming too much food and sugary drinks.
    3. (3) What can we know from the data of the research in UK?
      A . The obesity rates among children were not high. B . Most of the children didn't get energy-rich foods. C . The irregular lifestyle had little effect on children. D . The study result was beyond researchers' expectation.
    4. (4) What suggestion do the researchers offer parents?
      A . Improving the living environment. B . Protecting children from any harm. C . Increasing their physical activity. D . Raising awareness of healthy lifestyle.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Ways to improve Innovation Skills

    In your professional life, innovation skills play a vital role. Here are steps and tips to improve them.

    Improve reasoning (推理) skills. Reasoning skills form the ability to think about a particular way to work in a sensible and result-oriented manner. You can implement (实施) reasoning for innovative ideas and enhance them further.  You will also be able to come up with the ideas that have higher chances to become result-driven.

    Be a good listener. You should listen to others and try to think about their ideas and concepts.   Also, adaptability increases innovation. It would help if you tried adopting newer versions of solutions for the betterment of your company.

    Actively participate in team activities. A team is a body that functions the best in togetherness. Team activities like brainstorming sessions are conducted to enhance the team spirit and develop the thinking skills of the team members.  Such activities will improve the innovation skills.

    Make decisions based on judgments. From the inferences of team activities or other tasks, you can make judgments about the current situations.  These will help with innovation. Innovative ideas must be useful, and decisions based on judgments help in ensuring this.

      Problems are faced at every point, and every problem has a solution. So, if you develop the desire to solve every problem by a strategic plan, you will aim to find a best solution that is new and innovative. With problem-solving skills, you will always long for new and effective ways to solve a problem in lesser time.

    A. Develop problem-solving skills.

    B. Be open to absorbing other points of view.

    C. But if some ideas do turn true, they can be miraculous.

    D. Decisions based on these judgments should be realistic.

    E. You will get to know about different other forms of ideas and possibilities.

    F. If you successfully create an efficient design, that will stand as your innovation.

    G. These skills are instrumental in enabling you to be more productive with your decision making.

  • 6. 完形填空

    Nine-year-old Olivia of Oklahoma has wanted to take the stage to perform in the ballet, "The Nutcracker《胡桃夹子》"since she could remember. However, her Friedreich ataxia (脊柱畸形) seems to move that dream out of1 . The disease that mainly affects the nervous, system and causes 2 problems makes it hard to live a normal life and she is dependent on a wheelchair.

    Hoping to3 her daughter's spirits and 4 her that in life, anything is possible, Olivia's mother encouraged her to5 for the Nutcracker this year in the Oklahoma City Ballet. Not knowing if there was any way they'd consider6 her, Olivia didn't7 much. However, having learned about Olivia's8 , the Ballet School director Rachael didn't9 at all. He created a role10 for Olivia, who could appear on stage in a wheelchair. When she 11 a part in the Nutcracker, Olivia 12 tears of joy. She found a family in the players, who were13 of her and glad to help fulfill her dream.

    When it's Olivia's14 to dance, everyone had their eyes on her on stage. It was15 and eye-opening for all the audience. When Olivia came off stage, the audience were all on their 16  in wild applause.

    Having Olivia in this ballet has been a17 for everyone involved!18 is at the heart of every crew. We19 this company having Olivia in their show, and hope they keep the role 20for other children who dream of fairies and mice kings!

    A . date B . reach C . sight D . memory
    A . movement B . heart C . sleep D . breath
    A . lift B . catch C . treat D . follow
    A . calm B . promise C . remind D . embrace
    A . straighten up B . give up C . bring up D . sign up
    A . changing B . inviting C . dressing D . including
    A . inform B . expect C . permit D . persuade
    A . situation B . accident C . message D . aspect
    A . pretend B . assist C . hesitate D . favor
    A . gradually B . especially C . regularly D . eventually
    A . dismissed B . obtained C . recognized D . attracted
    A . said B . shared C . shed D . hid
    A . supportive B . careful C . afraid D . aware
    A . ability B . case C . potential D . tur E . com
    A . discouraging B . interesting C . satisfying D . inspiring
    A . hands B . stomachs C . feet D . voices
    A . preparation B . sacrifice C . possibility D . highlight
    A . Acceptance B . Curiosity C . Anxiety D . Kindness
    A . promote B . appreciate C . challenge D . consider
    A . simple B . new C . popular D . open
  • 7. 语法填空

    The day starts early for Shi Xiaogang, a wildlife ranger(护林员) at the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Southwest China's Sichuan province. He monitors the population of giant pandas and conducts long-range patrols(巡逻) in some of the most extreme environments,     is a challenging and, often, dangerous job.

     (cover) about 200, 000 hectares, Wolong National Nature Reserve is home to one of the largest remaining giant panda populations in China. Thanks to the rangers' like Shi's efforts,   number of wild giant pandas in the reserve has increased from 104, in 2015, to 149 today. In 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature  (announce) that the giant panda's status had been changed from "endangered "to" vulnerable" on its Red List of Threatened Species.

    As well as" the home of giant pandas", the reserve is  (wide) known as a" bio-gene bank". It features a great number of threatened species of plants and animals, including other famous (creature), such as the red panda, snow leopard and clouded leopard among the 121 species of mammals(哺乳动物)  (record) . There are also 392 bird species.

    To mark the rangers' hard work and contribution to wildlife  (protect) in the reserve, last year, 20 rangers (recognize) with special commendations(表扬) at an online award ceremony for the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas' International Ranger Awards.

    The commission speaks highly of their work, saying that they help stop biodiversity loss and protect the important ecosystems that serve natural solutions to climate change and other global challenges.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(⋀), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


    修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



    2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Recently, our school held an event naming "Traditional Chinese Culture into the Campus". Various activity were organized in this event, such as learning operas, paper cutting and Chinese calligraphy. The teachers and. the students, who were all very exciting and full of curiosity, participated in the event active. After the event, they have a discussion and shared with their own ideas about the traditional culture. The event turned out to be great success, from that all the students benefited a lot. Not only did they improve their awareness of the traditional Chinese culture, and they also realized it was their responsibility to preserve the traditional Chinese culture and spread them all over the world.

  • 9. 假定你是李华,为迎接高考,学校英语社团将举办"我为学习献计策"的征文比赛活动,请你以How to keep positive under pressure为题写一篇短文参赛。内容如下:







    How to keep positive under pressure

