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更新时间:2023-11-30 浏览次数:33 类型:期末考试
一、根据发音规则, 将正确的选项填在横线上。(5分)
  • 1. 根据发音规则, 将正确的选项填在横线上。

    A. house

    B. snow

    C. rainbow

    D. birthday

    E. football

    1. (1) Look! The good player is reading a book.
    2. (2) Oh, no!I see a mouse with a big mouth in my .
    3. (3) I paint a above the train on a rainy day.
    4. (4) I will say"Happy "to May this Tuesday.
    5. (5) Look out of the yellow window, a snowman is in the  .
  • 2. 理解单词意思, 选出同类单词, 将正确的选项填在横线上。

    A. forest

    B. delicious

    C. polite

    D. speak English

    E. Thursday

    F. hamburger

    1. (1) hard-working   young   
    2. (2) draw cartoons   watch TV  
    3. (3) healthy   hot   
    4. (4) Tuesday   Wednesday   
    5. (5) mountain   lake  
    6. (6) salad   sandwich  
三、读句子, 根据图片情境选择正确的选项。(6分)
四、选择填空, 将正确答案的序号填入括号。8分
  • 17. 阅读对话,选择正确的选项(六选五)。

    A. Who is your Chinese teacher?

    B. She's very nice and cool.

    C. My favourite day is Friday.

    D. Is she strict?

    E. Yes, we do.

    F. What do you have on Mondays?

    (May is visiting a school in the UK. Ken is a student in the school. )

    Ken:Welcome to our school!


    Ken:I have English, maths, science and Chinese.

    May:Chinese?That' s amazing!

    Ken:That's Ms Zhang. She's from China.

    May:Oh, really!What's she like?

    Ken: We all like her.


    Ken:Yes, sometimes.

    May:What's your favourite day?

    Ken:Because we have beef noodles on Fridays. I love beef noodles.

    May:Haha, beef noodles are delicious.

  • 18. 某小学五(1)班学生要举行5周年班级生日趴。阅读下面的留言条, 完成任务。

    We'll have the 5th class birthday party next Saturday. What can you do for the party?Here are the notes to Miss Brown.

    Dear Miss Brown,

    Lily and I can cook. Lily can make salad and sandwiches, I can make cakes and cookies.


    Dear Miss Brown,

    Tony and I can draw. We can make a poster for the party together.


    Dear Miss Brown,

    I can sing the song"Shining Friends"with Cindy. John can play the guitar for us.


    Dear Miss Brown,

    We can't sing or dance. But we can do the cleaning. And we can put up the balloons.

    Leo &George

    1. (1) 根据学生留言,选择正确选项完成Program List.

      A. Lucy

      B. Lily

      C. Music team

      D. Art team

      E. sing an English song

      F. do the cleaning

      Program List



      Food team

      make salad and sandwiches

      make cakes and cookies.

      Mike & Tony

      make a poster

      Jenny &Cindy


      play the guitar

      Cleaning team

      Leo & George

    2. (2) When is the birthday party?
      A . Next Sunday. B . Next Tuesday. C . Next Saturday.
    3. (3) If you can play the erhu, which team can you join in?
      A . Food team B . Music team C . Art team
  • 19. 阅读故事, 选择正确的选项。

    Mr Piggy lives with his wife, Mrs Piggy and his son, Simon. Mrs Piggy is so hard-working. She does all the housework:cooks the meals, cleans the rooms and washes the clothes. . . "No!I don't like the vegetables. They don't taste good. They are yukky!" says Simon. ""The rooms are dirty. There are toys everywhere. Clean them!" shouts Mr Piggy. Mrs Piggy is tired day after day. One day, Mrs Piggy is missing(不见了). She leaves a note with"You two!too lazy. "So Mr Piggy and his son do all the housework. "Mum, that's too hard. When are you coming home?" One week later, Mrs Piggy comes back. From that day on, Mr Piggy and his son share (分担) housework with Mrs Piggy.

    ——改编自Anthony Browne《Piggy book》

    1. (1) How may people are there in Mr Piggy's family?
      A . Four. B . Three. C . Two.
    2. (2) What's Mrs Piggy like?
      A . She likes housework. B . She is hard﹣working. C . She can do housework.
    3. (3) What does the word"yukky" mean?
      A . Not delicious. B . Not healthy. C . Not fresh.
    4. (4) Who does the housework at last(最后)?
      A . Mr Piggy and his son. B . Mrs Piggy. C . The Piggy family.
    5. (5) What does the story want to tell us?
      A . The man in the family should do all the housework. B . Everyone in the family should share to do the housework. C . The children in the family should do lots of housework.
  • 20. 阅读短文, 判断正误。

    The FIFA World Cup 2022 is in winter in Qatar(卡塔尔). Look at the mascot(吉祥物), is it cute?Its name is La'eeb-"a great player" in Arabic (阿拉伯语). There are some famous players in Qatar 2022, Messi, Ronaldo, Modric. . . It's a wonderful football game.

    There are other interesting football games in the world. Do you know RoboCup?It's wonderful, too. The football players are all robots. We call them NAO. They're not tall, only 58 cm. But they are strong. They can kick the ball, pass the ball. . . Goal!They're clever, too. They can work well in a team. Football needs teamwork. Of course, NAO can't play football as well as(和……一样好) the real football players now. But in 2050, they can play with the real football players. Let's wait and see!

    1. (1) The FIFA World Cup 2022 is in Qatar.
    2. (2) The mascot La'eeb means"a great player".
    3. (3) NAO are the football players in the World Cup 2022.
    4. (4) NAO are clever, and they can play with the real football players now.
    5. (5) The FIFA World Cup and RoboCup are both wonderful.
  • 21. Mike喜欢去大罗山自然公园写生, 请你根据他的素描画, 介绍一下大罗山自然公园吧。补全小短文, 再写两句话哦。

    Meet Daluoshan Nature Park

    Daluoshan Nature Park is in Wenzhou. It is very big and beautiful. There  some big rocks. They look like a long dragon. There is a big in front of the high mountains. It's quiet. There are many flowers  the lake. And in the lake there are many fish. They're so.

    You see, white clouds, blue sky and clear river. . . So nice!There is an old bridge .


    What a great nature park!

    forest, house, flower, tree. . .

    in, on, near, in front of, behind, beside, above . . .

    tall, big, long, clean, nice, quiet, cute, pretty, funny. . .

  • 22. 和弟弟妹妹共用一个房间是什么体验?阅读下面Alice的故事, 选择正确单词完成短文, 有些单词要变形哦。

    draw   be   read books   year   play

    I'm Alice. I have a sister Anna. She is three  old. We share a room together. But I really want to have my own room. Do you know why?Look, there  lots of toys and crayons on the floor. Anna often pictures on the wall. There are some picture books on the sofa. It's my work to  for her when mum's not at home. What's that behind the door? Oh, it's her ball. She can  with the ball in the room. What a mess!

