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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:39 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Copenhagen has GREAT public transport. It is reliable, safe, and easily accessible. Of course, like everything in Copenhagen, it is not cheap. The system can be a little confusing, even for locals, but we're here to help simplify it all for you! And today our focus is Travelling with a Bike.


    Bicycles can be taken on s-tog lines for free but you can't take bikes through Nørreport station during peak hours. To take your bike on a train, you need to put it on the first or last carriage, clearly marked with large signs of bicycles on the outside.

    To take a bike on a regional train, which takes you to parts of Denmark outside Copenhagen, you must buy an extra ticket. The price depends on the distance and varies from 16 kr to 28 kr.


    Bicycles can be taken on the metro for an extra 13 kr. You need to pay for the bike with its own ticket. You can't take your bike on the metro during peak hours.


    You can bring a bike on a bus but each bus is limited to two bikes, even if there is much space. Generally, people do not travel with their bikes on buses in Copenhagen.


    Charges for bicycles depend on the company and the destination. You will need to check with the ferry companies. When you book the ticket, you must state that you have a cycle, even if it's free of charge.

    1. (1) Who is this text probably intended for?
      A . Tourist guides. B . Bike travelers. C . Local citizens. D . Ticket inspectors.
    2. (2) On which public transport can you take a bike for free?
      A . A peak time s-tog train. B . A weekday regional train. C . An off-peak metro train. D . A weekend ferry.
    3. (3) What is the disadvantage of bringing a bike on a bus?
      A . Buses are too crowded. B . It's against the local custom. C . Availability is not guaranteed. D . It's not welcomed by other passengers.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Born in New York in 1918, scientist Gertrude B. Elion had an impressive career, during which she developed medicines to cure many major diseases. Elion spent her early youth in Manhattan. She attended senior high school and had, in her words, an unbelievable thirst for knowledge.

    Influenced by the death of her grandfather, who died of cancer, Elion entered Hunter College at the age of 15 and graduated in chemistry at the age of 19. She had difficulty finding employment after graduation because many laboratories refused to hire women chemists. She found a part-time job as a lab assistant and went back to school at New York University. Elion worked as a high school teacher for a few years after finishing work on her master's degree.

    The start of World War II created more opportunities for women. At the age of 26, Elion was able to get a job at Burroughs Welcome, where she began a 40-year partnership with Dr. George H. Hitchings. Her thirst for knowledge impressed Dr. Hitchings, and he permitted her to take on more responsibility.

    Elion and Hitchings set out on a course of creating medicines by studying the chemical composition of diseased cells. Rather than relying on old trial-and-error methods, they used the differences in biochemistry between normal human cells and pathogens(病原体) to design medicines. In all, Elion obtained 45 patents on medicine and was awarded 23 honorary degrees.

    In 1988, Elion received the Nobel Prize for Medicine, together with George H. Hitchings and Sir James Black. She received other awards for her work, including the National Medal of Science in 1991, and that same year, she became the first woman to be absorbed into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 1997, she was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award.

    1. (1) What can we say about Elion as a high school student?
      A . She had a satisfying part-time job. B . She had a strong desire for learning. C . She had a gift for chemistry at high school. D . She made great achievements in chemistry.
    2. (2) Why did Elion choose to study chemistry at college?
      A . To meet her grandfather's wish. B . To find a good job after graduation. C . To create medicines to cure diseases. D . To be a chemistry teacher in the future.
    3. (3) When did Elion start working for Burroughs Welcome?
      A . In 1944. B . In 1937. C . In 1933. D . In 1984.
    4. (4) What does the author mainly tell us about Elion in the last paragraph?
      A . Her later life. B . Her contributions. C . Her interest in chemistry. D . Her honors.
  • 3. (2019高一下·慈溪期中) 阅读理解

        We human beings haven't been good friends to animals. For thousands of years, we have been polluting the environment, making it hard for animals to live on the planet. We have been killing animals for their fur, feathers or meat, or simply because they are dangerous. As a result, many kinds of animals have disappeared forever. Hundreds more are on the endangered list today.

        Should we care about animals? Of course we should. If animals of a certain kind all disappear, they will never come back again. Animals are more than just resources of things we need. Every kind of animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying any kind of animal can lead to many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks(鹰), the corn and grain that the farmers stored were destroyed by rats and mice. Why?Because hawks eat rats and mice. With less and less hawks to keep down their numbers, rats and mice multiplied quickly. And if people kill too many birds, the fields will be bothered with insects. It is because birds eat insects. When there are less and less birds, more and more insects will eat the crops.

        Luckily, we've realized that we shouldn't kill animals any more. And people are working hard to save those animals that would disappear soon. The government also passed laws to protect the endangered animals. In fact, quite a few countries have passed such laws. These laws forbid the killing of any kind of animal on the endangered list. We should try our best to protect and save the endangered animals.

    1. (1) Why do people kill animals?
      A . Animals cause endless trouble. B . They kill animals for something they need. C . Animals destroy their natural balance. D . They kill animals to control their number.
    2. (2) The example that farmers killed hawks shows that     .
      A . there are too many rats and mice B . animals are very beautiful and interesting C . animals are good food resources D . every kind of animal is very important in nature
    3. (3) What can be learned from this text?
      A . Killing off one kind of animals would cause some new problems. B . The endangered animals should be kept away from people. C . People cared much about animals because they relied on them. D . The number of dangerous animals increased too fast in the past.
    4. (4) What is the author's attitude towards the future of endangered animals?
      A . Doubtful B . Uncaring C . Optimistic D . Negative
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Your child is unique, but what all children have in common is natural curiosity and an ability to learn they are born with. Our brains are active all the time, and a baby's brain is the busiest of all. Research has shown that babies begin to understand language about twice as fast as they actually speak it. By showing children other languages at an early age, you are giving them the opportunity to make use of their natural ability to hear and recognize between the sounds of other languages, and their ability to make sense of what they are hearing.

    Communication is something that children do to help them achieve something else, and they are unaware of the large amount of learning taking place. They take everything in through their senses, making connections between what they hear, see, smell, taste and touch. As long as we provide the right conditions, their learning and development will take place in a natural way.

    In your child's early years, the emotional environment is just as important as the physical environment. Children learn when they feel safe, happy, valued and listened to. This is central to any learning experience in a child's early years, including learning an additional language. Your child has a trial-and-error approach to its development, and making mistakes is a valuable part of the learning process. When children learn an additional language at an early age, they get the benefits of experimenting with that language as a natural part of their development. Their progress isn't prevented by a fear of getting it wrong, and very young children are simply working their way towards getting it right.

    The long-term benefits of learning another language go beyond being able to communicate with others. Studies suggest that children learning an additional language tend to score better on standardized tests because learning languages develops listening, observation, problem-solving and critical(批判性的) thinking skills. These are skills that are of life-long benefit, both personally and professionally. Encouraging in children a love of language at an early age prepares them well for school and for life.

    1. (1) What do we know about Children according to Paragraph 1?
      A . Children are busy playing. B . Children are born to speak. C . Children are good at speaking native language. D . Children have a better ability to learn other languages.
    2. (2) While learning a language, children __________.
      A . speak to themselves B . need to have language classes C . make use of their different senses D . notice how much they have learned
    3. (3) Children learn when they __________.
      A . are in bad emotion B . do not make mistakes C . learn from their mistakes D . are taught by their teachers
    4. (4) In fact learning another language helps children to _________.
      A . take more tests B . have a good time C . encourage themselves D . develop life-long skills
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    True friends are hard to find. . Only then will we have a valuable friendship.

    . Through good times or bad times, they will stand by your side. They will not leave you alone when things get difficult. They will accept you without trying to change you. They will bring new and exciting things into your life and make it richer.

    True friends will keep your secrets as you will keep theirs. They will be honest and you can always believe in them. , you don't have to worry about what you may say wrong. We can enjoy this freedom only with friends.

    Friendship is a two-way street. To find a true friend you must be a true friend as well. and share the good times with them. Offer them the same things they give to you. Friendship will fall apart quickly if only one person is giving and putting effort into it.

    You will find that there is nothing more valuable than having a true friend by your side to share life with. Just as someone puts it " ".

    If you want to have some sincere friends, you must treat others sincerely. That is the best tips.

    A. Be there for your friends when they are in need

    B. We never make friends

    C. We should find them by heart

    D. Friends always argue with you

    E. A true friend is someone who will always be there for you

    F. If you talk to someone who you believe in

    G. There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    One day a man was asked to paint a boat by the owner of the boat. He brought with him paint and 1 and began to paint the boat bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he 2 there was a hole in the boat and decided to 3 it. When he finished painting, he received his money and left.

    The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and 4 him with a nice check, much 5 than the payment for painting, the painter was surprised. "You've already paid me for painting the boat!" he said.

    "But this is not for the paint 6. It's for having repaired the hole in the boat. "

    "But it was such a(n) 7 service. Certainly it's not worth 8 me such a high amount for something so unimportant!"

    "My dear friend, you do not understand. Now let me tell you what 9. When I asked you to paint the boat, I 10 to mention about the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and 11 a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a 12 in the boat. I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was 13 because I remembered that the boat had a hole. Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.

    "Then, I 14 the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved my children! I do not have enough money to pay your 'small' good deed. "

    So, no matter who, when or how, just 15 repair all the "leaks" you find.

    A . chains B . brushes C . beliefs D . pens
    A . assumed B . reminded C . found D . ignored
    A . repair B . wipe C . hide D . measure
    A . admired B . treated C . presented D . comforted
    A . higher B . less C . quicker D . wealthier
    A . award B . kindness C . job D . skill
    A . cheap B . small C . valuable D . additional
    A . lending B . selling C . borrowing D . paying
    A . happened B . existed C . impressed D . classified
    A . decided B . hated C . forgot D . remembered
    A . went through B . went on C . dreamed about D . reflected on
    A . hole B . sign C . rule D . danger
    A . angry B . desperate C . embarrassed D . sufficient
    A . pulled B . spotted C . examined D . destroyed
    A . possibly B . carefully C . actually D . finally
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Nowadays, our classrooms, neighborhoods and communities become (much) diverse(多样化的) than ever before. People from different (country) and cultures continue to spread out around the world. Different skin colors, languages, physical abilities and clothing (be) some of the types of diversity that we experience every day.

    How we respond to this diversity will decide not only our future as a person but also our future as a society. As Maya Angelou said, "In diversity there is beauty and (strong)". Tolerance(宽容) means openness to the differences that exist among us all. It means respecting and learning from others, (value) our differences and discovering what we have common.

    The opposite of tolerance is closed-mindedness. Arguments, fights and wars (cause) by closed-mindedness from time to time. In contrast, humans are open to differences will create a more peaceful world and have better opportunities in life whether through education, work or friendships. So having tolerance will change our life for the better, and make the world better place. Difference is of the spirit of humans and we should learn (respect) it.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你和几位英文爱好者在互联网上建立了一个名叫EasyEnglish的英语学习网站。请你在校英文报上写一篇短文,向你校学生介绍这个网站。要点如下:







    EasyEnglish Is Waiting for You

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I love to play the piano and I greatly enjoy performing my songs, so when the annual winter recital was canceled, I was disappointed. I had looked forward to it for a long time and had already prepared two of my best songs.

    My mom had a wonderful idea, however, to turn this disappointing letdown into something worthwhile. "You can perform your songs at Carriage House Senior Living," my mom suggested brightly. "I'm sure the seniors there who do not have families visit them that often, would really appreciate the music and you could play more than just two songs."

    I immediately thought this was a great idea. One of the things I did not like about the recitals was that I was limited to playing just a couple of songs. Playing the piano at Carriage House seemed like a win-win situation because not only would I get to play more songs, but I would also have the chance to cheer up the residents there with some lively tunes.

    My mom called Carriage House and made arrangements for me to perform. In the coming days, I worked especially hard to polish up fifteen pieces that I thought the crowd would enjoy, including many old classics.

    When the much-anticipated day finally arrived, my family and I drove to Carriage House. Walking through the enormous double doors, we stepped into an entryway that overlooked the spacious grand dining room. Right at the entrance to the dining room stood the piano as if it were just waiting to make some music to liven the place up a bit. At nearly every table several gray-haired women or men were seated enjoying their dinner and the company that the crowded room provided. Despite the conversations going on at various tables though, isolation hung like a dark cloud in the room.

    Almost immediately, we were greeted by an old woman with a walker who introduced herself as Phyllis in charge of Carriage House. She welcomed me and led me to the stage.




    As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound.


    Nervousness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance with the old.

