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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:84 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Top Public Sculpture Parks to Visit in America

    Kasmin Sculpture Garden (New York City)

    This quiet sculpture garden in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood is far from the crowds. Owned and operated by Kasmin Gallery, this exhibition space can be viewed from the nearby High Line. It is designed by Future Green, a Brooklyn, landscape architect studio, and it stands beside a famous building designed by Zaha Hadid. There's a current exhibition featuring bronze (铜) sculptures by Alma Allen, which shows the artist's regard for Utah.

    Tippet Rise Art Center (Fishtail)

    This sculpture garden is worth the trip to the Beartooth Mountains in Fishtail. It is a 12,500-acre ranch (牧场), which is peppered with public art, including sculptures by Mark di Suvero, among others. This summer, the ranch will be open to those who are hiking or traveling by bike.

    Storm King Art Center (New Windsor)

    By far the most popular sculpture park in upstate New York, it is a 500-acre sculpture park in Hudson Valley. Since opening in 1960, it has grown to include dozens of sculptures that change over time. In its collection, the park owns sculptures by famous artists including Carl Andre, Louise Bourgeois, and Daniel Buren.

    Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle)

    This outdoor park was created by the nearby Seattle Art Museum and features a large red sculpture by Alexander Calder called Eagle, as well as Wake by Richard Serra. Since 2007, this waterfront park has brought creativity to Elliott Bay. The landscape design fits in with the local roads and skyline, facing the harbor in what's recognized as Seattle's largest downtown green space.

    1. (1) What can be learned about the garden in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood?
      A . It is run by Kasmin Gallery. B . It is designed by Zaha Hadid. C . It has become a part of the High Line. D . It stands for Alma Allen's respect for Utah.
    2. (2) Which of the following parks is located in Hudson Valley?
      A . Kasmin Sculpture Garden. B . Tippet Rise Art Center. C . Storm King Art Center. D . Olympic Sculpture Park.
    3. (3) Where can you see the sculpture Wake?
      A . In New York City. B . In Seattle. C . In New Windsor. D . In Fishtail.
  • 2. (2023高三上·定远月考) 阅读理解

    Rollins College's graduate, Elizabeth Bonker gave a powerful speech at the school's graduation ceremony using text-to-speech technology. "You have a voice. Use it," she advised graduates. It seems funny that a non-speaking autistic (孤独症患者)encourages you to use your voice. However, her moving speech touched not only her fellow classmates but also the worldwide audience with a powerful message of hope.

    Throughout her academic career, Elizabeth has studied hard to reach her goals at school and in life. She wrote a book, I Am in Here, which highlights the abilities of people like her with non-speaking autism. She also founded a non-profit organization called Communication4 All.

    Elizabeth has a form of autism that resulted in her losing the ability to speak when she was 15 months old. After she lost her speech her family helped her learn to communicate by typing. She has become a supporter of assistive communication and typing instruction for those with non-speaking autism.

    "I have typed this speech with one finger with a communication partner holding a keyboard, "shared Elizabeth. She gave her persuasive speech through text-to-speech technology.

    Elizabeth majored in social service with the purpose of helping the 31 million people in the world who have non-speaking autism. She strongly believes that service to others gives meaning to each individual and to those they serve.

    Throughout her life, Elizabeth has sought a platform where others would hear and accept her. She ignored negative comments and the low expectations others had for her life. Instead, she walked down her own path and set out to realize her dreams using intellect, talent and determination. She encouraged her fellow classmates to use their education and the power of their own minds to help make their dream a reality.

    1. (1) What effect does Elizabeth's speech have on the audience? 
      A . It brings them hope. B . It inspires them to use technology. C . It informs them of more about autism. D . It encourages them to make speeches.
    2. (2) What did Elizabeth's family do after she was unable to speak?  
      A . They tried their best to teach her how to speak. B . They started a non-profit organization for her. C . They helped her find another way of communication. D . They created the text-to-speech technology to help her.
    3. (3) Why did Elizabeth choose social service as her major?
      A . To develop her potential and strengths. B . To get better employment opportunities. C . To make her childhood dream come true. D . To help more people like her in the world.
    4. (4) Which words can be used to describe Elizabeth?
      A . Positive and creative. B . Strong-minded and helpful. C . Energetic and humorous. D . Kind-hearted and imaginative.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The effect of climate change extends beyond ruining Earth's environment and our physical safety. A report published this week suggests that climate change has a negative effect on our mental health, too.

    The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States(PNAS), links an increase in monthly temperatures to a rise in mental health issues. The experimental evidence stems from meteorological(气象的) data paired with information collected from nearly 2 million randomly sampled residents in the United States. The data was collected over the span(跨度) of a decade.

    "We find that experiences with hotter temperatures and added rainfall each worsen mental health, that long-lasting warming associates with an increased popularity of mental health issues, and that exposure to tropical cyclones(热带气旋), likely to increase in frequency in the future, is linked to worsened mental health," authors of the study stated. "These results provide added large-scale evidence to the growing link between climate change and mental health. "

    The report specifically focused on mental health outcomes due to the effects of environmental stress - such as temperature, rainfall, and tropical cyclones - but other climate change-related issues are likely to affect mental health as well - specifically, the stress and anxiety of knowing natural disasters could be more frequent as temperatures rise.

    1. (1) From the newly-published report, we learn that the climate change may _________.
      A . save a lot of people's lives B . cause unbelievable disasters C . influence people's mental health D . greatly change people's life styles
    2. (2) Why did the author mention "the span of a decade" in Paragraph 2?
      A . To stress the importance of the study. B . To show that the study cost too much money. C . To explain the difficulties and hardships of the study. D . to indicate that the study is objective and believable.
    3. (3) Where can we find some specific results of the study?
      A . In Paragraph 1 B . In Paragraph 2 C . In Paragraph 3 D . In Paragraph 4
    4. (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . The study has its limits. B . The results of the study aren't satisfactory. C . The environmental problems can't be solved. D . Mental health is determined by climate change.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Polar bears generally use sea ice to hunt(捕猎), but a newly discovered group has found another way. An isolated(与世隔绝的) population of polar bears has been discovered in a fjord(峡湾) in southeast Greenland, which is free of sea ice for most of the year. Polar bear generally need sea ice to survive, so the discovery is raising hopes that some kinds of the polar bears might survive the loss of sea ice caused by global warming.

    Researchers found the population living in a fjord in the southeast Greenland, which is surrounded by mountains and an ice sheet to the west, and ocean to the east. The sea-ice coverage lasts for only around 100 days each year. With sea ice in the fjord becoming smaller because of global warming, the whole group were expected to die out by the end of this century.

    But the isolated population has found a way to hunt without sea ice. The group, about 27 adult females, has been isolated from other polar bear populations along Greenland's east coast for at least 200 years.

    Tracking data from marked bears proves that they don't move far. For example, when members of the group went out of the fjord, the ice on which they sat sometimes got caught in the rapid water flow. "Whenever this happened, they would get stuck and then, they would have to jump off, swim to the beach and walk back home empty-handed," says lead author Kristin Laidre, an animal ecologist at the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Though the researchers failed to video their hunting without sea ice, the existence of this small population in conditions of low sea-ice coverage suggests there is a chance that the population can survive, even as sea ice flows away to farther north each year.

    1. (1) What have the newly discovered polar bears found?
      A . A place filled with ice sheets. B . A way to hunt without sea ice. C . A way to track sea ice flowing away. D . An ice sheet caught in the rapid water flow.
    2. (2) Why were polar bears in the fjord expected to die out?
      A . They are being hunted by human. B . They have lost their source of food. C . They can't stand the increasing heat. D . The sea ice there is becoming smaller.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from the text?
      A . The bears can swim very far to hunt for food. B . Kristin Laidre is negative about the future of the group. C . Once the group went out of the fjord, they might get into trouble. D . If the bears got caught in the rapid water flow, they wouldn't go home.
    4. (4) Which is the most suitable title for the text?
      A . Polar bear population can survive without sea ice B . Sea ice is becoming smaller because of the global warming C . Polar bear population may die out because of the global warming D . A newly discovered polar bear population has been stuck in a fjord
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    "Teamworking" is found everywhere within just about every organization. You can't get away from "teams" that may probably create something greater than the sum of its parts. Or so the theory goes.

    Every team needs a common goal. There must be a clear reason for the team to exist. What they are hoping to achieve should be something achievable but tough and inspiring enough to attract the members and keep their motivation alive. What's more, they should also be well prepared for the possible difficulties they may have in the process.

    Team members must be able to express their opinions freely and believe their suggestions will be taken seriously. This is important because the team may need to solve some complex issues. For example, it may discuss a sensitive topic. Should they keep their conclusion within the team or share it with other employees? This is an issue that all the members should agree on and honest discussion is needed.

    Conflict solving is also very important. Disagreements are natural and, in fact, debate and discussion should be encouraged. A team made up only of "yes men" can make disastrous decisions that few people honestly agreed with in the first place. For example, team meetings may not be a good place for a pair discussion, so "under-the-table" method may be better.

    It requires much more, but motivating people is most essential. Successful teamworking is not marked by how much progress the team makes toward its goals, but by how confidently its members complete their tasks with a sense of achievement and pride.

    A. Building a strong team is not difficult.

    B. He must be skilled in coaching them to reach goals.

    C. There are some ways to help get the most out of a team.

    D. Team building isn't just throwing a few people together.

    E. So there should be rules on how to handle disagreements.

    F. Besides, good teamwork is built on open communication.

    G. And all the members should realize the value of what they are going to do.

  • 6. 完形填空

    Some years ago, I was stuck on a crosstown bus during rush hour. The bus was filled with cold, tired people1with one another. Two men2at each other for an unintentional push. An elderly woman got on, and nobody offered her a3. Anger was in the air; no4could be found here.

    As the bus approached Seventh Avenue, the driver's words came from the speaker. "Folks," he said. "I know you've had a(n)5day and that you are depressed, but I will6. When each of you walks by before getting off, drop your7into my palm (手掌). My route goes right by the Hudson River, into which I'll8them. "

    It seemed as if a spell had lifted. Everyone burst out laughing, their faces shining with9. The passengers who had been10each other's existence were suddenly grinning(咧嘴笑) at each other—is this guy serious?

    At the next stop, just as11, the driver held out his hand, palm up, and waited. All the12passengers performed the gesture of dropping something into his palm. The driver13the same action at every stop that followed.

    Occasionally we may sink into a grey world, but someone can14it like a ray of light, showing us hope. What if we are the light? 15, anyone possesses the power to shine on others' dark days.

    A . satisfied B . associated C . impressed D . annoyed
    A . waved B . nodded C . barked D . shot
    A . reminder B . seat C . ride D . choice
    A . mercy B . fortune C . courage D . security
    A . tough B . average C . important D . fruitful
    A . make comments B . show up C . help out D . take risks
    A . memories B . troubles C . faults D . tips
    A . transform B . stretch C . accompany D . cast
    A . envy B . greed C . pleasure D . pride
    A . suspecting B . ignoring C . expecting D . appreciating
    A . ordered B . promised C . requested D . reported
    A . chosen B . fooled C . sitting D . exiting
    A . repeated B . designed C . interpreted D . evaluated
    A . divide B . explore C . reward D . brighten
    A . However B . Instead C . Actually D . Consequently
  • 7. 语法填空

    In a world that is full of different kinds of colors, red quite stands out. In China, people call this color China Red, has become a quite popular expression (catch) the world's attention.

    This expression fully shows Chinese people's special love for red. So why are the Chinese really fond of it? One reason (lie) in the color's rich meaning in Chinese history and (tradition) culture. In ancient China, red (regard) as a symbol of health, energy, happiness, hope and so on. Now red things can be (common) found across the nation, for example red lanterns. People can find red lanterns across China, especially during (festival) and holidays. During the Spring Festival, people will see red lanterns hanging on front gates of houses and stores, trees, etc. Besides red lanterns, things Spring Festival couplets(对联) and invitations are also often red.

    In a word, red is popular in China and it's more than just a color. It carries the rich culture of this nation. And you're welcome (feel) and discover it in China.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,得知由于国际交流的需要,你校的校史馆正在招募英文讲解员,请你向负责人Harry老师写一封申请信。要点如下:







    参考词汇:讲解员 commentator

    Dear Harry,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    It was a lovely spring morning in the mountains of my home. Here was full of natural atmosphere. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and the air was fresh. As driving along the winding road, I could see thousands of wild flowers in bloom. When I turned round, I slowed down as I saw some volunteers picking up garbage along the side of the road. I just smiled as I saw them doing some cleaning in spring for Mother Earth and my mind suddenly floated back in time to another spring morning long ago.

    When my children were younger, I used to walk along a small route around the lake near my home. It was also on a spring morning that I noticed much garbage lying along the route. The next day, I brought a big garbage bag and started to slowly pick up the garbage along my way. All kinds of deserted objects lay all over the floor. There were pop cans, plastic water bottles, wrappers for candy bars, empty chip bags, pieces of broken fishing line and even an old shoe. Every time I stopped, I picked up a piece of garbage. And I even fished some garbage out of the edge of the water. By the time I circled the lake, the garbage bag had been nearly full.

    Tired but happy, I put the bag in an empty garbage can. I stopped before I headed home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever and I felt like the angels were looking down upon it with me and sharing my smiles.

    I always think that at times this world's problems can seem overwhelming and you may wonder what you can do to make a difference. But the truth is that every good thing you do matters a lot! I do believe every time I stop to pick up a single piece of garbage, I can make a difference. As my children are adults now, I decide to spend more time protecting the environment.




    I begin to encourage others to develop the environmental awareness.


    Many days have passed, and the surroundings have improved a lot.

