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2023年高二英语语法配套练习:17 词语辨析

更新时间:2023-04-12 浏览次数:52 类型:同步测试
  • 31. 虽然电子产品真的很有趣,但它们也会消耗很多能量。

    electronics are really fun,they also a lot of energy.

  • 32. 写出下列句子中画线单词的词性及中文释义。
    1. (1) A recently completed community survey revealed that nearly 100 households with school-aged children had no access to the Internet.
    2. (2) She accessed three different files to find the correct information.
  • 33. 写出下列句子中画线单词的词性及中文释义。
    1. (1) The mobile app performs the function of a panic button that people can easily reach when in danger.

    2. (2) Last week my computer stopped functioning after I did an update. 
  • 34. 写出下列句子中画线单词的词性及中文释义。
    1. (1) Students who find their focus suffers in the classroom may benefit from online classes.
    2. (2) Somebody thinks that the Internet has brought benefits to people who want to get in touch with others with the same interests.
  • 35. 写出下列句子中画线单词的词性及中文释义。
    1. (1) There's a lovely stream that flows through their garden.
    2. (2) I bought this app purely to stream movies and music from my laptop.
    3. (3) Sweat streamed down my face as I forced the last word of my ninth-grade English presentation to a class of twenty students.

