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更新时间:2023-05-10 浏览次数:124 类型:期末考试
一、Read and write. (10%, 1% each)
  • 1. Bonk was happy to see Lurk at school. At recess, they wrote riddles for each other.
    1. (1) It is the day before today.
    2. (2) It is an animal. It is black and white. It lives in the bamboo forests in China.
    3. (3) It is a large room in a school. Students and teachers eat meals there.
    4. (4) It is the day after Thursday and before Saturday.
    5. (5) It is a kind of sport. You wear special shoes to move around on ice.
    6. (6) It is the first meal of the day. People have it in the morning.
    7. (7) This person works in a lab. He studies science when he works.
    8. (8) It is the tenth month of the year. China's National Day is in this month.
    9. (9) It is a large room or a hall. People go there to do exercise and get fit.
    10. (10) It is a place. People go there to enjoy reading. They can also borrow some books there.
二、Read and fill in the blanks. (10%, 1% each)
  • 2. Read and fill in the blanks.

    Bonk had a school trip and he sent a postcard to his pen pal, Mark.

    April 11th, 2021

    Dear Mark,

    How are you? I'm with my classmates and teachers in Rainbow City. This was my first trip by t . I was excited. we v a big forest park this morning. First, we climbed a high m. Next, we went cthere. It was fun. Then we looked at some cute animals. I t pof them. After that, we went to a garden. We d some green tea in a small teahouse. Green tea is h so many people like it. At last, we went to a g shop. I b a notebook for you. I hope you'll like it.

    Best wishes,



    3/B Tree Road

    Pizza Town

三、Read and choose T or F. (10%, 2% each)
  • 3. Read and choose T or F.
    Bonk went back home. He told his parents about the animals in the forest park.

    There were lots of animals in the forest park. They all looked very happy and they were friendly too. I like all the animals in the park but l like the rabbits best. They are very small and cute.

    Here's some information about them.






    2 years old

    1 year old

    8 months old


    8 kg

    3. 2 kg

    4 kg

    Length of ears

    10 cm

    14 cm

    8 cm

    Length of tail

    9 cm

    5 cm

    6. 5 cm

    1. (1) Lily is older than Miffy.
    2. (2) Bobo is heavier than both of Lily and Miffy together.
    3. (3) Bobo's ears are shorter than Lily's.
    4. (4) Miffy's tail is longer than Bobo's.
    5. (5) Lily has the longest ears and tail.
四、Read and choose A, B or C. (10%, 1% each)
  • 4. Read and choose A, B or C.

    Bonk had a great day at school and he wrote it down in his diary.

    May 6th       Thursday          

    Today was a special day. We had a running race in the PE lesson and I came third. Hurray!

          Two years ago, I1fat and weak. I was 50 kilograms and 1.2 meters. I was unhappy. My classmates2 strong. I wanted to be like them too! I was slow in running. I was always the last in races. My classmates 3 at me.

    This year I started to 4! Every morning I get up 5 six. My dad and I run in the park before I go to school. After school, I often play 6 with my friends. Now I am thinner and 7 than before. Best of all, I can8 fast!

    9we will have a sports meet. I 10 with my friends in the running race. I will do my best!

    A . am B . was C . were
    A . was B . are C . were
    A . laugh B . laughed C . laughing
    A . change B . dance C . win
    A . at B . in C . on
    A . badminton B . the pipa C . the basketball
    A . strong B . stronger C . strongest
    A . run B . runs C . running
    A . Every month B . Last month C . Next month
    A . ran B . run C . am going to run
五、Read and choose A, B, C, D, E or F. (5%, 1% each)
  • 5. Read and choose A, B, C, D, E or F.
    Bonk won the running race. Eden the reporter interviewed him for the school newspaper.
    A. What is he like?
    B. What does he like best?
    C. Who is your favourite teacher?
    D. When did you come to this school?
    E. Can I ask you some questions for the school newspaper?
    F. How did you feel when you first came here?

    Eden: Congratulations, Bonk! You won the race!
    Bonk: Thank you.
    Eden: You are a new student in our school and we want to know more about your school life. 
    Bonk: Sure.
    Bonk: I came here in September last year.
    Bonk: I felt sad and lonely. I didn't know anyone and I missed my old friends.
    Eden: How about now?
    Bonk: Now I enjoy my school life very much. I have many new friends and my teachers are all kind to me.
    Bonk: I like Mr. Jake best.
    Bonk: He is very clever and hard-working.
    Eden: I see. Thank you for talking with me.
六、Read and choose A, B or C. (5%, 1%each)
  • 6. Read and choose A, B or C.

    Bonk liked the reading festival. He read an interesting story and learnt a lesson.

    Once upon a time, there was a grasshopper and an ant. The grasshopper was lazy, but the ant was very different. The ant worked hard all summer, but the grasshopper just sat on a leaf and sang.

    "Why are you working so hard? the grasshopper asked the ant one day. "You should come and sing with me. 

    "I don't have time to sing, " said the ant. "I must collect food for winter."

    "But winter's far away!" the grasshopper laughed. "Silly Ant! You should have fun now." The ant didn't listen to her.

    Soon winter came. The weather was cold. There was nothing for the grasshopper to eat. She was very hungry so she visited the ant.

    "What do you want?" said the ant when she opened the door. "I'd like some food," answered the grasshopper.

    "Why should I give you any food?" asked the ant. "You didn't work in summer so you have no food in the winter. You should learn your lesson!"

    BANG! The ant closed the door.

    1. (1) What did the ant do in summer?
      A . She sat on a leaf and sang. B . She collected food for winter. C . She played with the grasshopper.
    2. (2) Did the ant sing with the grasshopper?
      A . Yes, she did. B . No, she didn't. C . We don't know.
    3. (3) Why did the grasshopper visit the ant in winter?
      A . She was cold. B . She was hungry. C . She wanted to see her house.
    4. (4) How did the ant feel when the grasshopper visited her?
      A . B . C .
    5. (5) What does the story tell us?
      A . We should always be happy. B . We shouldn't give food to others. C . We should work hard and plan ahead.
七、Read and answer the following questions. (10%, 2% each)
  • 7. Read and answer the following questions.
    Bonk loves his school life. He wants to know about yours too.
    1. (1) What is your school like?
    2. (2) How do you come to school? Why?
    3. (3) When do you finish class every day?
    4. (4) What do you often do after school?
    5. (5) Which is your favourite class? Why?
  • 8.
    Bonk is very different from before. What about you? What were you like six years ago?
    How did you change? 请以My Changes为题,写一篇不少于8句话的短文,介绍你小学阶段的变化。


    Hello, my name is _________. I am _________years old now. I am different from before.
    Six years ago, _______________________________________________________________________

